
The Promise - Craig and Yuki

There are two types of promise. One, the promise that is meant to be broken.Craig was hurt and he's never gonna believe it anymore. It's plain bullshit until-- Two , the promise that has to be broken. Promise- a big word alright. Craig Anderson, the guy who hates promises. "Promising, it's plane bullshit! Those were just word spewed by those people who loves to play with people's hopes." He hates all the people who made promises including this guy named Yukii Amon. But what made him to be like that? Because he was once promised too. A promise that change him to what he is right now. And who is Yukii ? Let's find out! Will you risk yourself, believing on a promise again? That promise that was once broken? Or was it really broken in the first place? Who knows.

Jzey_Roses · Real
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13 Chs

Author's Note

Hi, it's me Jzey. First of all thanks for reading my story. I really appreciate it. Please Support me by sending something and adding a comment so my story can reach other readers. Thanks a lot! Lovelots!

p.s. I have edited chapter 3, because I kind of got everythingixee up there so if you want you can read it again as it may affect as to how your thoughts of the story flows.

Hi, it's me Jzey. First of all thanks for reading my story. I really appreciate it. Please Support me by sending something and adding a comment so my story can reach other readers. Thanks a lot! Lovelots!

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