
The Regressed Me : Little Miss Doesn't Want To Be A Scapegoat Anymore

[Warning : Mature Contents] Megha was an extraordinary genius and Martial arts Master of one of few powerful force in the whole Blazing meter continent she was the kind who born with a silver spoon and everything arranged for her future. Her father was a powerful and revered leader of Longevity Sect and as one of a few seed Dicsiple and heiress to the sect she can just wave her hand and things could be done. She, who basked in the praise and envy of the mass and hailed as a heroine and raising star unexpectedly find her life turned upside down in most unexpected way. For what cause? Her beloved father who was her biggest support dissappered without any lead her sect which has been her home for all those years chased her out. Chased out and hunted down by unknown forces she understands she was schemed against and their was definitely some conspiracy going on as both her enemies and Allies targeting her. Battered and bitterheart she fought day and night for the slim chance of everyday survival she determined clear her name and prove her innocence to no avail run to end of the world. When she cornered and at the end of her pitiful life and faced her grievous end at the hand of some no name canon fodder she was extremely unwilling and heart full of hatred just like that her miserable life come to an end. 'Hmm! why am I here, shouldn't I wake up in Netherworld' she looked at her surroundings with bewilderedment 'How come I wake up here.... and wasn't that statue shattered back in the fight' She carefully observed the place with wariness 'If I'm not mistaken this place was under the watch and constantly patrol by local forces' her eyes widen in panic as her understanding set in but all she could see was beautiful landscape. Her youthful and exquisite face and was stark contrast to the haunted glint in her eyes but all she could see and here was excited chirps of a colorful spirit bird ' Was this dream... they say when people die miserable death their soul sought out their happy memories is that it? ' She frowned lightly but her placid look gone in that instant as her eyes widen in horror "No!..." 'This can't be.... how could this be an- is this some kind of nightmare in netherworld?' she gasped. ___ ___ ___ ___ Megha accidentally find out a dark secret about one of her childhood friend and secret crush, she was extremely shocked and agitated not only that she also unintentionally find few truths about her family allies and finally able connect some dots slowly unravel the mystery surround her previous life death. As a person experience untold hardships and betrayals she vowed to take a different approach make her own path as she intend to ruin the life of her enemies and the force hiding in the shadow ' I will spare no one for their sin ' "Baang" with a loud sound the door of the house slammed open the youth in the house flinched away from the sudden sound "M-megha what are you doing here?" the youth stuttered in shock and panic. Her face was extremely cold she stalked into the room her eyes never left him, the youth subconsciously started to back off soon his retreat halted by the wall behind him. "W-what are you d-doing here in this hour" his eyes shifted from side to side as if he looking for a way to escape. Nothing escaped her eyes, her eyes were like hawks throughly scrutinizing him her expression was severe the look was nonchalant. HIs crimson hair stick to his forehead and Scarlet eyes widen and shaking as if he understand something he tried to persuade her in weak voice "Y-you shouldn't.... Don't d-do this plea-se" he was hyperventilating "Did you u-understand the reper-rcussions?" She sneered at him " Do you think I'm afraid of this threats 'little lamb'... haha! How amusing" she cackled she took out a dagger... [A/N: This is my second work for WSA 2023 so please support me and wish in this ardorus journey, for more. details please check Author Note Thank you so much, ❤U]

raven_lord017 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
47 Chs

Special Day and Surprises (Part 1)

Megha shook her head lightly and looking at Vanni with dead fish eyes her face was cold so was her voice as well " You are mistaken.... let's not talk about this matter"

Vaani was shaken up by the emotionless eyes come down from her high, she never know someone had such such a unnerving eyes and muchless from Megha, whom she know from their childhood.

She roughly grasped Megha from her shoulder forced her to look up as if she wanted to confirm what she has seen "Wh-what's wrong? Megha are you hiding something from me since when did you started to kept things for yourself "

Her pale blue eyes were contradict from some unknown fear she kept shaking Megha's shoulder harshly totally forgot about she and her were exhausted and injured from the fight.

"Okay, OK, big sister Aiyo! my shoulder hurts please stop it!" Megha helplessly get out of the blonde's grip "Sigh!" she noticed serious and unyielding look on the other party face and choose to compromise ' Well it wouldn't hurt to tell few things with caution.... who know I'm courageous enough to tell her whole truth later. It's better tell her few things... may be if this handled well things could come in handy if I... '

" What I want to say is I had taken notice of few things these past few years and realized we shouldn't blindly trust everyone in our sect so-"

"WHAT? " Vaani exclaimed then her eyes become little angry she decisively pinched Megha on her thigh *ouchh! * " Are you think this was something funny. If other disciples and elders heard it, you know what would happened"

Megha looked at her with tears in her eyes, with resentment it was very long time Vanni pinched her and admonished her. "You, YOU, why Did you do it?"

