
The Psychic's Nymphomaniac Observation Diary

Warning: Mature Content At the prestigeous Westborough Academy, a handsome transfer student, Atlas Hoffman, meets the beautiful, student council president, Chissy Stuart. Although both of them seem like normal highschoolers, they each have a massive secret that could ruin their lives... All characters in this novel are atleast 18 unless otherwise stated. If you need to contact me for any reason use my discord: @atmosphericturtle

atmosphericturtle · Ciudad
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14 Chs

The Headmaster's an Asshole?


What's happening?

The past few minutes had been the strangest in Atlas' life, and he was a goddamn psychic…

In front of him sat a lovely middle-aged couple.

The woman's chestnut locks cascaded down, framing her delicate features. Her eyes, the colour of polished amber sparkled as she smiled, radiating a warmth that seemed to embrace Atlas' scrawny body with pure, maternal love.

The man exuded an air of quiet confidence, his tight-fitting suit speaking of understated elegance rather than opulence. The fabric, rough and brown, hinted that the suit had been worn quite a bit. His unique green eyes occasionally panned around the room, analysing everything in sight.

From looking at them, Atlas could tell that they were intelligent, kind-hearted, and crazy rich.

So why…

"Aww look at this cutie pie~"

"He definitely looks like a man that can inherit the Hoffman last name!"

…do they want to adopt a troublesome loser like me?


It had been a year since Atlas had first met the Hoffmans and he had to say, they were different.

Before the Hoffmans, Atlas had lived in multiple foster homes and had tried to settle into many different families, but it never worked out. They always had such loud thoughts, which never mixed well with his telepathy. Additionally, many of the foster carers who had taken Atlas in had done so out of pity.

He couldn't stand those two things and had always resorted to either running away or causing trouble.

When Atlas met Lauren and Patrick Hoffman that day a year ago, he was in deep trouble. As a seventeen-year-old, he was most likely going to get an adult sentence, which would've been quite a mess considering how poor Atlas was, even if the crime he committed hadn't been that severe.

But to his surprise, the Hoffmans not only paid off all the charges put up against him, but also asked him if he wanted to be adopted.

Lauren and Patrick Hoffman were quite the refined pair with 'quiet' thoughts.

Well... they didn't actually think less or quieter than the other families, but their thoughts were always intelligent and interesting. Atlas even found himself having lengthy conversations with the middle-aged couple.

He also greatly appreciated the fact that the Hoffmans never looked at him with pity; it was like they saw him as their actual son. It was certainly weird… weird but welcome.

The way Atlas saw it, human relationships were basically a game that required using an 'avatar' to entangle with others. With his ability to read thoughts, this game had never been fun… but the Hoffmans had changed that for him. They also somehow convinced him to stay in school and even enrolled him in the city's premier academy for his high school senior year.

Westborough Academy… 

Eighteen-year-old Atlas stood in front of a large mirror, adjusting his tie.

That old man really likes throwing his money at me.

Atlas wore a tight-fitting black blazer over a white shirt and a dark maroon tie. The uniform that was meant to flaunt Westborough Academy's exclusivity acted as a sheath, covering his dangerous, well-toned body from the world.

The high-school senior raised his arms to tie back his black hair, revealing a pair of dark brown eyes. He was wearing a pair of golden cufflinks on his sleeves and, on his wrist, a silver watch with a pearl white dial, looking very much like a rich young master.

After sliding on a pair of black shoes to match his blazer and pants, Atlas walked downstairs, meeting his mother and father in the kitchen.

"Looking nice, Atlas!" Lauren happily exclaimed, giving the kid a thumbs up with one hand while throwing him his lunch and a banana.

"I honestly feel sorry for the other Westborough boys. They're gonna have trouble finding a girl not obsessed with my cute little Atlas…"

Lauren turned back to what she was doing in the kitchen before Atlas' arrival.

"Do you want me to call the driver, or will you walk?" Patrick enquired throwing Atlas his textbook while reading the newspaper.

"I'll walk dad. As you said, I should make some friends."

Patrick looked up from his newspaper and smiled, "I'm glad."

