
A ladder to climb (2)

Chester didn't like the idea of helping the woman before him fool a man who seemed to be married to someone else. The money was tempting as it would be just what he needed to get from where he was now to somewhere with better patients.

"Why did I pick a fool?" Beth sighed, pulling the envelope back, but Chester suddenly grabbed it. Beth moved her hands away, not wanting to be touched by him. "Does this mean you finally have some sense to accept? It is not as though I am asking you to harm someone. Just a small lie."

"I am not a well-known doctor for the person you are trying to fool to trust. Just one look at me and he might send me away," said Chester.

Beth inspected his simple clothes. "I will dress you differently and say that I have been coming to you for years which is why I trust you. You only need to speak about the pregnancy and nothing more. Don't try speaking about something that is not important around him."