
The Roman Road in Greece

After the independence of a small modern European country, Greece, the process of recasting the glory of Eastern Rome, describes a period of passion burning at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century! Constantine XII led the strong rise of the Greek people! Reasonable deduction on the basis of history. Original Chinese author: 无尾熊a

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Chapter 27-On the Cruise

 "If you don't mind, you can come and have a meal together." Although this man is a shy man in his shabby clothes, Banning still invited him.

  When the man heard the words, his eyes turned uneasily between Emma and Constantine, or Emma made the decision for him: "Dad, eat."

  The immature little hand pulled Dad's sleeve toward the dining table.

  Driven by the constant hunger like the waves in his belly, the man sat down in embarrassment.

  Constantine nodded to the waiter.

  "Constantine, this gentleman is Schmidt, and this is Banning, all my friends," Constantine said, pointing to the two.

  The man sitting at the dining table said, "My name is Lloyd. This is my daughter Emma."

  Lloyd looked at the girl in his arms and said.

  "You are going to immigrate to the United States, right?" Constantine asked.

  Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to travel oceans with such a young child.

  "Yes, I used to work in a steel factory. A month ago, my wife Annie passed away. Medical expenses ran out of my savings. After inviting the pastor to see Annie off, we were already impoverished and lost our job in the factory. "

  At this point, Lloyd's face showed a touch of sadness.

  While talking, the waiter brought another lunch.

  The man looked at the food in front of him, swallowed his throat, and said dejectedly; "I have no money to pay."

  "It's okay, just enjoy it." Constantine pushed the tray towards Lloyd. "Do you have any plans when you come to America?"

  Lloyd gobbled up after hearing Constantine's words, apparently starving.

  Hearing Constantine's question, he took a sip of borscht with a spoon and sent the bread in his mouth to his throat.

  "A few days ago, I met the U.S. ambassador to the U.K. and was speaking in public. I heard from him that American steel companies need a lot of workers, especially experienced workers, who are well paid and can borrow money to buy ships. Tickets, as long as you sign a contract for a few years."

  These Yankees really know how to eat ready-made.

  The United States reaps the benefits, without education and training, it has thousands of skilled workers from Europe.

  Since the end of the Civil War, the United States has raised tariffs on industrial products several times. Domestic factories have sprung up. The country is rapidly industrialized and the economy is developing rapidly. A large number of workers are needed everywhere.

  The United States then hit the idea on those workers in Europe.

  In order to recruit skilled workers, some European companies organized groups to recruit in Europe and even paid travel expenses.

  The United States became independent in the 18th century and became the world's number one economic power at the end of the 19th century. It took only more than 100 years.

  The rapid development speed is jaw-dropping.

  Since 1881, there has been another wave of immigration to the United States. Every year, hundreds of thousands of Europeans travel to the United States across the oceans.

  It can be said that the Americans were able to achieve a counterattack at the end of the 19th century, surpassing Britain to become the world's largest economic power, and the role of European immigrants should not be underestimated.

  It seems that Lloyd is also a member of the immigrant army.

  "Then why are you...?"

  "I..., my only two pounds entangled and lost at the gambling table, so..." Lloyd said vaguely.

  Emma, ​​who was held by Lloyd in her arms, held a handkerchief in her right hand, raised it high, and wiped the corners of Lloyd's mouth.

  "Fortunately, the steel company issued the ticket, otherwise you won't be able to get to the United States."

  "Yes, when I come to the United States, I will definitely work hard. I heard that there are more opportunities in the United States. There are no superior noble masters. As long as you work hard, you may get rich."

  "Also, as long as you have American citizenship, the United States has a homestead law that grants immigrant land free of charge. As long as you cultivate a piece of land for a few years, you can get the cultivated land." said Land, Lloyd was very excited and beaming. .

  The European region is densely populated and narrow, and the land is basically owned by the nobles.

  In the 19th century (1800-1900), European countries just abolished the serf system, which means that not long ago, there were still a large number of serfs in Europe.

  From the perspective of productivity development or human progress, the first industrial revolution is the most important page in human history, and its groundbreaking significance cannot be overemphasized.

  The industrial revolution directly opened the curtain of human beings using science and technology to replace manpower in production, and since then, productivity has developed rapidly.

  However, for those farmers and workers who have personally experienced this important moment of mankind, they may not be so happy.

  Because of the rapid development of the Industrial Revolution, it was accompanied by the blood and tears of farmers and workers.

  Just look at those child laborers who don't see the sun in the coal mine, and go into the mine with dust all day, just for a bite of bread, you will understand.

  They are under pressure at their age and shouldn't be under.

  Although people in later generations will emphasize the importance of the Industrial Revolution in a complimentary tone, but for farmers and workers who have personally experienced this historical moment, they would rather survive the cruel oppression of capitalists on workers. The age of agriculture.

Compared with every hour of the day, they are as busy as a clockwork clock. After the busy farming period, the peaceful and quiet rural scenery is more attractive to them.

  The land of the Americas has a strong appeal to the European poor.

  In any case, this trip to the United States must gain the support of this increasingly powerful country, whether it is Banning or Constantine, after hearing Lloyd's words, their minds are surprisingly consistent.

  The cruise ship drifted in the Atlantic for about 10 days. Finally, the crew on board notified the passengers that was about to arrive in New York, USA.

  On the morning of October 22, the cruise ship sailed to the mouth of the Hudson River in New York. In the morning light, the statue of Liberty standing tall on the island was clearly reflected in the eyes of the cruise crew.

  I saw the goddess wearing a Greek-style robe (it seems to be a Greek), holding the torch symbolizing freedom in her right hand, holding the Declaration of Independence in her left hand, and breaking the shackles and handcuffs at her feet, which symbolizes breaking free from the oppression and ravages of tyranny.

  The goddess welcomes every immigrant from the autocratic Europe into the arms of the free America. This is the first American sight seen by Europeans from afar.

  The passengers flocked to the ship's side, waving their hats at the Statue of Liberty, and shouting excitedly.

  For those immigrants on the cruise ship, they should really cheer, because there is no autocratic monarch to rule them (at this time most European countries are still ruled by monarchs, such as the United Kingdom).

  The next to rule them is the American capitalists.

  Pier in New York Harbor.

  Emma, ​​who was hugged by Lloyd on her shoulders, waved her hands vigorously, bidding farewell to Constantine in the distance, until she could no longer see her.



  "Will we see them again?"

  "Yes, as long as you are alive, there is always a chance to meet again."

  "Here you, Dad," Emma took two gold coins from the pocket of her skirt and handed them to Lloyd.

  "Where did this come from?" Lloyd asked in surprise.

  "Brother gave it," Emma said.


  Just like Lloyd and his daughter came to the United States to find a new life for themselves, Constantine will also seek his own opportunities.