
The Realm Of Darkness

The grandchild of Spirit Detective, Yusuke Urameshi, finds himself plummeting down a metaphorical rabbit hole and uncovers the multiverse. Forced to confront a past he doesnt remember, and having to take up the fight against a force that devours worlds, he is lead to an uncertain future and choice. To save or to destroy... the MC will be an OC from an AU of Yuyu Hakusho. There will be elements of other works such as worlds he will visit or enemies he will face. For example many people may recognize elements of Kingdom Hearts in the first chapter as it was inspired by it. I want to blend alot of my favorite series into this story and have him encounter familiar faces but this wont be the type of adventure where he can conveniently travel worlds as he pleases and will have restrictions on travel. I plan to have each world he visits be a volume on it's own. As far as relationships go, harem tag is not yet decided. This is written for fun. I had this idea for awhile and decided to see where it goes. if it receives support, I'll do my beat not to drop. Worlds(Not Fully Decided feel free to pitch ideas.) Inuyasha (current) Danmachi (maybe) Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun (maybe) DXD (maybe) One Piece (maybe)

Sir_Stronghold · Cómic
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18 Chs

Ch.2 Beginning

Chapter 2.

A car was driven off the road due to an attack. A husband and wife crawled out of the wreckage and the woman was carrying an infant. The man had black hair and eyes and the woman had hair the shade of blood with green eyes.

"Mei escape with him! I'll hold them back." The man said to his wife. He was prepared to give his life for them to have a chance to escape.

The woman named Mei bit her lip and wanted to protest but didnt. She knew protecting her child came first. "Come back to me, Kisuke..." She leapt away from the wreckage and began running through the forest.

The man, Kisuke was suddenly surrounded by demons and human cultists. Ever since the gate between the human and demon world was destroyed, demons had slowly integrated with society. And humans, now aware of demons began awakening spiritual powers in great numbers.

However, even after 40 years, the transition couldn't be called peaceful. Many organizations sprung up with nefarious intentions, and those organizations clash with the governmental organization, Spirit Agency, which employs powerful espers and apparitions to act as law enforcers.

The world had changed greatly in the 40 years since the two worlds connected. It hasn't been all bad, as society has become very diverse and humanity has become stronger due to the increased spiritual energy.

The people Kisuke now face are from a dark cult known as Nightbringer. They commit atrocities and tend to target high profile agents from the Spirit Agency.

"Hmph, you think she will be able to escape us? Ripper and Dirg have already began to hunt her!" one of the cloaked individuals said as they encircled Kisuke, earning a few giggles from some of the others.

"You done talking? My wife is stronger than she looks. I'm gonna kick your ass now."

And then a bloody battle ensued...


In the forest, Mei ran through the trees like a ninja while carrying her child in her arms. She had sent a distress signal with her magic, and all she needed was to buy time before someone would come and ensure their safety.

However, the threats were closer than she had hoped. She deftly dodged a claw swipe from a cloaked person. It was a grey skinned demon that used their claws to fight. Mei didnt have time to observe her opponent as a fireball scorched the ground she just landed on causing her to dodge again. Another cloaked demon was in the trees and supported the clawed man.

Mei spit seeds from her mouth to the ground around her, and using her powers, they grew into moving vines covered in thorns. They whipped at the two enemies and protected her like a cage.

The two cloaked men fought back and began destroying her vines by slashing and with fire. The clawed man managed to create an opening and he slashed his claws creating wind blades that hurled toward Mei. To protect her child, she turned her body and recieved the attack on her shoulder. She spit some more seeds and they sprouted into flowers that caused illusions as she ran with all her might.

She had taken fatal damage and was desperate to escape. She didnt inherit a demon fox form from her father or she might have been strong enough to fight those two easily. She only used plant magic her father had taught her as she wasn't usually a fighter.

She ran and ran but eventually the two pursuers caught up. "Enough running, you wont get away from us." The clawed demon eyed her hungrily like a predator. The other one had gotten in front of her leaving her pinched.

Mei was tired and injured nearing death, the only thing she could do now was hope someone would come, and fortunately, someone did.

The man that threw spells at her was split in half and burst into black flames. A short guy with spiky black hair with a third eye on his forehead and wearing a black outfit appeared.

"Scum like you don't deserve life..." He spoke in cold apathetic manner and flickered behind the clawed man. The guy couldn't even react before he was bisected and then burst into black flames.

