
Dinner with a Devil.(Chapter 32)

The fabric feels like I'm wearing nothing at all. My body half exposed and I'm standing in the middle of the devil's chamber. I'm disgusted, more in myself than anything else. Still I haven't given in, I haven't given up, not yet. I'm not sure how much more of this I can take. The gut clenching ambiance that my soulmate may be dead makes me nauseous. Still, I have faith in Drake and Ryan. They wouldn't let him die..right? The knock at the door all my attention shoots to the sounds of rythmic knocking.

"Your majesty may I come in?" I hear Mika say. I loudly agree and she opens the door curtsying before making eye contact. Her brows furrow at my outfit, looking me up and down confusion dominated her face. I wasn't in the mood to explain why I was dressed like this. I shot her a look of authority and her expression changed to obidience.

"My lady, umm Lord Kion has invited you too dinner-he insisted that you wear his..gift" her eyes roll up my body, she was repulsed by Kions 'gift' and shot me a sympathetic look. But she looked down immediately. I see she is bothered. I walk over to her.

"Is there something you want to say Mika?" I ask lifting her chin. She slowly meets my eyes, they are red, tears flowing down her cheek. She was much younger than me, but stress has made her look older.

"Your majesty..it's just.. if Lord Kion can make you, THE MOST powerful woman is Valtor concede to his every wish...then where is there any hope for the rest of us?" She looks down and steps away from me.

"Mika..you are wrong, I haven't conceded. I'm still playing his game. And I WILL win..you have my word. But for now, I need to be careful. I'm on his territory Mika, I can't exactly kill him. But he will get something worse than death. Do you know what the first rule is when you try to kill a wolf. You don't, beacuse the pack aren't far behind."


Walking into the dining room was like walking into a thick fog. You couldn't see the danger even if it was right in front of you. The room was well lit, but still too dark too see the monsters sitting before me.

"Oh wow Karina, how stunning you look...I can't wait too see the rest." He eyes me up and down, I shiver as I see his greedy eyes try to take off what's left of my clothes. Disgusting. I hear the guards snicker at his comment. If I'm gonna win, I gotta play the game. So I settle on a smile.

"Take a seat" he motions to the seat opposite him on the other end of the table. He wanted to see me directly. He musters the dark forces to bring the plates to the table and quickly lights the black flames with a flick of his wrist.

"Doesn't it hurt.. using so much of the forces? When The forces aren't strong in a nightslayer it Hurts them when they use it. The forces aren't as strong in Ryan, so if he uses the forces too much it will end up hurting him. That's why he focuses more on combat. The forces hurt him too much for him to be able to use it all the time.. But you, you use it effortlessly. Doesn't it hurt?" His eyes flick up at me and the devilish grin returns. He inhales deeply before licking his lips.

"I like the pain..it gives me..thrill in a sense. Makes me feel alive. The more I use the forces, the more painful it becomes and the more thrill I receive." He stabs into his meat lifting up his knife and admiring the sharp edge. He raised his hand and uses the forces to open my hair. "I like it like that. Natural." Repulsive. "But what about you?" He asks.

"What do you mean?"

"Doesn't it hurt for you?" He says.

"Sometimes but usually-"

"Oh please Karina, spare me the lies. I've heard all the rumours.. Most powerful sorceress in Valtor, most leathal assassin in the CREED. I've even heard you are 'Rovara'.." I couldn't stop my eyes from reacting to it. He widened his eyes as he realised I had just confirmed his suspicion. He slumped in his chair hand on his temple mouth wide enough that I could throw my knife into it. "No fucking way! You were born on the blood moon. Wait You survived the ritual! I don't believe it.." He was shouting but it was with amazement. "You are 'Rovara'- the ACTUAL Queen of Darkness-has the ability to wipe out all forces of light, strongest sorceress to ever live. Will lead the forces of Dark into an new age... That's you!?" He chuckles.

"What's so funny?" I say as the smile on his face widens. He picks up the knife again and starts thawing at his meat.

"The most powerful weapon the dark forces will ever give too us..is mine. How funny is that." He smiles and twists the knife on the table. "So have you figured it out?"


"How to wipe out the forces of light?" He says taking a bite of his meat.

"No, I'm still learning to control it. There are some parts of it still hidden in me. I don't think anyone wants them to come out." My demon was creeping out. He noticed and smiled a sheepish smile. "Besides I don't think I want to wipe out the forces of light." His movements freeze, he slowly looks up at me, all emotion fading and his eyes are replaced with an unforgiving expression. His chewing slows and he swallows, slowly.

