
The Reaper comes for us all.

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This is a story of a regular guy....well mabey a little strange.

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Chapter 1Rebirth

My name is Karito with no last name, I am a normal kid in some spectrums or in some places in the world and to explain why lets go back to the beginning the day I was born should normaly be a happy day for people like a happy mother and father with me being their kid, but for me I would be better of dead, I was a child of a nobal family conceived as a illegitimate child someone born through lust and dumb choices my mother was a maid but fired from the job after having me of course I was forced to leave with her but she always blamed me for being born and always hit me beat me but I never minded cuz she was my mother although thoughs thoughts are naive I new that this wasn't normal for others but for me it was just another monday.

But one day she had delivered all those emotions of working and regret at one moment when she decided to stab my right eye out with a kitchen knife the pain was unlike anything before I couldn't help but scream as a way to vent out my pain but my 10 year old body couldn't hold it and I passed out from the sheer pain that I couldn't bare.

however with the guilt my mother had built as I was sent to the hospital and the cost of having eye treatment she killed herself via hanging.

seeing as I couldn't pay them I had to use my mothers inheritance money so I didn't die from and infection or anything like that so I wear a eye patch to cover my eye from being irritated or having others stare to much

The life I've lived might be normal to some and to others would say I had a terrible life and I agree

that's why



I decided

To End It All


at the age of 16 karito had ended his own life a life of nothing but boredom and misery.

* * *

(pov karito)

Hmm where am I...aren't I suppose to be dead

"No you aren't dead, well not totally anyway" said a beautiful female with short strabarry blond hair

"what do you mean" I asked as I tense up and prepareing myself for anything

"let me explain everything, you are currently a soul and what you are here for is to either go to heaven, go to qnother world and have a fresh start with your memories wiped, or go to a fantasy world on the condition of defeating the Demon King" the blond said

"...well if those are the only options then I would like to riencarnate into a fantasy world, but I have some questions.

one what if I don't beat the demon lord what if someone else did it.

two has this happened to others and are they in the same fantasy world.

three how do you expect me to defeat a Demon King." I asked three quetions wanting to know what I'm up against

"for your first quetion nothing would happen to you if you don't defeat it yourself, just that this is your main goal in this world.

For your second question yes there are 3 heros we have sent to this world, one went there just last week.

for your third question we can give you a a gift, a cheat if you will." the blond replied while sending out papers, looking at the papers they each contain a different piece of equipment

"ok I'll go to your world and kill the demon king" I responded

'now you might be asking why I said I would go well not to save lives well mabey some if they cross my path and I'm in a good mood other then that I want to go to cure my boredom and to feel a sense of freedom with magic and to mabey find somthing to make me feel complete'

looking back at the paper I look through them one after another untill I come across a scythe and a mask with a eye patch to cover my lost eye.

picking up the paper I look at the blond then say

"this will do just fine" I say

"That is a unique pick I put it there regarding your missing eye, let me tell you about what it does, The scythe is a semi-alive being with no name as that should be decided by you, not only is the scythe alive but it can grow stronger the more you kill dosen't matter what you kill although the stronger the better, for you eyepatch mask it is there to replace your eye with combined with the scythe think of it as a trump card you will learn more once you use it. And that covers the weapon and mask you will be using any more questions?" the blond gave a descriptive analysis of my pick but the only thing I'm curious about is the eye but I will see in the future

"No that will be all you can send me" I said bracing myself for anything.

she got up from her feet as angel wing sprouted from her glowing in a holy light

"I hope to see you in your new world hero, save them by defeating the Demon King" she said as my body faded in a blue field

nodding not seeing what else to do I close my eyes and wait for what happens on the other side

where I start a new life.

* * *


breathing out I open my eyes to find myself in a alleyway with no one around but me my scythe along with my eyepatch mask that was in my arms as I was in a fetal position.

standing up I put on the mask


but when I put it on I felt a slight and sharp pain in my eye that lasted for a second ignoring the pain chalking it up to what the blond angle said I walk out of the alleyway and into the open brick streets.

'In games like these from what I know there are usually head quarters aka guilds and stuff where you can get quests'

"exuse me where is a guild located" I asked a random old man walking by

"O–Oh yea t-there o-one d-down this r-road to the left then you want to head strait" the man seemed petrafied from my natural aura combained with the dangerous looking scythe

but after seeing me not want to hurt him but want directions just gave me directions then left with a extra step in his pace.