She was very naughty in their early childhood Vanni was the one who often admonished her and kept her in line with some light punishment, pinching her like this whenever she did something wrong, when she was around seven or eight she throw tantrum and refused to speak to Vanni for this, back then Vaani promise to never treated her roughly or pinch her for her little pranks before they could finally make it up.

In her first life she was never got pinched after that promise but she was very shocked by other party sudden attack her fingers were like a iron pincer the sudden pain brought tears in her eyes.

She didn't even cry a single tear when she was ambushed and seriously injured or cried when she was about to beheaded from some nobody but this was something she never expected it hurt like hell.

Megha glared at Vanni resentfully, " You promised to never pinch me again don't you? but you *buhuuu* wuuu wuu, you w-were bullying me again " she burst out to tears she wailed loudly.

Vanni was dumbfounded at loss to what to do Megha was even more shocked at her outbursts could not regain her emotions she was extremely embarrassed as well which fueled her crying further.

Never in her life expect something like this she someone lived and experience all sort of hardship burst out in tears in front of a teenage brat ' Why is this turned out like this?' she thought bewilderedly, Megha wanted to act cool and excellent in front her friends and family win their admiration and awe the sect but she really couldn't understand why she was facing this kind of situation.

She ignored the placating Vanni, who pleading and promising all sort of things but Megha smart enough to realize this has nothing to do with the pinch, ' Probably because my unstable emotions and anger ' as she felt her emotions slowly bleeding out.

It was only after half an hour later she managed to control her crying she felt much better after all the crying " Megha, I'm really really sorry "

Vanni looked at her with an delicate and pleading expressions, " I'm really sorry okay I did that reflexively I promise this was the last time " her pale blue eyes was very sincere.

" How about this, you can pinch me if you want, I wouldn't complain" she reached out her both hands pushed put her budding chest slightly parted her legs as if she offering her body to some weird experiments.

Megha now completely stopped herself from crying and looked at her friend's childish action with shock, even she didn't expect she would do something this childish and sneered to herself little why, was her expression and posture looking suspicious.

If any man saw her abashed expression and posture of such gorgeous girl, Megha was sure they couldn't control themselves from pouncing on her right there and then and she noticed the slight amusement in the depth of her eyes.

Megha know she was find her sudden outburst somewhat funny, this embarrassed Megha so much Megha was also found it little funny just half an hour ago Vanni acted like a cute rabbit in front of a big bad wolf now she was openly laughing at her.

She had to regain her prestige, she would make sure to teach the other party a lesson soon "Hmph!" she turned her face away from her about to lie down her bed Vaani hurriedly stop her " WAIT! let me help you wash your face it" she looked at her tenderly "Please! "

After washing her face she, still didn't speak a single word to Vanni lied down on her mattress Vanni awkwardly sitting in the edge of her mattress Megha felt a soft kiss on her forehead when she about to enter the realm of sleep.

*** *** ***

Vanni left the room gently closed the room looking at the empty corridor she frowned she walked in the large strides to wards the entrance and went out the wooden house her eyes catches the sight of Meera carrying neatly folded dresses in her hands as she walked towards the wooden house she stood to the side and bowed her head lightly as soon she noticed Vanni.

Vanni went straight to Meera, her expression was little apologetic this time " Was this for Megha, she was feeling tired and sleeping in her room so don't disturb her for the time being"

"Yes!" Meera made another bow lightly.

" You don't have to be much reserved in front of me, just treat me like how you are used to before ... umm I'm sorry for yelling at you like that earlier " her expression was awkward.

" Actually this wasn't entirely your fault, I forgot she only bring you and me this time I should have arranged few more maids when she feinted " she spoke in sincere tone " I'm not used to take care of people so don't blame me too much for this"

Her tone become down to earth and casual " It's alright Miss, I don't think bad of you I can see you were worried about little Miss... had some concern so-" she assured her and couldn't help let it at the end.

Vaani noticed the flash in her eyes internally sighed 'Well it wouldn't hurt to explain to her little this way she can help me cover up this matter' "Can I still call you sister Meera?" she tentatively asked.

