
The recluse in Zhongnan Mountain

This novel has a total of 200 chapters. Through Li Changsheng's story of learning Taoist Kung Fu and searching for the missing Tao Te Ching (Volume 2), the Tao Te Ching is explained from the perspective of a Taoist disciple. The author himself is a hermit from Zhongnan Mountain.

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Chapter 44: Fire Dragon Sect Leader

Shen Jiahao snorted, crossed his legs and made himself look like an great hero he had been longing for for a long time. He looked proud and tried hard to keep his face straight. Unfortunately, he didn't have a stable and deep temperament, but he was arrogant and domineering.He said with the appearance of a full upstart: "Your words are very reasonable, so I can see your sincerity in cooperating with me. I tell you frankly that my father is the cabinet minister of the National Government, and he doesn't want to deal with the Fire Dragon Cult. If I take charge of the family industry, I will have a promising future in the political and business circles. After our alliance, mutual support is bound to be a win-win situation. I know that your religious leader is also in Wuhan. If you say so, please report to the religious leader as soon as possible."

Xue Redcarp thought to herself, "What the dandy said is worth considering. If our Dragon Cult helps him kill Shen Ziyu and make him the successor of the family industry, then the secret that he murdered his cousin for his family property is the best way to control him!

Shen Jiahao immediately ordered his four bodyguards behind him to drive Xue Redcarp away from Shen Family Villa. He is not afraid of any more tricks from this rare creature. Which official family will make friends with this kind of cult formed by the people at the bottom of the people? Besides, they also want to buy 200 guns and 50000 bullets. Without sufficient official and military background, no one can do this sensitive business! But Shen family has the ability to help them complete the idea of purchasing weapons.

Xue Redcsrp asked the four bodyguards in black to drive her to the poor settlement in the south of the city. The houses here are low, the roof is dilapidated tiles, and the walls are made of loess. This kind of house is close to each other. Compared with Shenjia Villa by the river, it seems to be another world.

It is late October and autumn. The weather is very cold at night. The poor people who lack food and clothing will go to bed early at night. Only a few wild dogs ran through the narrow streets occasionally. Shen Jiahao's four bodyguards never come to such slums. At the moment, they have to hold their noses and look around for fear of stepping on the dog excrement on the ground. At the same time, they are also on guard against the tricks of this beautiful woman who is not like a human, but like a mountain ghost and flower fairy.

They walked in the slum in the south of the city for about half an hour, when Xue Redcarp suddenly stopped at the door of a thatched loess house. She tapped a few times on the door and the low wooden door opened with a squeak. A big man ducked his head and came out of the room, startled Shen Jiahao's four bodyguards. In the cold moonlight, they saw that the man had dark skin and bones like iron. He stood there as majestic as an iron tower. Xue Redcarp knew that this was Iron Tiger, the leader of the sect leader's guard.

Xue Redcarp whispered a few words to the iron tiger. The iron tiger raised his left eyebrow, glared at the bodyguards, and then looked at Xue Redcarp's sparkling eyes in the dark for a moment, bowed to her without saying a word, and then turned around to make a welcome gesture. Xue Redcarp went directly into the house. The iron tiger held his chest and guarded the door, blocking several bodyguards.

After Xue Redcarp entered the room, she lit an oil lamp in the room with a match. In the dim light of the oil lamp, she came to the back wall, and then lifted up a picture on the wall, which turned out to be a secret door. After entering through the secret door, she turned a corner and came to a secret room. At this moment, there is a bean oil lamp on the tea table in the secret room. Under the dim light, she can vaguely see two people sitting in the shadow. The lights cast their shadows on the wall. The air Xue Redcarp brought in made the lights and figures shake.

Xue Redcarp bowed to the two and said, "Hello, leader and master! I have something to report to you. Please decide."

Both of them were sitting in the dark near the wall. She could not see their faces clearly. She only heard a low voice saying, "You are welcome! Sit down and talk in detail." Xue Redcarp told them the contents of her conversation with Shen Jiahao, and then listened to the reply.

The two men in the dark did not speak, but apparently exchanged views with each other in a way that Xue Redcarp could not understand. Then the low voice rang again: "Excuse me, Virgin.what's your opinion?"

Xue Redcarp was silent for a while, then bowed her head and said, "Dear father, I still think that Shen Jiahao has no talent and is morally corrupt. He is not a person who can take responsibility. Even if we want to seek allies, his sister Shen Ziyu should be a better choice. If the Fire Dragon Cult wants to save the suffering people in China, it should make friends with heroes in the world, not with such dandy as Shen Jiahao."

"Bang!" There was a dull sound in the dark. A hand was heavily patted on the low table beside the lamp, and the light shook. Obviously, the owner of the hand was very angry: "Red carp! We have already decided who we should ally with, and we can't change it! Why do you hold on to this question?"

"Red carp," another man suddenly said, his voice hoarse and low.

"Master, please speak," said Xue Redcarp.

"It is right that we make friends with heroes in the world and work hard to save the suffering people! But you should remember a sentence: people who are not our own will have different hearts. People outside the Fire Dragon Sect can only be used and not be put in important position."