
The Reincarnation of the Black Jade

A young adult with a troubled passed finds herself in the storyline for a historical drama of one of her favorite shows. Taken aback by the sudden change in worlds, she is thrown into a new era filled with drama, romance, and rivalries??? Read to find out more! ˙˚ʚ(´◡`)ɞ˚˙

INFJX · Fantasía
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45 Chs

Fever and Assassin- Chapter 24

I watched as she squirmed under my gaze. I moved towards her.

"Eva," I said slowly, she shuddered, her cheeks flushed as she started breathing heavily. I couldn't help but grin seeing her reaction. Her eyes darting across the room as she avoided facing me.

"Y-you!" She started, but I quickly cut her off, moving closer to her ear.

"You boldly ask the king to marry me, and hug me in public yet now…" I watched as she bit her lip. I clenched my jaw. Using my finger, I roughly turned her face towards mine.

"You can't even look me in the eyes?" I said. Her lips parted slightly as her breathing became harsher, her eyes clouded over with an unreadable emotion. She pursed her lips. As I looked for her. I quickly knew something wasn't right. Her shoulders were draped down weakly. Her ragged breathing was far too sharp to be an attraction towards me. I placed my hand on her forehead. I clenched my jaw once more.

"4th Prince?" She said softly.

"You're burning up, are you sick?" I said. She blinked a few times before pressing her palms on her cheeks.

"Now that you mention it… It seems like my cold has gotten worse." She mumbled. I narrowed my eyes towards her.

"You were sick and you still came here?" I said. She looked away, embarrassed. I sighed before bending down, I strapped my arms under her legs and lifted her.

"Y-You! 4th Prince!" She said, quickly grabbing my neck. I laid her down on my bed, she rushed to try and stand. I pushed her back down. "Let me go! The door is still- 4th Prince!" I smirked.

"If the door was closed, would you stay?" I said. She stuttered while searching for an appropriate response. I watched as she continued to squirm. Her eyes scanned the room nervously before shutting them tightly.

"I-If you are going to try something, just hurry up!" She said. My grin widened.

"Then, I have your permission?" I said. She didn't respond. I moved closer to her face with my eyes closed, filling the space between us. Opening my eyes, I smiled again.

"Your sick, rest here," I finally said. I stood up and walked towards the door.

"You!-" Before she could finish her sentence, I closed the door.


I felt my face heat up, even more, hearing the door close behind the 4th Prince, I slapped my hands on my face.

"You idiot! Stupid stupid, stupid!" I cursed at myself while hitting my face repeatedly. I rolled around in the bed, remembering what happened, I kicked my legs up.

"Stupid idiot!" I cursed again. After throwing a tantrum, I turned to the side, panting slightly.

'This stupid weak body!! If not for my fever, I…' I thought back to how close we were, our lips inches apart. I whined louder.

"Idiot!" I groaned. The 4th Prince, my favorite character in the show, yet I wasn't even able to, to kiss him!! I only got angrier with myself staying in the room alone. I sat up on the bed and flailed my hands.

"Such a good opportunity and I let it slip right out of my grasp!" As I put my hand up, someone knocked on the door. I gasped slightly and quickly covered my mouth. I stared at the door expectantly. It soon opened revealing Bella who was looking at me, equally as shocked.

"Miss? Why are you in-" I quickly signaled her to be quiet.

"Shh! j-just, come in and shut the door," I said. Bella nodded and quickly closed the door.

"Miss, I looked for you in the courtyard, and when you weren't there, I came here to see if you were with the 4th prince." She explained. "I brought your coat."

I nodded. "Thank you, Bella," I said, as I was about to stand, Bella quickly rushed in front of me.

"Miss! The Prince has ordered me to make sure you rest here while your fever goes down." She said. I pursed my lips but didn't object. I carefully laid back down.

"But miss…"


"Why are you in the 4th Prince's room?" She said. I coughed abruptly before rubbing the back of my neck.

"I-It's a long story. " I said awkwardly. I then remembered something. "Bella, can you tell me a bit about the 2nd Prince?" Bella thought for a moment before bowing.

"Apologies miss, I do not know much about him." She said.

"Alright, just tell me what you do know," I said. She nodded.

"Miss, the 2nd prince is the biological son of the 2nd concubine. His biological siblings are the 3rd, 5th, and 10th Princes." She responded. "However, I do not know much about his personal life other than he is unmarried with several concubines. He handles many of the country's affairs, along with helping the Crown Prince."

I thought to myself as she spoke.