Meera widen her eyes In surprise she stuttered "O-of course, thank you for giving such a prestige"

" Sister Meera it's like this, she was little disturbed having some terrible nightmares so accidentally attacked me out of reflex it's nothing over the top so don't worry about it " she pretended to not notice the Meera eyes on her bruised body.

" So when did the head maid come here, Was she said something Is there anything important I had to know?" She changed the topic swiftly Meera had to blink little because of the sudden change in the topic, she expects some gossipy information then but she didn't expect the topic is about this so she become little nervous.

" No, she came here to check up on Little Miss in her break time, she came here like that whenever she had break time and sometimes she would ask me about little Miss condition and visit little Miss before going back " there was a nervousness evident in her voice Vanni quickly noticed this and asked about it.

"M-miss... what do you mean- I don't understand" she was now even more nervous than before her face was pale her body had slight shivering Vanni sighed "Sister Meera what is it just say it, I know you aren't a bad person. You aren't plotting for little Miss life were you?" her tone had subtle change in the end which frightened Meera more.

Meera become even more pale if that's possible her legs give away, she knelt on the floor " M-miss It's nothing like that, I would never do such a thing " then she obediently told everything to Vanni without looking up.

" When I was walked past Little Miss room little miss I heard something thought little Miss could have woken up but when I about to check up on her I overheard her muttering something... " She didn't dare to hide anything and obediently admitting what she said and what she did.

Vanni expression didn't look very good become more and more unsightly for one she was glad Megha only bring one maid here. She gritted her teeth and asked in low voice "Am I correct in assuming you told this to head maid on your own volition without any care is that right?"

Meera shaked her head immeadiately when she dare enough to catch Vaani's seething face she quickly nodded her head afraid of the furious look in Vanni's eyes, " Did you know what you did was considered betrayal to the sect leader's family you serve " her expression was "I thought you were sensible and upright person guess not, How dare you! how dare you to betray our trust in you? Do you think you can get away with it?"

" M-miss I didn't do it with any ulterior motives... I w-was very concerned about little Miss f-felt it would be better for someone to know this " she stuttered tears streaming down on her face fear gripped her heart she was very new to this kind of job after entering the sect as a maid just in few years she was appointed as a maid of little Miss courtyard personally by the girl in front of her.

She thought everything started to going well for them her little brother was also joined the sect as a servant since they both had no talent in martial arts they had no place to go they tried their best to enter the sect so they could slowly climb up from the bottom. She was very happy as she transformed to little Miss's courtyard where little work and high prestige among all maid.

Her brother finally got a spot as servant of he became martial artist with in the ten years not only they would give him outer disciple status in few years arrange him an official post with in the outer sect with enough merit he can get promoted to higher posts this was something even even directly choosen outer disciple could obtain.

As an well known orthodox sect, everything go by strict rules, she never expected meet with calamity that might even implicate her little brother her wild thoughts were interrupt by a cold cynical voice.

" Hmm, according to what you said it should be after the time you informed me about little Miss being awake isn't it? You should have meet the head maid after at least few minutes later you could have tell me beforehand can't you?"

"We could have avoided this mess completely don't you think?" Meera looked at the petite girl with anxious expression, it's not that she doesn't thought of that but anyone would think twice before saying such a concerning matter to a sixteen year old teenager though she indeed did tried to tell her that time but vaani was in kind of rush.

"You were in rush as soon as I informed about little-" She received an glare in return the reason why she choose to tell head maid was rather simple.

She thought head maid was a good person has great caring for little Miss not only that she always good to Meera in the last couple of years, it could be said she was little dependent on head maid as her little brother servant spot also said to be obtained from her help.

Most importantly unlike Vanni who doesn't notice anything abnormal, head maid notice something was off and asked about it, if not for the uneasy feeling from the weird talk with Megha she wouldnt readily told what she heard her mind was in chaos so she told her.

" H-head maid deeply cared about little Miss-"

" Is that supposed some reasonable answer? Do you understand what you did wrong yet heh I guess you need some eye opener " her tone become more hard.

"There is a difference between the two of you she was a head maid and treated as an unit to sect but you on the other hand long separated from the category considered belonging of sect leader family as your salary came from his own pocket rather than treasury " she take a deep breath " So If you heard anything or seen anything you shouldn't, you have to act like walking statue not get involved your self with in anything unless you want to die implicate your family."

She looked at the teenager with pleading eyes her face puffed up from her crying.