
The Rise Of Hebe

•Princess Graciana Syrcouse Princess Graciana/Grace is the adopted daughter of an alpha king of Syrcouse pack, Mateo and her wife Aurellia. Grace is the lead protagonist of this story. Events in her life will slowly unfold the storyline as she is a human and only heir to the throne of her pack. But no body in her pack knows that she is adopted and a human. But in reality she is not just a human but more than that, she herself doesn't acknowledge her powers yet. Whole story will revolve around her journey to explore her true identity. •Alpha king Aloysius Corinth King Aloysius/Aloy Corinth leads the Corinth pack, a fearless and cruel king. He is the male protagonist of this story. Her father was killed in a war with Syrcouse pack and now Aloy lives only for revenge. He wants revenge, he wants to destroy the whole syrcouse pack. Story will slowly unfold different shades of his character from ruthless husband to Grace to a loving son to his mother and caring brother to his sister. •Synopsis Story takes place in year 1111, when Mateo and Aurellia find Grace in a forest to their way back home. They are a childless couple so they raise grace as their daughter and never reveal to anyone that she isn't their real daughter. Mateo becomes the Alpha king of his pack after he loses all his brothers in the war and by rules, Grace, a human, becomes the next heir to the throne. She grows up into a beautiful princess, unaware of the fact that she is adopted. On the other side, when Aloysius loses his father in the same war, he sits on the throne, promises to his pack to avenge every death of that pack. He grows up into a ruthless, merciless, cruel king. Now the only motive of his life is to avenge his father's death and that's how he will end up marrying Grace due to revenge, unaware of the fact that Grace is not Mateo's real daughter and she is only a human, but later in the story it will be revealed that Grace is not just a human but incarnation of goddess Hebe, she will slowly acknowledge her powers and now Aloysisus's fate will be in her hands. Will she forgive him? Will she fall in love with him, forgetting all the hell he put her through? Or will she kill him for good? Destiny will decide the consequences of this forbidden love.

GloAddington · Fantasía
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4 Chs

1.The human baby.

Year 1111

A dark chaotic rainy night, clouds were roaring in anger as if they were sending a warning to the people living under their shadows, The silver sparkling lines of lightning in that dark sky was making it even more horrible. Winds were flowing like fearless warriors, every tree in the forest was dancing on that chaotic rhythm of storm. Somewhere deep in the forest near Mount Olympus, A werewolf couple was trying hard to get out of this unknown territory before the storm reaches at its zenith.

"I don't think we can escape from this storm, Mateo." She-wolf said, turning herself back into human form, her light brown eyes looked here and there in fear to find a way out of this forest. Her light pink lips were trembling because of cold drops of rain pouring on her body like a shower. She was probably in his early thirties. Her mate also turned himself into his human form and looked at his wife, who was totally drenched into rain. He put his hand on shoulder to assure her.

"Don't worry Aurellia, we have seen so many situations worse than this one. We will find a way if we are together." He said, smiling at her, making his grip on her shoulder a bit tight to assure her. She just nodded in response. "Let's just search for some shelter." He said, while moving towards the mount Olympus, completely unaware of his destiny. The destiny which will change his life forever. They both tried so hard to find shelter but all the efforts went in vain and finally when they were about to give up, Aurellia's gaze landed on a cave, it's entrance was covered with different colored flowers, unknowingly her lips curved into a smile, she sighed in relief as soon as she realized that it could be a perfect shelter for them.

"There, look at that, Mateo! There's a cave." She exclaimed in happiness, walking towards the entrance of that cave. Mateo looked in the direction his wife was walking to. He smiled as soon as his eyes landed on the entrance. "This is perfect." He whispered under his breath.

They both went in, it was filled with silence and darkness. They couldn't see anything so they didn't go deeper in the cave as they didn't want to take any risk and decided to spend the night near the entrance. They both sat there for sometime and slipped into a deep slumber with no time.

Next day, Aurellia woke up by the sound of bird chirping, she tried to open her eyes but couldn't as the direct sunlight was hitting her face, after adjusting to the sudden burst of light, she looked at Mateo who was sleeping peacefully, she smiled.

"Mateo! Wake up! We have to go a long way back home." She said in her soft voice, looking at his husband's handsome face. He frowned, "Good morning!", and said in his sleepy voice. After sometime when they both were about to leave, Aurellia saw a light blue reflection on the right wall of that cave. It looked so beautiful on that dark colored wall that Aurellia couldn't take her eyes off it.

"Mateo! Look at that! What is it? It's so beautiful." She said, walking towards that wall to find the source of that blue reflection, her each step was taking her towards her destiny and she was completely unaware of that. Slowly, admiring the beauty of that reflection, she walked towards the source of that reflection. Mateo followed her as well. After walking straight for ten minutes, she finally reached in front of a huge lake filled with blue water, whose reflection was on the wall of that cave. She smiled looking at the lake. It was so beautiful, so mesmerising. She looked at Mateo and smiled. "Isn't it the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?" She asked, looking at him with those light brown eyes which were now full of happiness and excitement. He chuckled at his wife's excitement.