The Hoffman household lived in Steward Manor, a large property far on the eastern outskirts of Westborough. It wasn't that they couldn't afford a property nestled inside the premier suburb, but rather they owned a large hospital complex in the suburb bordering Westborough to the east, Orland.

The walk from Steward Manor to Westborough Academy took about fifteen minutes and Atlas soon found himself halfway there, waiting at a zebra crossing.

"Wow, he's drop-dead gorgeous… And he looks like he's in my grade as well!"

Atlas heard a thought echo out from his right.

Wow, Lauren called it…

Atlas casually panned his head right, subtly glancing at the girl who called him gorgeous.

She was a pretty well-endowed young lady with blue-eyes and two blonde, shoulder-length pig tails. She was wearing the Westborough girls' uniform, which was similar to Atlas' uniform but replaced the maroon tie with a bow and the black trousers with a skirt that reached halfway down her thighs. With her uniform, she was wearing long, black socks just shorter than her knees paired with brown school shoes.

She's pretty.

Seeing the girl had two star-shaped badges pinned to her blazer, Atlas identified her as a senior year student.

We'll get our senior badges at the opening ceremony.

Anyway, guess it's time to make Lauren and Patrick proud.

"Hi there, you're a senior this year, right?" Atlas walked up to the girl and held out his hand for a handshake, "I'm Atlas Hoffman. I'll be transferring into your grade this year."

The girl shook his hand and introduced herself as Elise Perry, the heir to a large legal firm.

After the two walked for a while, engaging in a bit of small talk, they finally reached the gates of the academy.

At the gates, they found a pair of Elise's friends who had been waiting for her. The two people quickly informed Atlas and Elise that they were a couple minutes late for the entrance ceremony. Apparently, the ceremony was scheduled to start fifteen minutes before the usual school day!

The first of Elise's friends was a petite girl with brown hair and blue eyes called Eva Miller and the second was a good-looking blonde guy with red eyes called Claudius Roan. While Eva greeted Atlas cutely with a timid blush, Claudius slapped Atlas' back and laughed, saying he wasn't expecting to meet a guy able to match him in looks.

Eva's thoughts were almost identical to Elise's before Atlas had talked to her that morning, proving Lauren right once more. While Claudius' thoughts revealed his nature as a gentle-but-vane nutjob.

They're thoughts are a bit loud, but they seem like nice people… I doubt there are many people, let alone rich people, like Lauren and Patrick though, maybe I was just lucky?

Claudius led Atlas and the girls through a bunch of corridors and past multiple luxurious buildings. Atlas took this opportunity to get a short tour around the academy from them, and asked a few questions about the academy itself and where Elise and company's education had ended the year prior.

Atlas found that compared to the mediocre school he attended before, Westborough was not only quite a bit ahead when it came to humanities and art subjects, which neither Atlas nor the Hoffmans put much importance into, but also maths, science, and literature, which were the three subjects Atlas enjoyed the most.

When the group finally reached Westborough's auditorium, the headmaster, a balding man in his early sixties with grey hair and frosted eyes, was halfway into a lengthy speech about the Academy's philosophy. Atlas, Elise, and company quickly made their way to a teacher who was standing at the side of the hall. The teacher handed Elise, Eva, and Claudius each a single star pin for their senior year, and Atlas three since he was transferring in.

The four acquaintances found themselves seats in the front row thanks to a few more of Elise's friends and started paying attention to the headmaster's speech. To Atlas' left, sat Elise and to his right, Claudius, and Eva.

The headmaster stood behind a lectern downstage and behind him, upstage, were three chairs. Elise subtly informed Atlas about the people on stage. The people sitting on the chairs left to right were the current student council president, Christina Stuart; the senior year director, Markus Shaw; and the headmaster, who was currently speaking.

Although Elise had told Atlas about Markus Shaw, he hadn't taken even a glance in the year director's direction. That's how perfect Christina Stuart looked.

"Hehe, guess even the hot transfer student isn't immune to Chrissy's charms…" Elise chuckled awkwardly seeing Atlas gawk at the student council president.