* * *

following the guys direction I see a big building with a sign on it which im suprised I'm able to read, the sign says "Adventures guild" walking in trying not to gain attention but thats hard with my mask and weapon.

waliing up to a blond receptionist who is waring slightly revealing clothes and a big chest I ask

"can I join the adventures guild" I ask

"U-uh yea but you need to pay a registration fee which is 5 eris" nodding I pull 5 eris I got from the old man I walked pass when I asked for directions, handing it over she walks over and takes out a wired machine with a bule crystal in the middle

"can you put your hand over the machine, and can you tell me your name" nodding I follow her instructions, and gave her my name

the machine went from a ocean blue to a slightly white with a black flame outlining it. seeing the black and white flame the receptionist is at a lost for words like its her first time seeing this

the card finishing she gave me a couple options for a starting class

"um well I'm not going to quetion that black white flame but here are some options for your starting class but the only one showing up is a bunch of ??? marks are you ok with that" she asked with a little concern

"I appreciate the concern but im fine with this" I said to easy what ever worry she had

"then other then that your stats are a little above average other then luck which is slightly below average" the receptionist said

"....are you not going to tell me your name..." I asked since she never game me her name

she was shocked that she forgot to introduce herself when she thought she did everything that wouldn't make her seem unprofessional about the current events.

"wha- im sorry my name is luna, thank you for your cooperation Karito" finishing introductions along with my signing into the guild she gave me my status card

(my current stats are

average human: 20

Strength: 19

Health: 20

Magic-pow: 30


Agility: 25


After recieving my card I w I s informed by luna that forming a party would help with beginners like me.

Like anyone would want me in there party–


a small girl about 4,9 with black hair and ruby red eyes, she wore a wizard a long red sleeved dress attached to it was a lop sided waist belt, a bandaged wraped right leg and thigh high lether boot, she also wore a eyepatch on her left which made my heart beat a little. With her being this small and me being 5,10 is almost comical

"hello I am megumin, of the crimson clan and possesor of the finest magic, whats your name" The girl megumin said and two people were looking at her in shock

"My name is Karito, a regular human and user of this scythe" I said only saying the obvious not wanting to give put to much info

"Well karito I have a quetion for you! would you like to join our party" She said pointing at the two people who were shocked only to look awkward and wave

'It would be better and easier to join a party now then years down the line' I thought not giving to much thought into the request

"If you would have me, I'll be in your care" I said with respect and gratitude.

"*exhale* that was easier then I thought, come let me introduce you to my other party members" she said after exhaling a breath

Megumin grabbed my hand and draged me to her group, thank the gods I had my mask or she would see me blush from the sudden contact with the other sex.

"Alright introduce yourselves" Megumin said to me and her team

"Hello my name is karito, I'll be in your care" I said bowing to show my respect to my possible seniors

"hello my name is kazuma and this is aqua" The one known as kazuma said

"Hey! let me introduce myself, my nams is aqua I'm a arch prist" aqua said in a complaining tone

"Kazuma is your outfit normal here"I asked feeling a somthing off about a tracksuit being in this world

"uhhh not exactly, well how do I put this..." Kazuma replied with a anxious smile

"are you also from another world?" I asked with a questioning voice

"Also?? are you from another world! do you come from earth!!?" Kazuma nearly screamed

"yea" I answered calmly

Megumin was confused while aqua was a little shocked and kazuma being the most shocked


the sound of megumin's stomach severed the akward atmosphere, and when I looked at her she was all red and embarrassed, how cute.

* * *

After eating her fill we went to a quest aqua and kazuma trued but failed to do, but with me and megumin here I think we can complete this quest.

"Buy me sometime to prepare for the spell" megumin requested

"Right" I said as kazuma and aqua drew there weapons I on the other hand will stay by megumin to kake sure shes safe

"Hey lets go, Aqua. You are a former somthing or somthing right? Showcase your abilities" Kazuma said

"What do you mean "former"?! I am a goddess!!"

""Goddess/Goddess??" Megumin and I said

"yea she calles herself that she says stuff like this all the time, its best not to pay it any mind"

"How sad..." Magumin said

"truly unfortunate" I said looking at the frog as my scythe viberates a little

"Wh-What ?! these frogs may be strong agaisnt phisical attacks, but this time for sure...Watch this I'll show you the power of a goddess today for sure" Aqua said

'What a strange girl' I thought when she used a spell that looked like It would pack a punch


looks like the frog intersepted the speel by chomping on aqua


A strong gust of wind is egected from megumin

as she casts a spell

"Darkness blacker then black darker then dark,"

This power

"I bessech thee, combine with my deep crimson"

The want to eat her and devour her magic whole

"The time of awakening cometh."

to want her is what this power is telling me the pure wanting to devour is almost addicting, but I repress the urge.

