
Chapter 29: Last night and now this

Lily sat up groaning. "Uhhhh" she breathed. Her body felt heavy like lead. Glancing to her right she saw a glass of water on the side table. She quickly grabbed and starting drinking it down. Her mouth felt dry to the bone. "Lily stopped.... She grabbed her throat and squeezed a little. "The pain... it's gone!" Lily exclaimed happily. Lily slammed her left hand down on the bed and hit something soft and fleshy. When she looked down, she was mesmerized. Long beautiful dark hair was kissing Arlo's back. Lily jumped a little surprised he was there. She traced the muscles in his back from his neck down to his butt. Lily flinched as she remembered her vivid dream. "Oh my... how I wish that had been real." Lily began to fantasize again. "No Lily! It's time to get up and start the day! I want to show these men how grateful I am for them saving my life. Especially Arlo. He had shown her such care and kindness. Her cheeks felt heated as she thought so fondly of him. Lily showered and got dressed. As she cleared the fog in the mirror, she saw something black on her neck. Brushing her long blonde hair away, she turned her neck backward to catch a small glimpse of it. "What is that? Some kind of mark? Had this been a result of the aura training gone wrong?" Lily had so many questions in her head. She reached backwards extending her elbow to the base of her spine and rubbed the surface. It felt textured like a new tattoo. Her fingers pressured down further and an ominous feeling overtook her and felt as though she was drowning. Lily dropped to her knees and screamed at the burning pain in her neck. "Chosen one, complete the tasks and fill all with fire. Turn diamond to ash and claim your desire." Startled, Lily bulrted out loud without thinking, "what!? Who are you? Why is this happening to me?" Lily felt herself stuck in what felt like an endless moment of this deep velvet voice baiting her to listen. Over and over it kept repeating that same phrase and Lily felt trapped in endless darkness.

Little did Lily know that just as she screamed, Arlo jumped to his feet ready to fight. When he heard her scream he knew she was in trouble and his instincts kicked in. His legs ran towards the bathroom so quickly he almost shifted. His eyes burned a reddish copper at the thought the woman he loved was hurting.

He needed to see her. Know she was ok. Know that he would save her. Protect her.

He swung the door open and his eye widened. She was floating in mid air, mumbling the same thing over and over in a language he hadn't heard before but yet sounded so familiar. Lily's limbs were loose and fluid. Arlo shuttered at how out of control she looked. Her blonde curls were bouncing all around her and her eyes.... Her eyes were clouded over as if she wasn't truly there, as if she had been possessed. Fear crept its way into his heart and he watched her flail around like a fish out of water. She was fighting too. Fighting to control her own body . He reached for her and pulled her out of her stuper and down into his arms. He wiped the tears from her eyes and the strangeness of what just happened started to fade and Lily started to awaken. "Arlo?" Lily cooed softly "I'm here my love" Arlo answered warmly. "Do you know what is happening to me?"

"Yes." Arlo's voice was soft and his face had a small smile. Yet his eyes were filled with anxiety and fear.

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