"Uncle... Hiei... Thank you..." Mei was so relieved that the tension and adrenaline keeping her up wore off and she slumped to the ground. She had lost a massive amount of blood, but kept going to protect her child.

"Mei!" Hiei ran toward her and lifted her head. "Hold on! I can take you to Kurama, he will be able to help..."

Before he could finished Mei cut him off. "Its too late... Just... protect... him..." her eyes closed and her body went limp.

Hiei sat stunned at this. One of the only people he considers a friend, this was his daughter. Someone he knew very well and even helped train. She was like his own family.

Hiei laid her down and picked up the baby from her arms. Hiei is a very strong demon so when faced with a situation like this, he doesnt cry. He just adapts an unbridled rage towards his enemies.

His team arrived shortly after and reported even more bad news... But they became frightened at Hiei's contorted face.

Kisuke Urameshi, son of his friend Yusuke Urameshi was killed by the cult. Hiei's team wiped out the attackers but Kisuke was already too far gone.

Hiei grit his teeth and then flickered before disappearing. His destination was the land that once belonged to Genkai, where his old friends retired to.

The next day, Japan trembled as every esper or demon that were involved with cults were slaughtered mercilessly. A 60 year old man with the appearance of a 25-year-old, Yusuke Urameshi, came out of retirement and rampaged, killing every cult he came across. With the Spirit Agents following in his wake to clean up the aftermath.

However, the cult responsible for the attack, remained elusive. None of the top brass of the cult were ever found.

"According to ones we captured, thier target was the child. With the combined bloodlines of yours and Kurama's, it made the child very desirable for capture." Hiei gave a report to Yusuke at his home shortly after Yusuke returned from his rampage.

"Thanks Hiei. Let me know if those bastards resurface. I'll personally kick their ass into fine powder!"

"Of course, Yusuke. I'll be in touch." Hiei said as he flickered away.

Yusuke sighed and stood there for a moment. He never thought something like this would happen. For someone to actually target his family, in the eyes of everyone else, doing so would make you a maniac. But now his son and daughter in law are dead. And all there's left is grief and the hope of revenge.

"Yusuke..." A woman voice called from behind.

"Keiko, sorry... I was just a little dazed, that's all." Yusuke looked back at his wife after snapping out of his thoughts. Due to her practicing spiritual techniques she has kept much of her youthful beauty just as he has kept his. The two of them more or less look in their mid 20's.

"Kurama called and said he's coming over... Kuwabara and Yukina also..."

Keiko was probably hit the hardest out of everyone. While Yusuke coped by rampaging, Keiko just sobbed and held her grandchild tightly. It took several days but she was able to pick herself back up and with renewed vigor, swore to protect her grandchild and raise him lovingly.

"They're coming? I see... Well then let's go back."


Yusuke and Keiko began taking care of Jei. Jei inherited his father's black hair and his mother's green eyes. He is 'too cute' according to Keiko. Yusuke was looking forward to when he was old enough for training. Which didnt take very long.

They started his spiritual training as early as 3 years old. And to the surprise of both Yusuke and Keiko, at age 6, Jei showed he inherited Yusuke's demonic bloodline, the Mozuku, when his training pushed him close to the limit. His demon blood activated since his spiritual power was very high for his age, causing him to awaken. Although he is still unable to do it at will. Yusuke had to knock him out to stop the little ones rampage.

The Mozuku atavism skipped over Kisuke but activated only one generation apart from its last inheritor. Even for Yusuke, he was the first inheritor since his original ancestor that had a child with a Mozuku hundreds of years prior. Kurama speculated it might have been due to two great demon bloodlines mixing, his demon side became more prominent despite having more human lineage.

He also had an affinity for plant magic like his mother and grandfather Kurama. Kurama taught him many things and he absorbed those techniques like a dry sponge. Of course the same is true about Yusuke's spirit series techniques. Even learning the Spirit Wave.

How much potential the little one had was anybodies guess. But both grandfathers agreed he would go on to do great things.

[A/N: This starter world is an AU of Yuyu Hakusho. It takes place 40 years after the events of the anime. The connection between the demon world and the human world opened and couldnt be sealed due to a reason revealed later and the Spirit World had to tell the humans about supernatural existences which caused a massive change in the world. Jei is the child of 2 OC which is Yusuke's son with Keiko and the daughter of Kurama. Kisuke and Mei. He inherited the ability to transform into a Mozuku like Yusuke and will have both spiritual and demon energy also being able to wield Kurama's plant abilities. I want to warn that we will not be staying in this world for long before traveling the multiverse. But MC will return later.]