"Hmmm" He said, admiring the beauty of that blue lake. Suddenly they both heard crying, like a baby was crying near that lake. They moved their gaze to look around and found nothing but that sound could still be heard. Mateo and Aurellia decided to go deeper in that cave, following the shore of that lake. After walking for five more minutes, crossing some small entrances, they reached a place where a basket decorated with flowers was placed in front of a huge statue of an ancient goddess. It had four arms, with a crown on the head and it was probably made of marble as it was white. They both were sure that sound was coming from that basket only but they couldn't reach it as it was on the other side of the lake and they had no idea how deep that lake was.

"What should we do now?" Aurellia said, looking at her husband with pleading eyes.

"I'll go there, you stay here." He said and jumped into the lake to go to the otherside of the lake. Fortunately the lake was not that deep. Mateo reached the other side within no time and took a look in that basket and a beautiful smile appeared on his lips as soon as he saw her.

"It's a human baby girl, Aurellia!" He exclaimed in happiness, taking that basket in his arms. Aurellia smiled at him," Bring her to me" She said. Mateo carefully placed that basket on his head and crossed the lake carefully. Aurellia took the baskets in her hands as soon as Mateo came out of the lake. She looked at the baby with full motherly affection. She became calm as soon as Her cute little fingers twirled around Aurellia's finger. She looked at Aurellia with her bright blue eyes and smiled with those cute little rosy lips. Aurellia couldn't take her eyes off her, her motherly affection was clearly seen in her light brown eyes which were looking at every inch of that baby's face. Her face had a different kind of charm in it, a divine glow. Mateo saw her wife this happy after a long time as they lost their twins five years ago and Aurellia went into depression after that. The effect of her mental health was so huge that she never conceived after that incident. They both wanted a child but now Aurellia wasn't physically fit to bear a child so they dropped this idea of having their own child.

"Isn't she beautiful?" Aurellia said, looking at her husband, a tear of happiness escaped from her eyes unknowingly. Mateo nodded while wiping her tears off.

"But we can't take her with us, Aurellia. What if her parents come back in search of her?" Mateo tried to make her understand the situation and for a second Aurellia's smile disappeared as soon as her ears heard the harsh words of reality. She had built a beautiful life in her mind with that baby, millions of dreams shattered when a dagger of reality hit them. She looked at Mateo without blinking.

"Then we'll wait here for them. If they don't come, we will take her with us." She said in a stern voice, her eyes became lifeless again at the mere thought of losing that little girl. Mateo noticed the sadness in her eyes and sighed.

"Let's take her with us, we will leave our pack's seal sign here, if anyone comes here in her search they will understand that someone from our pack took her and they will come to us." Mateo said, smiling at her. Aurellia's eyes sparked again with happiness as if someone just fixed her millions of broken dreams again, someone just gave her a hope to live again.

"Yes! We should do this. Let's take her with us for now." She said, smiling widely at Mateo. Mateo took a sharp stone and made his pack's seal sign on the wall and they both left the palace after that.

After travelling for a week finally Mateo and Aurellia reached their hometown Syrcouse, a beautiful town of werewolves, full of life, a well developed area with all the advanced facilities, surrounded by royal guards as the Syrcouse pack was at war with the rival pack Corinth. Familiar faces of fellow werewolves greeted them with a bright smile on their faces even though it was not the best time for them to smile. Their houses were destroyed by the attacks of Corinthians, the town was in total ruckus, children were crying for their dead guardians, elders were trying to build back their houses but still they were happy because their favourite Prince returned after so many years. After walking for five more minutes they reached in front of a huge palace, a beautiful building made of marbles and grey stones, carefully decorated with gemstones. The guards bowed as soon as they saw Mateo and opened the door. They entered and walked towards the throne hall through a huge corridor.

"Nothing has changed." Mateo said while looking at those huge silver chandeliers hanging down in the corridor and that Pietra dura work on the walls of the palace, full of precious gemstones.

"Mat! My son!" Suddenly a sharp voice greeted their ears, a woman in her early sixties, wearing a black gown with a beautiful crown on her head came running to Mateo.

"Mother!" He said, looking at her, embracing her fragile figure tightly into his arms, tears rolled down his cheeks as he was meeting her mother after seven years. His Mother broke the hug and looked at his face with those old dull black eyes. She touched his face and smiled with wet eyes.

"I missed you, Mateo!" She said, tears rolling down her wrinkled cheeks. Suddenly she paused for a second and looked at him with a big frown on her forehead.

"A human? There's a human smell! A strong one." She said, sniffing around and her eyes landed on a basket held by Aurellia.
