
The Quirkless Hero: Variable (Mha)

When he found out he was Quirkless. he thought his dream of being a hero was over. until one day, a villain approached him offering him power. as he shook the devil's hand. he gained the one thing he wanted most, but at what cost? Disclaimer: I do not own the original characters of My Hero Academia. P'S: Mc is gonna be arrogant at first. but he's gonna numb down throughout the story.

KingHadesUltimate · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
14 Chs

What happened?

I woke up covered in bruises I look to my left to see my mother with a worried expression, I look to my right only to see my brother looking ashamed at himself. D-did I lose? No way, I can still fight!

As I try to sit up on my bed my mother stopped me, "You shouldn't get out of bed right now, the doctor just said that you shouldn't move too much for a while!" Explained my mother with a stern tone.

This can't be, I've lost this badly… I feel like I'm getting constantly hit whenever I try to move

I looked at my hand to see it covered in bandages and some drips of blood, My father didn't hold back on me. whether that's a good thing or a bad thing, I don't even know anymore…

"Don't feel down, your father accepted your request, he said that he'll enroll you in a karate dojo first" she said before stopping for a moment, "He'll enroll you in a prestigious school so you don't have to worry about anything, the best of the best will be the one to teach you how to fight"

I was baffled, my father said that if I can land a hit on him, he would consider my request. Did I manage to land a hit on him before falling asleep? Or I actually had a quirk that has to do with me having to be asleep to activate, whatever it is it doesn't matter if I can't use it while awake.

I grip my blanket, I can't possibly be satisfied yet, I remember my father saying something about teaching me something, come to think of it, what technique did he do to punch me that hard? Questions I won't have the answer to for now.

"So… what now?" I ask my mother in a pleading tone, she look at me with worry and replied with "For now you should rest, we already hired a doctor to come patch you up, you should be healed first thing in the morning" I laid down in relief. Good thing I won't have to delay my training for long. Hopefully, I can join the karate dojo mom talked about as soon as possible.

**2 days later**

Katashi's Pov

My recovery took longer than expected, I didn't expect to be in bed for the past 2 days but now I mostly feel fine. I stood off my bed trying to maintain my balance.

If I'm gonna practice martial arts, then I need to develop muscles first. So I dropped down to the floor to do some push-ups.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9,10... 21" I dropped down to the floor drenched in my sweat. It looks like all I could do for now is 20 push-ups, that's not nearly enough for me. I tried to continue and was only able to manage 10 this time, my body is incredibly weak as it is.

I heard my door open to see my brother come in.

"You're awake! What are you doing" he asked while looking at me like I was crazy.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm doing push-ups to get muscles" I replied with a mocking tone.

"By only doing push-ups?" he replied

"What do you think I should be doing then?"

"You haven't even eaten breakfast yet dummy, come on breakfast is almost ready you should do that AFTER you finish eating" he replied to me in a teasing tone. I got a little bit annoyed but I didn't want to act like a brat so I listened to him and stood up to have breakfast. My arms felt like they were gonna fall off, it's irritating. I went down the stairs with him and finally entered in to the kitchen. I saw my dad reading a newspaper, not even acknowledging our fight a few days ago. I can still see the cracks in the wall.

During breakfast, things were awkward: my dad looked like he was avoiding eye contact, and I can hear my own heartbeat. but I need to ask about the dojo.

"Dad, when will I go to that karate dojo?" I asked anxiously.

"Today," he responded in a stern voice without making eye-contact

It seems he still disapproves of my claims on becoming a hero. But I'll show him, even if I break every bone of my body, I won't stop until I become a pro.

**After kindergarten**

I was surprised by the revelation. The dojo was on top of a hill with a huge red gate surrounded by two statues of a lion. The stairs were also noticeably big, this dojo wasn't what I was expecting, it was even more gigantic than our house, the sounds of water can be heard nearby giving a soothing atmosphere.

