
The Revenge of fallen Wife

Everything that can go wrong goes wrong at Evie's wedding, her husband cheats on her, unknown pictures are surface and her mother died. Will a prince be charming who can save her from this hell?

Jerry_Purpdrank · Ciudad
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4 Chs

Chapter 3:- Death Unknown

Roy Glisson's eyes scanned Hannah Bradley and Evie's faces for a while before he went into the bathroom and closed the door without saying a word.

The sound of water could be heard in the bathroom. Evie angrily looked at Hannah Bradley,

"That photo was also done by you, right?"

"So what if I did it?"

"You are shameless!"

"Evie, this is not the first time Roy and I have had sex. We started having sex on

your birthday."

Hannah Bradley looked at Evie and Hannah Bradley smiled proudly, "I have a crush on Roy for a long time and have always wanted to have sex with him. On the night of your birthday, I pretended to be drunk and had sex with him."


"Look at this and you'll know if I'm talking nonsense or not?" Hannah Bradley picked up her phone and clicked on a video.

Evie only took one look and she could not continue watching. She raised her hand and gave Hannah Bradley a slap.

Hannah Bradley did not dodge. After Evie finished slapping, five clear fingerprints

appeared on Hannah Bradley's pretty face.

Hannah Bradley was actually smiling, "Later on, we made love many more times. Do you still remember that one night I stayed at your house? You slept like a dead pig. Roy and I had sex on the sofa. "

"You are a bastard!" Evie was driven mad by her. Evie slapped again but was held up by a hand.

Evie did not know when Roy Glisson came out of the bathroom. Roy Glisson shook Evie's hand away and said, "You are not qualified to hit Hannah!"

Evie looked at Roy Glisson anxiously. "Roy. The photo was fake. Hannah Bradley had just said... The photo was intentionally synthesized by her. She even said that she had a crush on you for a long time. She did all of this to break us apart. "

"Stop it!" Roy Glisson interrupted Evie.

"Evie, I did not expect you to not only have no morals, but also slander others. The photo was given to me by my sister. It has nothing to do with Hannah."

"What? The photo was given to you by Siya? " Evie looked at Hannah Bradley in disbelief and Hannah Bradley revealed a proud smile to her.

"Evie, I have never had anything to do with Roy. That's right. I do have a crush on Roy, but I have always kept this love in my heart. I never thought that you would do such a thing. To be honest, I really feel sorry for Roy. You don't deserve his love. Roy just wanted to forgive you. But you actually... "

"Hannah Bradley, you shameless woman. I will not let you go!"

"You actually did not repent at all, and you still dare to threaten Hannah? " Roy Glisson raised his hand and slapped Evie.

"You hit me?" Evie was so angry that her whole body trembled. "Roy Glisson, you


"No matter how much of a bastard I am, I can't compare with an unfaithful woman like you. You appear to be pure on the surface, but on the inside, you are a slut. I actually believed that you are a virgin!"

Roy Glisson's eyes were red as he stared at Evie. If his gaze could kill, his gaze would

have already pierced a few holes in Evie.

Roy Glisson's ruthless words stabbed into Evie's heart like a knife. Evie felt pain all over her body.

Evie wanted to say that the photo was fake. Evie wanted to say that everything was not what Roy Glisson thought.

But Evie looked at Hannah Bradley beside Roy Glisson. She suddenly realized that there was no need to explain anymore.

No matter how much Evie said, she could not change the fact that Roy Glisson and Hannah were having an affair. Staying here was only a humiliation to her.

"Roy Glisson, I will sign the divorce agreement. Don't worry. I am not the kind of person who keeps pestering you!"

After Evie said this, she resolutely turned around and took heavy steps as she left the

villa step by step.

Looking at Evie's determined back, Roy Glisson was speechless for a moment. Hannah Bradley's voice came from behind Roy Glisson, "Roy, should we stop Evie? She looks very unstable. What if she does something stupid and hurt herself?"

"Why are you worried about Evie? A woman who can do such a shameless thing will not seek death!"

Roy Glisson's heartlessness now was in stark contrast with his tender love for her in the past.

Evie bit her lips hard and forced herself not to cry. She stumbled out of the villa.

Evie opened the car door and sat in the driver's seat, ready to start the car. She drove for a distance and suddenly found two people sitting in the back seat in the rearview mirror.


Before Evie could say anything, someone hit her on the back of her head. She felt a sharp pain and instantly went unconscious.

Two figures came out from the backseat of the car. One drove the car and the other quickly tied Evie up and sped towards the beach.

Three days later, a piece of news shocked J City. Evie committed suicide because her

affair before marriage was found out.

The police found her car and her shoes by the seaside. They speculated that Evie had

committed suicide by jumping into the sea. Hundreds of police officers had been fishing by the sea for a few days, but they did not find Evie's corpse.

Although Evie was dead, rumors kept spreading. The matter of her cheating before marriage had caused a lot of commotion.

For a moment, this beautiful and talented daughter of a wealthy family had become the biggest joke in J City.