Chrissy, or Christina Stuart, looked around Elise's height. She had light emerald-green hair that waterfalled down to her upper back, and piercing aquamarine eyes that, while insanely pretty, seemed to pierce everything she looked at with icicle spears. Although her assets weren't as large as Elise's, her figure was so balanced and perfect that her smaller-than-average bosom and hips were easily accepted by any man looking. Her uniform was almost identical to Elise's except for her bow, which had golden striped edges, a special uniform alteration that denoted the student council president.

Atlas' dazed gawking continued until both the headmaster and the senior year director finished their speeches. It was finally time for Chrissy to give a speech!

As Chrissy stood up, Atlas felt a tingling electricity crawl around his body.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Chrissy made her way to the lectern.

"Hi everyone, welcome to your Senior year of high school!" Chrissy's clear elegant voice echoed throughout the hall, making all the students, especially the boys, cheer loudly. Atlas didn't cheer, his body wouldn't respond.

What's wrong with me?

Huh? What's the headmaster doing?

While the rest of the hall was going crazy, Atlas noticed the old man stand up from his seat and walk up behind Chrissy.

Atlas tried to probe the headmaster's mind, but just like his body his telepathy wouldn't respond.

"I'd like to take this time to-" When the cheering died down, Chrissy began to speak again but she was cut off…


The headmaster had grabbed Chrissy's white shirt and blazer from the gap in between the first and second blazer button and ripped her two tops open, destroying the buttons and revealing a pair of plump breasts with perfect proportions, nestled in a cute light-pink coloured bra.

"KYAAAH!!!" Chrissy squealed in horror, but the old man, undeterred, grabbed her bra from the top and pulled it down, causing Chrissy's breasts to fall out.

They were hanging by themselves.

Out in the open.

What the FUCK?!?!

Atlas looked at a pair of lovely pink nipples and areola staring at him from the podium. Like the rest of Chrissy, the nipples and areola were the perfect size and shape.


Atlas tried to move again but his body remained stationary. He tried to send a psychic attack towards the headmaster, but his powers didn't respond.

Not caring about Chrissy's squeal, the headmaster grabbed Chrissy's left breast with his hand and began groping it, teasing her nipples and areola occasionally with his thumb and index finger. The headmaster then used his right hand to pull down Chrissy's skirt and panties in one go.

Atlas couldn't see it happen because of the lectern, but the headmaster then thrust the index and middle fingers of his right hand forward, into Chrissy's anus without much resistance.

"NO!" Chrissy screamed, "MY ASS!"

Seemingly annoyed with Chrissy's screaming, the headmaster thrust his fingers deeper into her anus. The thrust this time made Chrissy's body spasm forward, knocking the lectern over.

Chrissy's face and hands were on the floor and her ass was lifted into the air by her limp legs. The audience couldn't see her entrances, but with the way she landed, they could see the shape of her ass.

Fuck! What do I do? She's getting raped!

Atlas saw an expression of hopelessness settle on Chrissy's face, as she struggled to get free from the headmaster. The old fucker just shoved Chrissy back towards the floor and pulled down his trousers.

Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! SHIT!

Don't do it bastard!

The headmaster grabbed Chrissy's right hip and pulled her ass back toward his lap, entering the poor girl with his ancient smegma covered penis.

Proofreader note:

Fuck the author for forcing me to read the last bit.


You're Welcome :)

Hey guys,

Hope you liked Chapter 1... up until the genre shift...


Dw guys, I find rape appalling too. There hasn't been, and there won't ever be any actual rape in this novel. The little thing that happened between the headmaster and Chrissy was 'something else', and that 'something else' will be revealed next chapter. That 'something else' may, or may not be the same thing that stopped Atlas from moving or using his powers when the headmaster was having his way with Chrissy.

Chapter 2 should be out around the same time tmr.

Please read Chapter 2 before deciding I'm a disgusting weirdo who likes rape...

I assure you, this novel is just an innocent, smuty romcom.

Also, all characters in this novel are atleast 18, unless stated otherwise.

Anyway, thanks for reading,


atmosphericturtlecreators' thoughts