
The Prince of Heaven N&R

after receiving a lot of abuse at his young age, naruto meets kurama and decides to become strong enough to protect himself, but unknowingly destiny has other plans for him, sending him to another world, where he will become a prince and find love.... "I would also like to remind you that I do not own the anime characters such as naruto & high school dxd do not belong to me."

Naoo_black · Cómic
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4 Chs


The giant snake was watching carefully, with its piercing eye fixed on Naruto, who was leaning on a tree trying to regain strength after the blow the snake had given it, and despite the pain he felt, the blond could feel his determination not to give up blooming over him, and despite the piercing gaze of that giant snake he didn't want to hesitate for a second.

"So what do you plan to do now?" asked that voice that kept ringing in his head.

"I don't know, but I don't want to and I don't plan to let that stupid snake eat me", said Naruto with clear determination in his eyes.

"hahahahahaha," that voice started laughing non-stop.

Naruto at the laughter of the voice in his head frowned. "what are you laughing at," he asked indignantly as he felt the voice in his head was taking him for a joke.

"i just find it funny that you say things like that, knowing that in your current state you couldn't beat him," the voice mentioned as he finished laughing. "But I'm going to help you out of respect for that determination".

Naruto was confused by the help offered by the voice, he knew that thanks to it he had been able to dodge some of the snake's attacks, but that was before, and despite his determination, he couldn't let go of the lingering pain in his body. But those thoughts were cut off when suddenly Naruto felt his body begin to burn, and in turn he also felt a strange power run through his entire body in an instant.

"What is this," the blond wondered at the surge of power that had been given to him.

"That's a portion of my chakra. Harness its power and let's get out of here," the voice told the blond.

With a quick movement, the giant snake lunged towards Naruto, but he reacted quickly, using the new power and the guidance of that voice in his head to dodge the snake's movements and counter attacking with his own movements that were charged with enough force to shake the snake, then to engage in a fierce battle, where despite the odds Naruto wanted to emerge victorious.

As the fight continued, Naruto could feel that the snake's gaze never left him. It was as if the giant snake was studying his every move, trying to anticipate his next attack. But Naruto was making great use of the power he had been lent, moving nimbly through the trees and earth he avoided the attacks, while in his counter attacks he left small cuts all over the snake's body.

"Brat, your body is reaching its limit. So you need to finish the snake right now," the voice said to Naruto.

"Understood," Naruto said as he kept moving to avoid the attacks.

Naruto tried to focus more on his attacks, already with the counter against him he wanted to finish the fight with the snake as fast as possible since he didn't want to know what would happen to his body after the power he borrowed was gone. With that in mind Naruto threw everything he had at it, throwing punches, kicks and occasionally making small cuts with the kunai to the snake's body. But despite his attempts the snake was still not defeated, and in an oversight, Naruto was hit hard by the snake's tail, sending him rolling on the ground losing the kunai he had in the process.

After a few short moments Naruto stood up as he frowned, feeling the consequences of the borrowed power.

"Stupid snake, looks like it doesn't die with anything," Naruto mentioned irritated.And realizing that he no longer had the kunai, Naruto quickly began to search for another weapon that would help him continue to hurt the snake. But the search was getting complicated because the snake did not stop attacking at any time, but after a while Naruto managed to visualize a spear sticking out of a bush, and hearing the plan of that voice, he ran quickly to take the spear. Followed by the snake closely Naruto made a maneuver, taking momentum from a tree he jumped and when he fell he thrust the spear with all his strength into the snake's right eye.

Naruto struggled to push the spear deeper into the snake's eye, until finally, after a long and exhausting battle, Naruto emerged victorious. The giant snake lay defeated at his feet, its massive body writhing in pain.

But after having calmed down from the adrenaline of the battle, Naruto could not feel triumphant, instead what he felt was sadness for the large creature in front of him. And as he looked into the snake's eyes, Naruto saw a glimmer of understanding and respect. It was as if The Giant Snake recognized the strength and courage of the little blond and bowed his head in defeat.

Observing that the snake had died, Naruto set out to leave the forest of death, but no sooner had he taken a few steps than he fell to his knees, completely exhausted from the use of the power he had been lent, but despite the protest of his body moving, Naruto got up with great effort and began to walk slowly in search of the exit.

During his walk through the forest, naruto began to feel more and more tired, his body's protest from the pain had already become unbearable, and by the time he finally managed to visualize the exit, his body and mind reached their limit, causing naruto to pass out.

When naruto opened his eyes he found himself in a large room something like a sewer, he could feel how the water of that place enveloped him while he was lying on what would be the floor of that room. But despite the appearance of that place Naruto couldn't help but think that it was just like the one he had seen in his nightmares.

