
The Promise - Craig and Yuki

There are two types of promise. One, the promise that is meant to be broken.Craig was hurt and he's never gonna believe it anymore. It's plain bullshit until-- Two , the promise that has to be broken. Promise- a big word alright. Craig Anderson, the guy who hates promises. "Promising, it's plane bullshit! Those were just word spewed by those people who loves to play with people's hopes." He hates all the people who made promises including this guy named Yukii Amon. But what made him to be like that? Because he was once promised too. A promise that change him to what he is right now. And who is Yukii ? Let's find out! Will you risk yourself, believing on a promise again? That promise that was once broken? Or was it really broken in the first place? Who knows.

Jzey_Roses · Real
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13 Chs

Chapter 5: Green Monster

Craig was waken up because of the movements around him. Head throbbing, he opened his eyes and immediately roll out from the bed after seeing a glimpse of the sorrounding.

T-This room- w-wait my clothes- 

Craig's eyes bulged when he saw that he is wearing an oversized shirt which is very different from what he's wearing last night. And when he looked down, his chest suddenly throbbed and he became nervous

W-Why am I not wearing a pants? He asked to himself, stuttering. He looked around the room his in and suddenly felt nauseous.

He sat on the king sized bed and roam his eyes around. The room is big, it's walls were white except the brown wooden door. Near the door is a desk filled with books. On the center is the bed his sitting and beside the bed is a closet taller than him. Facing the bed is a glass sliding door leading to a terrace, and it's open making him feel uncomfortable die to that fact that he is not wearing a pants.

The wind lingers on his legs that's why he decided to look for his clothes. The moment he stands up, he immediately falls to his butt making his eyes bulged out of shock.

N-No way-

I suggest you don't stand up and just rest. After all you were so wild last night. A voice from the door came and when he turn to look his heart throb suddenly but he immediately shook it off.

Standing in the door is Yuki. He's wearing white fitted shirt that's showing his muscles covered with the fabric. His hair is disheveled and wet probably went from early bath. He's wearing a black cargo shorts and has a towel encircled around his shoulder. On his hands is a tray, probably filled with food he cooked and a glass of water. He's good at cooking after all. Craig roll his eye on the thought.

Y-You what did you do? Stuttering, Craig ask the now walking towards him-Yuki.

Isn't it obvious? We did that last night. Yuki answered ogling his legs. His ears suddenly feels hot and he's sure that he's blushing. Craig scolded himself silently. You shouldn't react to this guy Craig!

N-No way- why would I-

You can believe whatever you want to believe. I'm tired of quarrelling with you. Yuki stated coldly as he put down the tray of foods in the bedside table. 

There's a hangover medicine there. You eat Craig. And you can't tell me to forget about it. I'm not forgetting what happened. And just like that, Yuki immediately turn his back at him and left. 

Craig was left confused and sore. He looked at the tray of foods on the bedside table and his stomach started to growl. His cheeks flushed and started to reach for the toast when he got a glimpse of something red on the back of his hand. 

Confused, Craig slowly look at the back of his hands and what he saw shocked him that he fall on the floor on his butt.

N-No way- 

Hey man, you seem to be in a good mood today. Did something good happen?

Of course there must be something, why would he smile like an idiot if there isn't.

No way! Don't tell me-

Craig turned away did not bother to listen anymore. He's now at school and it's earlier than the times he came before. He was forced to come with Yuki since they came from the same place. Yes! He spent the night on Yuki's house and they s-sleep together. Cause if they didn't, how can the pain on his back be explained? And worst, he doesn't even remember what happened last night. Why did he drunk so much anyway?

Craig! He turned to see who called for him, he saw Pim smiling cheerfully. For some reasons, his cheeks suddenly flushed. He suddenly remember the scene he and Yuki made last night in front of Pim.

H-Hey. Craig greeted stuttering. Pim just smiled at him and then elbowed him to the side. Confused, he looked at Pim who now have this teasing smile plastered on his face.

What? Craig asked confused as to how this guy is acting.

So Prez huh? And just like that, Craig give him flick on the forehead earning a loud ouch from the latter. People noticed it including the group of men happily talking not so far from the both of them. 

And out of all the stares they got, the one that puzzled him was from Yuki. He looked angry? Why would he be angry?

Craig just shook everything away and started to walk on the way to his first class. Pim followed him still asking about last night as he rub his now red temple. 

Come on Craig, just tell me what happened-

I'm not talking. Craig just stated flatly and continue walking not knowing that someone was actually being eaten by a green monster.