
The Randomland

Hello ~ Hello ~ Welcome ~ Do you feel like your life is boring? With nothing unusual going on or even some dragons appearing in the city out of nowhere? Do you think we are all is doing stuffs systemically or have to follow each rules? Have to follow our morals and found out what we can do for the world? Don't you want to go to a place that have anything your imagination never imagined? Come, Come. Come to this place and let your imagination become as wild as possible ~ Oh, and remember, Let go off your logic because it isn't necessary in this place. Welcome to Randomland and we wish you a random journey ~ ___________________ Author note : there are some curse words in this story so I warn you if you are not alright with it. And English is not my first language so maybe there grammars errors In there. Enjoy! Another story of mine: https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/14901475106138705?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4304972744 my discord channel : https://discord.gg/EtsRSdW

RandomGuy · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
17 Chs



Explosion erupted from the buildings around us me and Shez running away from it. Drawing out his katana, Shez slash it to a big fireball that's coming to us from the sky.


The fireball cleaved into two as both of them bursted in our left and right side. My mouth gaping open wide as I watch the spectacle before me, and the culprit of my awe just sheathed his sword calmly as if nothing happened.

"Hm? Why you froze like that? Let's keep going." Said Shez while tilting his head to the side a little. Nodding, I'm back to running again with him. Can't hold my curiosity, I ask "You can cut element? Elements supposed to not be able to be cut you know. But you cut it like its tofu. Even your speed is extraordinary."

"I-" before he can finish his sentence again, he's interrupted by screech above us. Raising our heads, we see a hundred flying beasts as big as a bear but with body of lions and head of crocodile. The beasts scales glimmer in green color from the reflection of sunlight.

Raising his hand in front of me to block me, Shez then stepped forward while I froze in place, obediently doing what he meant to not disturb him. Drawing out his katana to eyes height, Shez take a stance with both two legs spread in 50cm distance and say "Divine Sword Arts: Third chapter – Thousands slash of doom."


Breaking the sounds barrier from his move alone, Shez suddenly gone while the ground where he stand a moment ago erupted and caved in. And in blink of an eyes, hundreds of the flying beasts above me is splitting in half and make rains of gores.

"Let's go." appearing out of nowhere behind me, Shez grab my shoulder and urging me to leave. Again, my jaw dropped as low as it can be from what he just did. Not even others writers guild members looks as strong as this!

Running for a while, people in the town is already hiding away and take shelter, as if things like this is like usual. Nearing the town edge, suddenly there's a roar as another flying beasts is flying above us.


A red dragon is flying above us as the dragon dive down right into our direction. Seeing the outline of the dragon, I know it's not foe but rather it's a friend instead.


Doing a hero kind of landing for a dragon, the dragon destroyed the ground below it when it landed. After that, a woman is jumping out from the back of the dragon while holding a katana as well.

"Hey you guys! Shin and Rein right?" I ask while waving my hand to their direction. Already changed his transformation into that of human, Rein smiled at me while opening wide his arms "Hello again, human! Bask in presence of Rein Dragneel sama!"

Rolling her eyes beside him, Shin walk to where me and Shez is and say "You are the guy who wanted to join the guild? Rein told me about you."

Nodding my head, I say "Aren't you guys exploring another town? Why you both in here?"

Shrugging her shoulders, Shin replied "Well, the catastrophe always hit in random places. And apparently the town it hit this month is this one. Fortunately we are nearby, so we are coming."

"Careful!" shouted Rein as he morph his body in flames and change again into dragon. Above us is dozens fireballs coming from dozens wyvern and the fireballs is flying to our direction. Blocking the fireballs with his body, the fireballs exploded but not a single scratch appeared in Rein scales.

"They are Dragneel sama prey! You guys take care of the rest, there's many mobs coming to this place." With a roar, Rein flying to the where the wyvern group is and fighting them with nails, fangs, and fires.

"Come with me, we will take a shelter while waiting for the backup. I believe everyone would come to this place in no time seeing how big this time invasion were." Said Shin as she open wide her arms and in seconds, our bodies become transparent. But even with our bodies become transparent, we can still see each other.

'Can you all heard me?' suddenly a female voice sounded inside my head 'This is Haru, I had already informed Sol about the catastrophe and the guild would come in twenty minutes, hold on guys and meet up with us in the north side of the city' and after that, the voice is fading and gone.


And then from all around us, hundreds of zombies and skeletons warriors emerged from the buildings and circling us.

"Your petty trick won't be able to hide from my eyes, mortals." Said a man that's flying above as he's wearing black overcoat and black jeans. Smirking, he opened his arms and a big gate arise from the earth. From the gate, another hundred more Viking warriors coming in droves. Looking directly In our direction, He say "Now, can you handle this little test? Give me some entertainment, mortals. For I were one of the fragmented chaos. The noble existence, lord Randy."

…..And that's the lamest demon lord introduction


The moment the man stop talking, thousand of his soldiers scream their war cries to shook the air and ground itself from just pure, dominating presence created through incredible numbers.

Okay… what he said maybe lame, but that's a lot of mobs on his side…

…and as the most useless person in here, the chance for me to die first is very high…