"I see my jailer came to visit me," mentioned that voice that had been helping Naruto.The little blond jumped from the surprise that that voice that he heard before as a very deep entity in his mind, now sounded louder and clearer, as well as if it was just a few steps away from him. But when he tried to search with his eyes where the voice came from, he could find nothing but a gigantic grating.

"Who are you?", Naruto asked fearfully.

"Let's just say I'm your unwanted tenant," that voice replied with an almost creepy tone, which made Naruto feel a shiver go up his spine.

Despite the obvious fear Naruto was feeling, he swallowed hard and steeled himself to continue to find out why that voice was helping him, or why it had apparently led him to that place.

"Where am I. And what do you mean, when you say you are my tenant?", Naruto asked bravely."that's very simple to explain. I dwell inside you, or to be more specific, I am sealed inside you", answered that voice.

Naruto was shocked to hear the answer given by that voice that was previously ringing in his head. "how could it be possible that they sealed someone in it?", Naruto wondered, then it was when he remembered that on the big fence that divided that place there was a paper that said seal, and without thinking he began to walk in the direction of the fence.

"Why did they lock a person inside me?", asked Naruto, already sure that the voice came from the other side of the fence.

"A few years ago, a guy controlled me thanks to his special eyes, and against my will he made me cause some damage. But when I finally got out of that guy's control I had caused a lot of damage and without realizing it I was already in this place," he replied with disdain.

Now more intrigued than ever, naruto didn't know how to feel about the news he was given, on one hand he felt anger for the person who sealed that person inside him, but on the other hand he couldn't help but feel bad about what had happened to the person who was sealed inside him.

"Shouldn't you be angry?" the blond asked fearfully.

"at first yes I was angry, but then it was something I accepted," that voice replied regretfully.With every answer Naruto was given, he felt bad for that voice. How bad you should be to accept that you would be locked up against your will, in a place where you don't even have control.

"Why did you help me, if I am your jailer. You wouldn't be free if anything happened to me."The voice said nothing, for a few seconds, it was as if it was pondering Naruto's question."There are three reasons why I help you. The first is because he managed to empathize with you and I hate how those stupid people treat you. The second is because if you die I would die too. And the third I will tell you in due time."

Naruto was left speechless by the statements that voice had given him, he knew that because of the hatred that the citizens had for him there were few people who appreciated him or sympathized with him, and knowing that voice, the one that he thought should hate him more than anything else, could only see him with sympathy, and that was something that made the blond feel joy.

"And now why do you have that stupid smile," that voice mentioned upon seeing the smile that had formed on Naruto's face.

"Nothing, I just figured you would hate me for being the prison that keeps you locked up," Naruto said without losing the smile that had formed on his face."don't compare me to those stupid citizens of that village of yours." said with an indignant tone that voice.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," Naruto quickly apologized, since it was not his intention to compare the people of Konoha with the owner of that voice.

Silence fell in that room, and it had lasted for a long time, until the blond broke it. "so this place is my interior?", asked Naruto curiously while looking around."that's correct," affirmed that voice.

"but there shouldn't be bones, organs or something like that somewhere."

That voice couldn't help but let out a sigh at the persistence of the blond's questions. He had thought the little boy was smart enough to understand when he said they were inside him. "You won't be able to see any of that here due to the fact that we are in your subconscious".Naruto just nodded at the explanation the voice had given him, then fell silent for another while. But again he wanted to ask another question, that one the one that had been haunting his mind when he woke up from the nightmares of that night of his birthday.

"Can I ask you one last question," the little blond asked fearfully.

"Don't you get tired of asking questions?" that voice asked back with an irritated tone."I'm sorry, but I really need to know what happened that night," Naruto mentioned with a hint of desperation in his tone.

"You want to know if everything you see in your dreams is true, don't you?"Naruto just remained silent as he nodded, it was as if he knew that the owner of that voice was somehow seeing him.

"yes, all the images you see when you sleep are real," the voice replied."Then I killed that man," Naruto asked, panic was taking over his body.

"calm down brat," exclaimed the voice. "Even though in your dreams you see that you killed him, in reality things were a little different."

Naruto was confused by the explanation that voice was giving him, he didn't know what it was referring to.

"What do you mean, different? I don't understand," said the blond.

Not knowing how to explain the events of that night, the voice was silent for a few seconds. But not finding the best way to explain to the blond what happened that night, she decided to tell him everything that happened during the moments she had taken control of his body.