'In the original show, the 2nd Prince was favored by many and becomes the Crowned Prince's advisor at the end of the show. But the aura I had felt from him… it was far too strong for him to still be a good character!'

I crossed my arms around myself, remembering the pit-deep fear I felt as the 2nd Prince stood closer to me. I closed my eyes,

'In comparison to the 4th Prince, the 2nd Prince seems like the real villain!'

"Miss? Are you cold?" Bella said.

"Oh, It's alright, I'm just a bit cold from the wind," I said. Bella nodded.

"Miss, I will go get you something warm to drink! Please stay here." She said as she bowed. Quickly, She left the room.

'So, it seems like that stone that hit me that day, was the black jade? Up until now, the only time it has work was for the Queen, and on our journey here, when I had scratched my hand.' I looked back at my hand, flexing it slightly. It was completely healed.

Just as I let out a sigh, a shadow dashed across the room. I quickly looked up, sensing the presence of someone else.

"Who is there?" I said. I looked around for something to defend myself with. My eyes landed on a vase behind the bed. I quickly grabbed it. The shadow flickered across the room once more. I quickly threw the vase with a shriek, the vase exploding into millions of shards.

"Stay back!" I yelled. The door opened abruptly.

"Miss?!? Are you alright-" Before Bella could finish, the cloaked figure grabbed her by the arm. Forcing her arm behind her back, they put a shard to her throat. I gasped.

"Bella! Unhand her!" I yelled.

"Tell me what your hiding!" The stranger demanded. I pulled the blanket from over me and was about to stand, they pushed the shard closer to her neck. I quickly froze.

"You! What do you want!" I said, my voice a blend of fear and anger.

"Tell me what you are hiding and the girl lives." They said. I clenched the blanket tightly.

"What do you want to know?" I said.

"Are you truly the black jade? What happened to the man in the carriage? Why do you choose to marry the 4th Prince?" They bombarded me with questions, I gulped slightly.

"I will answer you, but first unhand her.," I said slowly. They only moved the shard closer. Bella looked at me with fear in her eyes.

"Miss!" She exclaimed. "Whatever you are hiding, you must not tell them!" She said. I watched as Bella's skin cut open slightly.

"Be quiet!"

"Bella!" I pulled the bed sheets harder. "I promise you, I am not hiding anything! I dare not lie in front of the King and Queen!" The figure clenched the shard tighter.

"Last chance!" They warned. I looked towards Bella who was staring at me. My eyes began to water.

"Please! I-I-" I didn't know what to say. No matter if I told the truth or not, I would still not be believed! The situation sent me into a frenzy. My heartbeat sped up. As I clenched my chest tightly. My breath was stuck in my throat as I watched the figure raise their hand, prepared to stab Bella. My hand raised as I reached for her.

"Bella!" I cried. The door suddenly swung open ad the figure was pulled harshly away from Bella, She fell to the floor. I quickly ran towards her. My tears pouring freely. I hugged her, the pressure on my chest fading slightly.

"Miss! Miss are you alright?!" Bella asked, tears filling her eyes as well. I took a deep breath, my hand still on my chest as I nodded. We could exchange any more words, we heard the clashing of swords. I quickly looked up.

There was the 4th Prince, exchanging hits with the assassin. Quickly, however, the assassin was outmatched. The 4th Prince slashed at their legs, forcing them to kneel. The assassin groaned in agony.

"Who sent you?" The 4th Prince asked coldly, his sword just below their chin. I felt my gut wrench at the scene.

The 4th Prince had a deep cut on his arm, it tricked down to his fingers. His sword had splashes of the intruder's blood, the same sword pointed at their throat. I gulped before looking away quickly, my breath uneven.

I was never good at the sight of blood. Seeing it this up close sent my head spinning. My legs went numb as I sank to the ground, Bella quickly holding my shoulders firm, in an attempt to stabilize me.

"Miss!" She yelled. That seemed to reach the 4th Prince's ears as he put his sword away.

"Guards!" I heard him yell loudly. After several moments, guards came rushing up to him.

"Yes sir!" They yelled in unison. He didn't spare a glance at them.

"Where were you when you allowed an assassin to enter my chambers? Do you not want to live?" He said. His words were harsh and brutal but he said it with such a dull voice. I shuddered. They all bowed deeply.

"S-Sir, we-"

"Take him to the prison to be dealt with. Report to his Majesty as well. Tighten up the security here." He said.

"Yes, 4th Prince!" They quickly dragged the assassin away. My shoulders slumped as I leaned on Bella, She held me close to her. I grew tired from the series of events as my eyes flickered shut. Eventually, They remained closed as I rested my weight on Bella.

(Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed.)