
The rise of the Ultimate species

Kirean silver dies in a nuclear blast, ends up getting an opportunity of a lifetime with his own overpowered species and his system see how he conquers his new universe! !!don’t worry about the Ultimas being over powered early on because they will really need it when they start expanding out words this is not a chump universe a runt here can be a god in others and they’re a lot to happen before they start steamrolling everyone like a lot I don’t think it’s going to be until a a hundred or a few maybe less oh and my grammar and spelling is trash I’m new!!! Plz don’t read for a serious novel because I’m really bad and it’s going to take time to improve so take it like something fun to read and make fun off but don’t take it serious btw this novel is very unrefined most of this is coming of the top of my head all I have is a general idea so if you have any advice or ideas of yourselfs plz tell

TheprimordialGod · Fantasía
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75 Chs

Nano bots!

<p>As Alex showed Stephen around Stephen couldn't help but be shocked at how big this place is and how much people were in here this place was not necessarily full but it had atleast over 5 million people all trading or traveling Stephen even went to the merchant area where Alex stoped and turned to him and said "before we go forward I must tell you about the coins I gave you, they are planet coins our coin economy is built around asteroid coins,moon coins,planet coins,sun coins,system coins,galaxy coins and universe coins each coin has the energy of what it is named after so the planet coins have the energy of planets this is the prime time to use planet coins as we are all planet lords as of now the living materials and regular resources are extremely cheap as they have little energy you could buy enough for billions of your people to live for a long time" as Alex finished his introduction to the economy so Stephen isn't lost and makes a dumb decision and buys something he can't use Stephen on the other hand was taking in all his words but was beyond stunned as they had information that stunned him like "planet coins" and the other coins all scared him silly as how power was one to be to make something so small have the energy of a whole planet and the words of "planet lords" scared him aswell as he believed this is their strength system and if it's true then to have a level with the name planet was insane as that implies a lot in his head "stop with all those questions if you really want to know ask forefather" said Alex as he starts to walk forward stunning Stephen as he just now realizes that they could probably read minds <br/><br/>As they were walking through the market Stephen couldn't help but think about being careful with his thoughts when he heard Alex sigh and say "Stephen you don't have to do that but be my guess in fact no one would take advantage of you while reading your mind it's too low for us it will probably help you more than not as no one would take advantage of your thoughts" Alex said knowing that it was useless as Stephen will still have his doubts about his words so he just went to find a good shop that can hopefully clear his doubts Stephen just like how Stephen thought still had his doubts as Alex kept walking something caught his eyes it's a shop called Nathan's robotics as Alex walked in followed by Stephen he was greeted by a young man with a smile "hello captain Alex it's a pleasure to meet you" the young man turns to Stephen and asks "who might this guest be?" Stephen just simply says "I'm Stephen" the young man smiled and says "oh if it isn't captain Stephen it's nice to meet you as I'm aware you want to buy resources and living supplies leave it to me I can get you what you need" said the young man obviously reading stephens thoughts but at this point Stephen was used to it and just said "thank you… what's your name sir" asked Stephen while the young man smile and said "it's Nathan this is a shop I built while saving up for 40 years"said the young man while Stephen said "thank you Nathan" while the young man turned to Alex and said "captain Alex may i interest you in this new robot I've thought about" said the young man while point at a jar filled with robots the size of cells seeing he got Alex's attention Nathan said "this is a new building and repair method I've thought of I call it nano bots it's a robot the size of cells but with trillions on trillions of them they can build New Haven in 25% of the time they can repair ships aswell the nano bots have a all for one runs on them making them capable of building and repair in any environment the nano bot being the size of a cell makes it extremely cheap to the point that 1 asteroid coin can buy 100 nano bots but you would need hundreds of thousands of trillions to make them work with good efficiency" said Nathan while Alex was deep in thought of this introduction as these nano bots are a real asset to his fleet as his fleet is going to be on the frontlines all the time so he asks "what's the energy consumption" Nathan smiled and said "it can consume anywhere from 1 moon worth of energy to 1 planet worth of energy it depends on the number of nano bots deployed at the time" said Nathan while Alex got into thought as nano bots would be amazing for him and he was also thinking of a way to introduce him to forefather as he has a great mind to think of this but Alex knew if amber wanted she could of gotten this technology out in a short time and better if she was focusing on it but Nathan was 60 and amber was over 10,000 the amount of years of experience with the two was vastly different and that's what makes him an asset in Alex's mind as with little experience he could make this it's truly a genius <br/><br/>As Alex was thinking Stephen was just standing there flabbergasted as something that can build a 100,000 km space station In just 25% of the time was impressive even if he didn't know how long it took them to build the original he was convinced that with their strong bodies and powers it would be record time across the universe as Alex came out his thought he said "how about this I can introduce you to someone that can give you a job" Nathan was stunned as this implied a lot it was either meeting the person he looked up too amber or meeting all of their idol forefather the thought of this possibility had him excited as he quickly said "I'll meet them" as a big smile can be seen on his face at the possibility of being just like the person he looks up too amber </p>