Some time later Naruto had heard the whole story of the events of that night, needless to say that the blond was amazed, he would never believe that they could take control of his body to help him. Naruto understood that even though in his dreams he saw himself fighting and killing, he was only the owner of that voice helping him to defend himself, giving him what he deserved to those who were hurting him. He disliked the idea of them ending someone's life, but he understood that in the situation, it was his or theirs.

"Thank you for helping me," the blond mentioned gratefully.

But as grateful as he was, Naruto couldn't help but be a little apprehensive about the reactions the citizens of the village would have upon hearing the news that he had practically killed a ninja. He also had a feeling that they would seek to retaliate against him.

"Brat you better stop being afraid of those miserable citizens," that voice mentioned, letting on that it could see through Naruto's emotions.

"I just don't know what I should do to defend myself against those who want to harm me," he replied a little embarrassed.

"brat, you have to be an idiot, right?", asked with an irritated tone that voice.

"of course I'm not," Naruto replied indignantly at the insult.

"Then why did you come to this forest, wasn't it to become stronger?

After the words of that voice, Naruto remembered the reason why he had entered the forest of death. He wanted to become strong so that he could defend himself against all those who would ever want to harm him.

"You're right, I came here to be the strongest of all," the blond mentioned with unrelenting conviction.

"I hope so brat, and I'll be willing to help you", mentioned that voice.

"really thank you so much for what you're doing for me," Naruto mentioned with great joy.

"Anything not to save your ass again," said that voice, but despite the words there was not a hint of disdain in his tone.

Naruto despite the words said by that voice did not let himself be discouraged, there were already many people despising him, giving him hate speeches and whatnot, and in his mind he had engraved the different emotions of rejection, hatred or similar emotions, but the tone of that voice somehow did not feel like those emotions, if not like mockery and appreciation.

"Even though you have helped me I don't know your name," the blond mentioned regretfully, that voice had helped him on two occasions, and he wanted to know the name of the owner of that voice. After all, he already considered him a friend.

That voice didn't mention anything for a few seconds, it was as if he was meditating on the words Naruto had said. "my name is Kurama," the voice spoke after a while.

"a pleasure kurama, I am Naruto uzumaki, and it is a pleasure to be able to be your friend", exclaimed the little blond, the joy was palpable on his face.

"i'm not your friend yet," mentioned kurama a little irritated.

"but we can become, after all you have helped me twice, and I would like to help you to be free", Naruto mentioned to kurama.

Kurama had been silenced by Naruto's words, it was the first time in the many centuries of his life that someone had offered to help him to be free, and just for that fact that boy had earned some respect from him.

"you'd better get ready because it's already dawning outside", kurama mentioned as if he hadn't paid attention to the words said by Naruto.

"How is it getting dawn. If here you can't even see the sun", mentioned a little doubtful Naruto.

"We are in your mental space, therefore time is running slower," kurama casually replied.

"I get it," replied Naruto affirmatively as he understood the explanation Kurama had given him.

One month later:

Some time had passed, Naruto was walking leisurely through the streets of konoha, until a few minutes ago he was in ichiraku ramen talking with teuchi ojisan and his daughter ayame. Since the events of the forest of death, Naruto had been training under the guidance of Kurama. the blond had had the most exhausting days of his short life, but despite how hard he trained, he was satisfied with how strong he felt.

He had to thank kurama for the help he had been giving him, although naruto didn't know how to thank him, because despite the time he had been talking to him, this was only limited to when they trained, otherwise it seemed that kurama slept all the time and when he woke him up outside of training hours he became grumpy. Naruto thought that kurama was something like a cantankerous hermit.

"hey, kurama when are you going to teach me ninjutsu," Naruto mentally asked his tenant as he reached the forest of death.

That was naruto's favorite training area, the size he had was great to do any kind of physical training, from basic exercises, to run around the training field, not to mention that since he had defeated that snake, many small animals were facing him, although saying small would be a fallacy, since naruto called him small because he compared them to the giant snake, but in reality they were of a considerably large size. But thanks to kurama coming up with the idea of him taking advantage of those animals' attacks as part of training, naruto had improved in his agility and combat experience.

"You hardly know how to escape from the beasts found here. Remember you have to learn to walk first before you can run," Kurama responded to the question the little blond had asked him.

"if you would teach me some jutsu, I could beat them very easily", Naruto replied while pouting at kurama's refusal.

"I doubt it brat," the mockery was evident in kurama's tone.

"very funny. I didn't know you were a comedian, you stupid old man," With a disgusted face naruto raised a fist in the air trying to threaten the voice in his head.

