
Who are you ?

As I open my eyes, I see nothing but a white wall. 'Where I am?' I asked myself, Why am I here ? For all I know is I am in school busy at sleeping while my teacher is teaching in front of us.

I remeber how my seatmate disturbing me and I am very annoyed. Heck! What happened? How long did I sleep ?

I was in deep thought when suddenly I hear the door opened by someone--a nurse.

" Oh so you are awake miss zache! " she said while pushing the cart to go near with me

" why I am here ? How long did I sleep ?" I asked, my voice is broke so made a signal showing that I am thirsty. She called somebody to bring water in my room, after a minute a nurse came in and gave me water. After that she exited herself.

" You were hospitalized here 2 years ago, miss." she answered while busy in reading the medicine's discription

I was so shocked when I heard what she said. Crap! I am in nightmare! I need to wake up .. Suddenly, my body is so tense and not right, I feel nervous ..

I found myself screaming and shouting like an insane. I can't even control my emotion. I heard the nurse shouting for help and then a man wearing a white scrub appear with a nurse on his side .

I suddenly stopped and I don't know why. I found myself reaching my hand to a man, that I don't even know who is he. I waited for his hand to hold mine, And he didn't disappoint me. I am calm because of him, I feel only peace . He interrupt me,

" How are you ms. Zache ? What do you feel?" A baritone voice, I was mesmerized as I look his feature

" Miss Zache .. " I was back into my senses because of his loud voice. " What? " I answered frowning.

" I was calling you countless time.. But you did not anwer me, How's your feeling ?" He asked seriously, while his eyes fix into mine.

" I feel like I need to rest more..My body is so weak, like I was punched countless times" I answered honestly without blinking my eyes.

" You need to rest more miss Zache even you are asleep for 2 years,for you to gain your strength" She suggested right away.. I feel like my body was on drug because of I feel sudden drowsiness.

" Sleep well ms. Zache" He go near to me and I feel that he kissed me on my forehead. I smile for no reason.

My languid eyes are closed, I can hear nothing but a deafening silence.. I think for the 2 years I've waste.And then I think of him, the man who made me calm because of his presence . I want to ask him ..

" Who are you? "