"Why not hmm? Is it because of that boyfriend of yours?" He says entwining his fingers resting his elbows on the table his eyes sneered and his jaw clenched.

"Yeah, Damien is-"

"What. Did. I tell you. About saying his name?" He wasn't blinking, blinded by complete rage.

"What do you have against him?" I say suddenly feeling pissed off.

"He claimed you before I could." I gaged out loud and he heard me. His face stiffened. Shit. Big mistake. "I told you that you are to forget the bastard. He is DEAD!" His thundering shout caused the cutlery to shake as he pounded the table with his knife. The ends split cutting his hand. He didn't even flinch, like he didn't even feel it. He got up and made his way over too me. "You are to forget him. Get used to screaming my name-"

"No" I say sternly, dauntlessly piercing into his eyes. "I will never say your name like I say Damiens. I will never love you. Whatever I think you have on Ryan can't be as bad as I think to endure this torture!" I pound my fist of the table. The dark forces stirred in me. "You don't own me, you never will. I fucking despise you kion! I belong to no man, but Damien, HE IS MY SOULMATE! I would die for him...kill for him! If he is really dead, then consider yourself in the ground too." My eyes suddenly dark I turn on my heel.

"Oh Darling, if you leave, who's to say Ryan will still be alive when you get there?" Suffocated almost instantly. I feel Kions hands slip around my waist. The cold of his skin made me shiver.

"You wouldn't-"

"Oh I wouldn't, but Fosha, well she is not much of a fighter. Yet her specialty, poison. And considering how close she is with the King, well I guess She would given my orders." I can hear the parting of his lips as he roughly spins me so I face him. His head tilts down, his lips next to my ear. The hot breath latching onto my skin.

"What is this deal with Ryan huh, at least tell me that!?" I squirm in his grip as he pulls me closer.

"He approached me. He wrote me a letter when your friend, Isla died. He said that when Isla was killed it was similar to some other murders seen in the past. Same method of killing, same disposal. But these murders were seen in Haydren." He suddenly shook me awakening me to the harsh truth. "Your Brother asked me to investigate the murder, and find the person who did it. I accepted and he paid me 200 coins. But I thought 200 coins wasn't enough for putting my life on the line. With you as my prize, I will happily do the job. But..If anyone found out that It was your brother, the new KING OF VALTOR investigating people of Haydren, looking to accuse them of murder of a would be Queen. There would be war and the Kingdom would fall...Now I have no problem being vocal about your brothers SIDE PROJECTS. But if my prize willingly chooses too stay, then I guess I have no objections to keeping my mouth shut."

"What about Fosha, where did she come part of the deal?"

"Ugh, I said it as a joke, I didn't think he would actually agree. He was short of a Queen, I gave him one. You should be thanking me. Vocally and ...physically." He stared deeply at me. He is the devil. He has given me the chance at freedom but I feel more trapped than ever. His hands trace down my arms as he played with the bottom of my extremely short dress. "Karina you are mine. You WILL do as I say, you WILL please me, in whichever way I want. Because I own every inch of you. And deep down, you know it...say you love me."


"Say it, and mean it." His grip tightens on my arms. "Say it" he shook me roughly. "Say it or I will kill Ryan and Drake. Because I can, i have already killed one important man in your life. Nothing will stop me from doing it again. And trust me my love, I will...now say it." He whispers. I think about Drake and Ryan..and Damien. If I loose all of them I wouldn't be able to live.

"I love you." I say a tear coming down my eye. He smiles and releases me, walking out of the room with his head held high, victory I suppose. My breaths quickened as the dark forces stirred, suddenly the table snapped in half as splinters flew everywhere. The windows shattered one after another, the room filled with gasps and shrieks. My eyes went dark and I felt my body reach depths of darkness I didn't know where there. This wasn't normal, this was wicked. But I reveled in its power as it coursed through my veins I felt a new sense of thrill as a new stage of untouched power was unearthed within me. I saw Damiens face, wanting with all the strength in the world to know if he is well. But I was trapped. But I wasn't conceding to the game. Unfortunately Kion won this match. But there is always a round 2.

Finally found out the deal between Kion and Ryan! Karina is still trapped but she hasn’t lost hope and still fights for Damien. Will Damien come for Karina? What secrets is everyone hiding? Find out in the next chapter!

Alzayn X

Alzayn11creators' thoughts
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