
The Revenge of Rana يؤيؤن ㅛㄴㅎㄴㅓㄷㅗㅑㅇㅓ

Mature Content 21+. Please be wise! Kirana must swallow bitterness when Adrian, her fiancé, betrays her love. Adrian married another woman while she was pregnant. Not only did Adrian betray him, but Adrian's family cheated and seized Kirana's family-owned company. Kirana's father even died because he could not accept that reality. Not quite there, the mother even suffered from depression. Kirana was desperate. Her world collapsed until someone came to lead him to get back up and prepare to demand revenge. However, can Kirana settle her revenge? When love comes back, it grows even wilder.

Yuanda9 · Ciudad
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24 Chs

1. Betrayal

Kirana couldn't believe what she saw. Her chest felt tight, tears just flowed down her cheeks, and her legs were shaking. Adrian, her fiance, had a wedding with Sintia. Kirana knows she is Adrian's best friend. They seemed to smile happily to greet the guests one by one. There were both Adrian's parents, who also looked very happy.

Kirana walked up to them, "Adrian!"

"Kirana? What are you doing here?" asked Adrian.

Sintia, besides Adrian, hugged Adrian's hand tightly and looked cynically at Kirana.

"I should be asking you, what are you doing here?" Kirana couldn't hold back her tears anymore.

She then looked at Julia and Ferdian, Adrian's parents. "Why do you not have the heart?"

Julia looked away, looking very uncomfortable with Kirana's presence, while Ferdian looked awry. They have been friends with Kirana's family for a long time, and they even run a business together. That's why they agreed to match Adrian with Kirana.

The guests who saw Kirana cry looked at each other and started whispering.

Suddenly someone grabbed Kirana's hand and led her away from the aisle. She is Angel, Adrian's younger sister. Angel took Kirana to a quiet room.

"Kirana, you calm down!" said Angel.

"How can I calm down? You guys betrayed my family and me?" Kirana snapped.

"This is sudden. We have to do this out of necessity. Sintia is pregnant, so you understand the situation, right?"

Kirana widened her eyes, so all this time, the trust she gave to Adrian was meaningless. They lie and hide behind the word friendship.

"Then what about me? I'm also pregnant with Adrian's child!"

Angel, who heard that looked surprised, but the following words that came out of Angel's mouth were enough to shock Kirana.

"Abortion! That's still very young, isn't it?" said Angel, without feeling.

"What...?" Kirana didn't continue her words.

"What can I do? My brother is already married," said Angel.

Kirana felt her head hurt, holding all the weight in her chest.

Then Angel said, "You go home now. Papa and Mama will come to explain!"

Angel left Kirana just like that.

Kirana could no longer stand because her legs felt weak. She leaned her body against the wall and slowly sat down and wept bitterly. Crying for herself, her parents, and the baby in her belly.

After crying for a while, she tried to muster up her strength and stepped outside again. Though she was limping without looking at those laughing happily, contrasting to how pathetic she was.

Adrian looked at Kirana, who was walking among the crowd of guests, his gaze was sad, but he couldn't just leave.

Kirana walked down the street, unsure of direction and purpose. She won't know how long she walked. Tears were still running down her cheeks. Kirana saw a bus stop not far from where she was standing, then walked and sat there.

Next to Kirana sat someone who had been following her since she started leaving Adrian's wedding hall. Kirana was indifferent and didn't notice the presence of the person who had been following her.

The person was a woman in her 50s, modest in appearance but elegant, with dark glasses on her face. All the items she wore were branded items that cost hundreds of millions, but they didn't look too flashy.

Kirana is confused, she didn't bring the car when she left, and now she intends to order a taxi.

Suddenly the woman was singing loudly enough and confidently as if no one was around.

Kirana, who saw it, felt strange and confused. She thought, could this woman be out of her mind?

"Everything can end, people will change, and you know what? Life has to go on." The woman spoke, looking at Kirana.

Kirana is getting confused with the woman beside her. Did she know what Kirana had just experienced? Who's she?

"Who are you?" Kirana asked.

The woman smiled and replied, "You'll find out soon enough."

A luxury car stopped in front of them. The woman got up and asked Kirana, "You need a ride? I'll take you!"

Kirana shook her head. How could she get into a stranger's car? The woman smiled, then got in her car and left.

Kirana was left alone at the bus stop, her feelings hurt again thinking about what she knew today.

"It seems that tomorrow Papa and Mama have to meet Kirana's family, break off the engagement and say that Adrian is married," said Angel, when night.

"Oh, Papa, go there. Mama is lazy to make small talk, let alone apologize to them." Julia said lazily to her husband.

"We have to go together. Aren't you close to Kirana's mother? We have to apologize," said Ferdian.

"That was back then. Now I am lazy, especially now that Kirana's family is on the verge of bankruptcy," interrupted Julia.

"Didn't all the company shares now belong to Papa? Did they know that?" asked Angel.

"Of course, they don't know it yet, and soon they will sell all their shares. At that time, we can tell them. Mama can't wait for Ratih's reaction when she finds out that all of her husband's shares have fallen into our hands. Now I don't have to humble myself in front of her anymore," said Julia, with her sly expression.

"Never mind, tomorrow you have to come with me to their house. Besides, this might be the last time to visit them."

Julia sighed and pursed her lips. She couldn't refuse her husband's orders. Ferdian got up from his seat and walked to the bedroom. However, suddenly his steps stopped because he heard Angel's conversation with his wife.

"Kirana is also pregnant, whether it's true or not."

"What? Don't tell this. Adrian can't know this. He has to focus on Sintia, who is also pregnant. Mama will only have grandchildren of descendants commensurate with us, especially if Sintia's family is richer than us." Julia said while putting one index finger on her lips.

"Did you say, Angel? Kirana is pregnant?" Ferdian approached them again. Julia and Angel did not expect Ferdian to still listen to their conversation.

"Yes, but she could be lying," answered Angel.

"Adrian is outrageous. How can he impregnate two women at once?"

"Papa, surely Kirana is just making it up. She could have said that to thwart Adrian's marriage," said Julia.

Meanwhile, Adrian, who was at his house, looked restless this afternoon. He had been thinking about Kirana. There was a disturbing feeling in him about Kirana. Even though at first they were matched and he did not love Kirana, gradually feelings of belonging and affection came to him for Kirana.

When Sintia was in the bathroom, Adrian grabbed her cell phone and turned it on to open dozens of chats that Kirana had sent a week ago. He read through the message one by one until he found one note that surprised him.

[Honey, I'm pregnant! How about this?]

English is not my primary language. Sorry if it's not perfect in writing.

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Please see my other story: Don't Touch My Hands or You Will Die

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