


Mrs O'Leary teleported a kilometre away from Artemis' camp. That was because she had set up a shield that did not permit any monster to teleport near the camp. It looked like it was about to get dark when I arrived like it was about to be 6 in the evening. Before it got too late, I quickly rode Mrs O'Leary back to camp. It took me 15 minutes to reach camp.

I reached the camp, but I have no clue where everyone was. I walked a bit further into the camp and couldn't believe my eyes.

I saw Artemis, pointing a dagger at Thalia saying "as per the rules you will die." I said what every normal person would say in such a situation. "What the f…." all the heads turned towards me.

Artemis dropped her dagger. I looked at Thalia, she had a scared look while her face was bloody. She had wounds all over her. Her nose and mouth bled. She had a cut on her chest. Her hand was twisted at an odd angle. Few parts of her body were swollen, which meant that the bones there were broken.

Then I looked at Artemis. She only had a few cuts on the face and arms. Then I looked around. The hunter has gathered around as if the fight was some show.

"Why?" I asked. All the hunters looked at their feet. "Why were you both fighting, Thalia and Artemis? TELL ME." Artemis looked like she had tears in her eyes and could start weeping anytime soon. "P…Pe….Percy…." Artemis tried to say.

"Stop Artemis. I expected better from you." That was all I said. Artemis started weeping. She murmured, "Percy I am sorry." And left disappeared into nothing.

I understood it was somehow all my fault, so I took the initiative in hand. I commanded all the hunters to take Thalia to the infirmary and to improve the condition of the camp since the camp was in ruins due to the fight. I then ran to the infirmary, where Thalia lay. I quickened her healing process with my magic for I had to go and find Artemis.

I informed the hunters that I was going to find Artemis and that they need to take care of the camp till then.

I called Blackjack to my aid and told Mrs O'Leary to guard the camp. I kept looking for Artemis for the next few hours.

I was flying across the coast when I saw Artemis sitting on the edge of a cliff watching the sea and the moon. I parked my Pegasus below the cliff and quietly went up to the cliff. I went to Artemis and said "Artemis? What are you doing here? You need to come back with me to the camp."

Artemis looked at me. She was still crying. "Percy, I am sorry. I can't go back to camp. I have let everyone down. I fought with Thalia for petty reasons and now I have even disappointed you." She wept.

Percy tried to consolidate her. He then asked "why were you fighting for? Could you please tell me?"

Artemis just lowered her head. She tried to say something and blushed but I couldn't hear her. I asked her to repeat herself so she blushed even harder and said, "I am in love, with you."

She tried to run away but I grabbed her hands. I pulled her towards myself and kissed her.

We kissed for 5 minutes. And those were the best five minutes of my life. Artemis then pulled off and I said "you know, I love you too. I loved you from the day since I came here, but I thought that I had no chance with a goddess, that too, of maidens."

Artemis just put her hands on my cheeks and said, "And here was me thinking that you liked Thalia all along."

After listening to this, I hugged her and whispered "Idiot." I am sure Artemis smiled while returning the hug.

After this, we went back to camp on blackjack since both of us were extremely tired. I healed her real quick on the way.

When we reached camp everyone was shocked and happy to see me and Artemis. They ran towards us to welcome us. I helped Artemis get off the horse and lead her towards the centre of the camp where everyone stood looking at Artemis. She looked at me and I nodded, as she had to explain herself.

Artemis then started telling them "Huntresses, I have a confession to make. I am in err…. Love with Percy Jackson." Artemis inhaled and continued "Thalia, I am sorry for fighting you. I felt jealous because you spend more time with Percy than I did. I also felt insecure that Percy loved you instead."

Thalia looked shocked. She walked towards Artemis and smacked her on the head. "Idiot. Did you seriously think I would fall for this stupid, ugly seaweed?" "Hey!!" I shouted from behind. "I am super sexy." "Yeah right." That was the only response I received.

"Well never mind Seaweed brain, I would rather like it if he was the one who you loved. Oi seaweed, do you love Artemis?" she asked. "More than anyone."

At this almost most of the hunt was happy. Cally came running to me and hugged me. While one hunter, Trudy, attacked me while shouting things like how I defiled their mistress et cetera. I just raised my hand and hit her on the head due to which she fell.

Artemis was angry at Trudy for attacking me. She moved closer to me and said "Percy and I are now a couple. Anyone who has a problem with me or Percy may leave the hunt."

Nobody moved. "I guess all is now clear." Then Artemis kissed me. "Ready the dinner. I am hungry. And yes, Percy, today you will eat with me."

Dinner was set in an hour. The hunt was enjoying their dinner. The hunters laughing and eating and talking. While Artemis and I were eating together. Artemis raised a spoonful of rice to my mouth when suddenly Hermes appeared.

He stared at us and said, "You two are together already?" we stared at him. "Is it too obvious?" "It's so obvious that Aphrodite keeps talking about how oblivious you two are that you can't even realize that both of you like each other," Hermes stated. "Oh" was all I could say. "Well, on to the real matter. Zeus has called you. There has been a new prophecy, which means it's time you reveal yourself to the camps as well." He said.

Oh shit.


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