"Justice, fallen upon the infallible boundary appear now as an intangable distortion!

Dance, dance, dance!

I desire for my torrent of power a destructive force a destructive force wothour equal! return all creation to cinders, and come from the abyss This is the greatestattack onown to man, the ultimate attack magic!

EXPLOSION!!!!"the sound of a clock and the visable magic the looks like it contains stars the magic looks incredibls


a pillar of fire is like a volcanic eruption casting all to vanish to cinders.

when the smoke cleared the the frog was nowhere to be seen


A second frog comes from under the ground and seems to have been sleeping when the explosion woke it up

"Megumin! Karito! lets back off for now and-" Kazuma cut himself short when he saw rhe state of megumin

I pick up megumin and lay her on her back as she speaks

"thank you, while my mystic art, Explosion magic, possesses tremendous might, it also consumes tramendous magical power, in short I used magic excceeding my limits, so now I can't move a muscle..." Megumin said

"I guess it's my turn" I said pulling my scythe out

I run to the one chewing on aqua and swing my scythe cutting off its head releasing Aqua as she thanked me

Seeing one close to megumin I run ahead of it and raise my scythe


I say softly but the rest could head it.

After saying devour the white gold spots on the spear glow as it disassemble itself and reveals itself as a giant black mouth with eyes ( like in god eater)

The black figure devours the frog whole

cleaning that up I sheath my scythe and walk to megumin and pick her up in a princess carry, along with her stuff

* * *

"Hey Megumin can you use any other magic" I asked

Right now me and megumin are heading to her house after saying buy to kazuma and aqua

" I could, but would I want to I have my own magic and thats Explosion" she says in a determined voice still in my arms

Zzz's. 8

"what ever makes you happy" I said in a soft voice

" hmm" megumin was shocked

"whats wrong" I say seeing her expression

"n-no I'm fine just suprised since the only people to say somthing like that are my parents" Megumin said as she turned her head

"stop were here" megumin said pointing at a inn on the right

entering the inn I put megumin on the bed and her stuff on a table

"Then I will take my leave" I say tucking her in

as I got up I felt a tug on my jacket turning I see megumin grabbing the edge of my jacket

"can you stay with me for the night" she says in a quiet voice

"sure" I said in a soft and gental tone

walking over to the table with mugumins stuff I take my mask off megumin can't see cuz' my backs to her but shes still curious and wants to see.

turning around she can see me face that looks, and not to be narcissistic but I could have been a top ranking modle with my perfect body and face every thing looks like somthing crafted by a god of beauty.

megumin is looking intently at me making me blush

"can you not look at me so intently" I say blushing slightly more and lookong away, in so used to being ignored having someone look at me with such eyes makes my face feel hot and heart pound but why am I blushing I've never blushed from someones starring except her

Megumin moves to the other side allowing ne to lay next to her laying down I turn to face megumin and smile

"hey what happened to your eye" I ask megumin trying to start a conversation

"uhh, this eyepatch keeps my unimaginable power in check and keeps other safe, what about yours" she said trying to change the topic

"well its not as extravagant as yours but I'll tell you, remember when I said I wasn't from this world" I asked


"well that was in that world, a world without magic but technology that would look like it was made by magic, my father whos name I long left behind and forgotten had an affair with my mother who was a maid at the time had gotten her pregnant and after having me he kicked my mother and me out to live and fend for ourselves, my whole childhood all I remember was me being beaten by my mother who used me to relieve her rage and frustration, when I was 10 she took it a step further and stabbed my eye with a knife causing me to go and get treatment which caused mother to commit suicide from the money needed leaving me by myself for 6 years before I took my life leaving that life at 16 years old, which is how old I am, now the one who sent me told me to take the eyepatch off when I am in a emergency situation" Giving my life story I felt weird she is the only one I've told about this.

Megumin looked at me with sadness in her eyes she took my head and body and pulled my for a hug as my face was in her chest and her chin on top my head.

"W-What are you doing" I say in suprise I've never dropped my gaurd to another human before

suddenly my eyes turn watery and I start to cry for the first time in my life.

"S-sorry im getting your red dress wet *sniffle*" I say crying softly in her arms I can't remember the last time I was in anothers arms

with that the night ended with me and her hugging as I cried myself to sleep with a smile.

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Garuda_Translation · Anime y Cómics
35 Chs