
The Prince of space

Enerlyn_Rosado · Cómic
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15 Chs

You can trust him

"Jack go upstairs" I said to Jack

"Ok but where do I hide" Jack ask me

"Hide in my brothers bedroom" I said ti Jack

"Ok" Jack said to me

"Once you're in my brothers room just make some kind of noise so I know when to open the door" I said to Jack

"Ok I will make a animal sound" Jack said to me while turning around.

(Jack ran upstairs)

"I heard a dog barking and new that the was Jack telling me to open the door" I thought to myself

(I opened the door)

"Oh hi Kunawa" i said to Kunawa

"Hi Amaru" Kunawa said to me

"Come in" I said to Kunawa

"Ok thanks" Kunawa said while coming in

"Sit down" I said to Kunawa

"Oh ok" Kunawa said

"So why did you come" i ask Kunawa while sitting down next to him.

"Oh, so I can't come and visit my childhood friend now and then" Kunawa said to me

"Yes, you can but you could of had called me before coming" I said to Kunawa

"I know but-" Kunawa said

(My mom comes down)

"Oh, hi Kunawa it's been a long time" my mother said to Kunawa

(Kunawa gets up from the sofa)

"Yes, it has been a long time" Kunawa said to my mother while walking towards her.

"Look how grown you are your even taller than me last time I saw you, you didn't even hit my shoulders you have changed a lot" my mother said to Kunawa

"True, it most be puberty" Kunawa said to my mother

"But why did you come so surten you could of had called like that we could of had clean up and got prepared to welcome you" my mother said to Kunawa

"Well I try calling but no one ever answer so I thought that you had change your phone numbers so I just came" Kunawa answer

"No, we haven't change our phone numbers you probably had the wrong phone numbers" my mother said to Kunawa

"That's probably why every time I called it just brought me to a mail massage" Kunawa said to me and my mother

"That's ok, but are you hungry we just had breakfast and there where some leftovers" my mother ask Kunawa

"Oh, yeah I could have some" Kunawa answer

"Amaru could you go and see if your sister is doing her homework" my mother said to me with a weird look in her face

"I'm pretty sure that she's doing it" I said to my mother

"But you know that she's in a new Unit she might need help just go upstairs and ask if she's ok" my mother said while looking at me

"Ooook I get it I will ask her if everything is ok" I said while going up the stairs

I new my mother didn't want me to go help my sister. My sister isn't even doing a new Unit she's just laying around. My mother meant for me to go check on Jack.

I went to my brother's old room and Jack wasn't there.

"God, I told him to hide in my brothers room where could he be now" I thought to myself

I looked everywhere but no where to find Jack.

I went downstairs to tell my mother downstairs there he was.

"Jack, what are you doing" I whispered

"Huh, you can see me" Jack said in a low voice

"Of course I can see you" I said to Jack

"Amaru, to who are you talking to" Kunawa ask me

"Wait why can't he see Jack" I thought to myself

"Oh no one I was just talking to myself" I said

"Ok" Kunawa said

"Kunawa, come your food is ready" my mother said

"Go" I said to Kunawa

"Ok" Kunawa said to me

I turn around and grab Jack's hand and when upstairs to my room.

"What happen" Jack ask me

"What happen is that you where in the living room and Kunawa didn't see you but why did I see you and I thought that I had told you to stay in my brothers room" I said to Jack

"I came out because that guy sounded too suspicious so I wanted to see who he was" Jack said to me

"Yeah, but that doesn't explain why Kunawa couldn't see you" I said to Jack

"That's because my tail can get invisible so I used it to go downstairs and check on that guy" Jack said

"But why did I see you if you where using your invisible tail"I ask Jack

"It's probably because of the contract that we have" Jack answer

"Ok, but there's nothing to worry about me and Kunawa have been friends since we where very little" I said to Jack

"Are you forgetting that the person the stab me with the cursed blade is looking for me there could be hundreds of bounty hunters looking for me" Jack said to me

"I didn't forget about that but me and him have been friends for a lot of time could you just give him a chance" I said

"Ok I will give him a chance but if your wrong and he's not what you think he is I don't want to see you crying" Jack said to me

"I know and I'm sure that he's good and I won't cry I'm not a crybaby " i said to Jack

(Kunawa- a childhood friend)

I know I know this chapter is really late but we shouldn’t be blaming me we should all be blaming “Laziness” he’s the only one that deserves all of the blame. Thanks for readying. Hope you like it Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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