I began to walk the long flight of stairs, as I ascended the steps my heart began beating and I became anxious. This dojo was really intimidating to outsiders.

I walked to the gate with my dad and he started to knock on the giant red gate.

The red gate had golden carvings that say "To Protect" and "To be Fierce".

I saw that there were other kids with me standing around and waiting for something.

"It's 3 o'clock already" I hear my father say.

Then I heard a loud bang after the gates started opening, slowly but surely.

I looked at the middle of the gate while backing away, I see a tall man in the middle, he has white spiky hair along with a black blindfold on his eyes, he's wearing a white Gi along with a black belt and brown flip flops.

"Welcome, welcome to 'Hageshi' my name is 'Gojo-sensei for those who are new here," said a man as he was waving at the people in front of him. He looks like a laid-back individual as he's always smiling.

"Students, please come in, we've already prepared your Gi's so there's nothing to worry about," he said out loud, While waving away at the parents.

We went in into the dojo: it was even bigger than I had expected, the room had to be over 50 meters wide. There was enough room for over a hundred people. I heard a loud clap.

"Okay, okay everyone enough dawdling around, we have 2 new students so introduce yourselves!" Gojo sensei shouted. I just assumed that I was one of those two students so I stood up.

I stood up in a straight posture along with a kid with long black hair.

"Tell us your name!" Gojo-Sensei commanded.

"M-MASAKI JUN" the kid beside me responded in a shaky voice

"You over there, young man!" he shouted at me while pointing.

"Yano Katashi, Sir!" I screamed out as loud as I can.

"Very well, Everyone this is your new fellow disciples, please treat them well!" he shouted before bringing his hand down. 'Let's not waste any more time, Get in lines, the 4-10-year-olds are on the south corner" he shouted again while pointing on a corner.

I was in a line with 15 other students, beside be was kid who already developed his quirk, I couldn't help but stare at him. So he stared at me as well.

"Hm? Is something wrong?" he asked.

"N-no it's nothing." I looked at the front as I heard footsteps coming.

"Have you guys finished stretching? Good, because we're doing 100 Tsuki punches, get in position" he commanded all of us. And in an instant, the rest of my group entered a karate stance and started punching the air. I did the same and followed their rhythm.

**10 minutes later**

That was hard. Super hard, even harder than I had anticipated. I was already drenched in sweat. Everyone also seemed to be tired, The kid from earlier was muttering something about going home. Pathetic.

"You okay, man?" the kid that had stared at me earlier ask. I looked at him in shock,

He didn't seem tired at all!

He gave me a hand which I politely grabbed.

"Your name is Yano Katashi, right? Call me Ojiro, let's get along okay?" Ojiro asked.

"Y-yeah, sure" I responded unconvinced of this guy's attitude.

he made some small talk about his tail quirk and how he uses it, assuring me he won't use it against me, use against how exactly?

"I'm gonna cut to the chase, there's gonna be a sparring session soon, since Itsuka isn't here, why don't we partner up for today? I'll teach you some basics" he said while punching his palm to pump himself up.

I just nodded and didn't bother to respond. Then we both hear a clap.

"Okay, okay enough chit chat guys, now we move on to the fun part, find a partner of two and face each other and form a line, we'll be having a sparring session," Gojo-sensei said cheerfully out loud.

"Yano?" Ojiro said while looking at me

"Oh yeah, right" I responded hesitantly.

He entered a karate stance which I copied.

"First we start with kicks"

"Sur-" I wasn't able to properly respond as I was kicked in the stomach. I fell on the ground wheezing in pain. I looked at him in anger for cheating.

"Oh sorry, I forgot to say start" Ojiro said with a serious expression.

**Squidward beg** power stones please?

Yeah I said itsuka, she sick so she couldn't make it. also Ojiro is nicknamed "Tailed demon" so not that many kids wants to spar with him.

about my writing, I'm getting better and better I say.

KingHadesUltimatecreators' thoughts