
The rise of the battle saint

Johan Seo was a successful office worker who got promoted to become a branch manager. one night while celebrating, he died in his sleep. who knows maybe someone poisoned him or he just drunk to much. but Johan's life didn't actually end there, he was given a chance to live another life but in different world. he was transfered into an Elf Prince's body named Lex, but the prince is pretty much crippled, he's not loved by mana. but on top of that he has the ability to learn any skill just by seeing it. this is the story of Johan, no, Lex, to became the battle saint.

ZEROFUKU1001 · Fantasía
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70 Chs



"With this, I should be stronger than the four Pillars."Lex said.

"What's the four Pillars?"Happy asked.

"They're the strongest here in the academy."Lex answered.

"But not anymore."Happy said while smiling and punching in the air."Let's massacare them."

"Heh, you know nothing."Lex replied.

Lex first headed to the principals office.

"Oh, you're here, I guess there will be another changes in this academy."Principal Miller stated.

"What do you mean?"Lex asked.

"Well you see, while you were gone, the other top freshmens challanges the four Pillars."Principal stopped and sighed, then he added."the four chosens were defeated, then the 10 Pillars emeges."

"And those Pillars is?"Lex asked.

"You may know the others, here, look at this file."principal Miller handed a file to Lex.


1.Ilumi Hares.

2.Andrea Leamon.

3.Leon Klides.

4.Akira Quin.

5.Jin Ali.

6.Oliver Vonhoug.

7.Hillary Chills.

8.Jill Monte.

9.Melody Loush.

10.Averi Vilwer.

'All three of them is here, even Andrea is here.'Lex thought.'Maybe I'll join them, but with how things is, they must have improved too if they can win against the 4 Pillars.'

Lex then headed to his residence after getting dismissed by the principal.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Wait!"Oliver shouted.

When Oliver opened the door, he saw Lex.

"Hey! Lex is back!"He shouted, then the other two came to welcome him.

"Hey, we misses you!"Jin said, Leon nodded and smiled to Lex.

"But what is that thing in your shoulder."Oliver asked.

"Oh this?it's Happy."Lex introduced happy to the others, but when Oliver is about to touch him, Happy clawed him."don't touch me."Happy said.

"Ah!"Oliver screamed."what kind of happy is that?"

"Happy is his name dude."Lex said.

"What kind of name is that?"Oliver commented.

"Alright enough nonsense, I want to know everything about this 10 Pillars thing."Lex shifted the topic.