
The Return of Gods and Goddesses

Thousands of years ago, the gods and goddesses that are now considered mythologies fled from Earth in order to pave the way for the planet’s inscription on the Akashic Records of the Universe. In the year 2022, a cataclysmic change occurred. Humans gained the power of the Universe in the form of systems! Simultaneously, gods and goddesses were allowed to go back to Earth once more. The fight between humans, gods, and other races from the Universe has come. {Ultimate Quest: Conquer Earth} Description: Various societies from all over the Universe aim to conquer Earth. As its residence, repel the invaders and conquer Earth in the name of humanity!

ChaosEternal · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
8 Chs


"{Inscribe}!" Aezir said.


Notification (1): Wisdom increased by 1

Notification (2): Advanced-tier Basic Mana Book is successfully inscribed


Aezir felt mana being robbed from his body and directly going to the book. 'Woah!' he thought in fascination. It is only now that it occurred to him that it meant anything when it said "anything."

"{Retell}!" Aezir cast it out of curiosity.

The book in his left hand then opened to the page where the Advanced-tier Basic Mana Book was inscribed. Once again, he felt mana being absorbed from his body. Suddenly, Aezir felt an innate sensation as to how to make the skill work. Following his guts, he placed his right hand forward and opened up his palm. An intricate and complex Runic Engravings in the form of a Magic Circle appeared in front of his palm.

"{Advanced-tier Basic Mana Book}!" activated Aezir.

The book then launched itself from the Magic Circle upon Aezir's command. "Uhm..." He could not help but utter in disappointment. 'That's it? I throw a freaking book?! Here I thought that it would actually do what is written in the book. Alas.' Aezir lamented. 'Still, this ability is broken if I can quickly understand things. It makes sense that I need a lot of Wisdom.'

Aezir then spent the rest of the day following the instructions written in the book. He absorbed mana to expand his base mana. It was a long and slow process. 'I should avoid doing this. It is much more efficient to just buy potions. Alas, why are there no Wisdom Potions in the shop?' sighed Aezir when he found it out. Thankfully, he realized that he could gain wisdom by completely understanding books since it adds to his knowledge. In a way, these are his potions.

He already checked earlier if the Wisdom increase was due to something being added to the book or by increasing his Wisdom manually, and he found the latter to be true.

'Oh right, the invasion had begun. I wonder how things are going. It seems peaceful here.'

Meanwhile, in Trece Martires City, Cavite, the city where Aezir is residing, was having a terrible time facing the disaster. A certain area where a doorway is open is filled with imps. They are small demonic creatures about 2'6" tall with pale green skin and thick red lines painted all over their bodies. They have long ears that are positioned vertically instead of at an angle. Their eyes are colored blood red while they stare at the humans in the area while drooling.

"F*ck this! We are all going to die!" Shouted a 17-year-old boy with kayumanggi (brown) skin. His hair is short and black, and he is wearing a red t-shirt with an anime character designed on it. It was fit enough to show the stacked-up fat of his stomach and arms. [1]

"Calm down, Alvin! Pick up a random pole of metal and start swinging!" A beautiful 17-year-old morena said. The wind is blowing her long black hair revealing a gorgeous face that exudes youth. Even though fear can be seen in her eyes, there are sparks of bravery in them as she positions herself in front of Alvin. [2]

"How ridiculous. Are you actually shielding behind a girl? Let me take this, April." A man said. He is of the same age as the two, but he was significantly taller than them at 5'9". He was holding two metal poles he grabbed from a destroyed building just across the street.

"Who says I am hiding? I am just choosing a weapon!" Alvin said as he nervously grabbed half the part of a broken car door. He trembled as he lifted the door and made it his shield.

"Do not give him a hard time, Gian. Let us just try and stay alive." April said while looking around. All directions were already filled with hordes of imps. They are the only people left in the area, and the only way to escape is to go through a horde.

"Alvin, why don't you go to the front? You have the shield after all." Taunted Gian

"You!" was the only word Alvin could say since he could not refute the logic behind it.

"It is fine; I will be the vanguard. Just try and stay alive." April said as she moved to the front despite having no weapon.



Notification (1): Your valor was noticed by the "Goddess of Valor" from Olympus, Arete.

Notification (2): Goddess Arete sent you a message, "Child, show me what you can do, and I will take you under my wing."

Notification (3): You received {Arete's Quest: Prove thy Worth}

[{Arete's Quest: Prove thy Worth}

Description: Goddess Arete was touched by your bravery. Rise, young lady.

Task: With a "Badge of Valor," Goddess Arete wants you to save the other two and escape this disaster.

Reward (1): Increase the favorability of Goddess Arete

Reward (2): Permanently obtain your "Badge of Valor."

Punishment (1): Decrease the favorability of Goddess Arete

Punishment (2): Lost your "Badge of Valor"]

Notification (4): You have received the "Badge of Valor."

[{Badge of Valor}]

Description: A badge worn by only those who showed exemplary bravery recognized by the Goddess of Valor, Arete.

Passive Skill (1): Increase your Strength by your Bravery.

Passive Skill (2): {Dauntless}


Description: A creature recognized by Goddess Arete should be dauntless.

Power: Increase your Bravery the more perilous the situation is.]

Notification (5): You have unlocked the stat Bravery.


The two men were stunned by the light that was covering April. It was emitted by the badge pinned on her collar. She was like a hero. The bringer of hope. The sign of bravery. The other two could not help but man up after seeing her stand.

"Come on, we can do this!" April rallied.

[1] Kayumanggi is the coined term for the skin color of the majority of Filipino people. Kayumanggi color has a deep caramel hue or brown.

[2] Morena is used to define a lady with brown skin. It is loosely similar to a brunette. Moreno is the term used to define a man.

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