"shut up, you stupid disrespectful brat. Don't you know who you are talking to like that, I am a super powerful being", kurama's voice sounded with fury in Naruto's head.

At kurama's statement, Naruto just made a poker face, "yeah, whatever you say," Naruto said in disgust at kurama's tirade.

Without another word kurama just let out a grunt, and let the blond continue on his way in complete silence.

With a blank face naruto continued walking to get to the clearing where he always trained, he knew that despite kurama's grunt, he really hadn't been upset, after all that's how they had started to treat each other since that day they met, for naruto it was a relationship like a great friend who always argued, but at the end of the day they were the best of friends, or at least that's how naruto saw it. Kurama had been his first friend and even though he hadn't seen him yet, he felt he was a very nice person, well that's if you didn't count how lazy and grumpy he could be.

Arriving at the clearing, naruto set down next to a nearby tree the bag he had, then headed to the center of the cleared space, after doing some exercises naruto began to get ready to run around the forest of death.

"Hey, brat," spoke kurama getting naruto's attention. "Starting today we will increase the laps around the forest from five to seven, we will also increase the abdominal push-ups to one hundred and fifty repetitions," he casually mentioned while trying to hide the mocking tone in his voice.

"! What!", shouted naruto angrily. "do you want to kill me, you stupid old man."

"what a whiny little brat," kurama mentioned with annoyance at the blond's tantrum. "you thought you would spend a lifetime doing the same thing, we have to increase the intensity so you can keep getting stronger."

"But I can barely do my best with the current exercises. If I increase to what you are asking me to do I will surely die, not to mention that I would spend all day here", Naruto mentioned trying to change Kurama's mind.

"then you better start from now on", Kurama spoke making it clear that there was no room for discussion. "Or is it that you don't want to get strong to protect yourself anymore".

Naruto said nothing at kurama's provocation, the blond only deigned to finish warming up. After a while he went out to run, thus beginning the torture that the stupid old kurama had put him, and while naruto ran, he began to mutter diatribes about stupid old men who were bloodthirsty and vindictive and were locked up.

"By the way brat, they already changed shifts the anbus guarding you," kurama mentioned cutting off naruto's mutterings.

Naruto already knew that the two anbus that had accompanied the third hokage when he had visited him, were the same ones that had been watching him for quite some time, thanks to kurama who was the one who had noticed from the first moment they started watching him, but as they had no malicious intention towards the blond, kurama only limited himself to recommend him that when he communicated with him, try to be a little more discreet.

At first naruto asked kurama, why they had to be discreet when talking to him, kurama had explained that he didn't know how they would take the news that naruto had started to have communication with him, and that most likely they would take him to some place where they would force him to do many things that maybe the blond wouldn't like, or they would force him to be a senseless soldier. But even though kurama's answer had left more doubts instead of clarifications, instead Naruto just decided to leave the subject until there and to heed kurama's recommendations.

Unknown place:

In a large dimly lit office, sat Danzo in a chair behind a desk, and as he looked over the scroll that orochimaru had given him, he couldn't help but smirk. Even though he didn't trust that crawling snake, he was currently thanking him for the favor of crafting the mind control scroll. At first he thought that orochimaru had tricked him, but after testing the seals on the scroll, danzo got the perfect result, and even though the seals had to be placed when the victim was weak, danzo could not complain about the good results they gave, not to mention that the one who applied the seal would be under constant mental torture to ensure obedience.

"These seals are the key to controlling the kyubi's jinchuriki, and getting what I've always deserved," he said with glee at the prospect that his most coveted dream was just around the corner.

Leaving his tirades for another time, Danzo began to finish the paperwork on his desk. The old konoha hawk had to cover orochimaru's tracks as payment for the seals, but his work was interrupted when there was a knock on his door.

"lord danzo,may i come in?" asked an even-toned voice from behind the door.

"Come in," danzo answered immediately.

Upon hearing the permission given by danzo, a pair of anbus loyal to danzo entered the office, then knelt down in respect for the old konoha hawk.

"lord danzo, we have preparations ready for the operation to capture the kyubi boy," said the anbu at the head of the pair.

Danzo said nothing for a few small moments, it was as if he was looking for some hint of falsehood in the words of the anbu in front of him. "are you sure all the preparations are ready?", Danzo asked to clear his doubt, he wanted everything to go well, as he wouldn't have another chance.

"Yes, lord danzo, everything was done according to your plans. We have already gained the trust of the third hokage, we were already included as personal security backup and we also already handle the schedules in which they take care of the brat kyubi," replied the anbu loyal to danzo with confidence.

Hearing the report of the plans he had given him going forward a month ago, danzo sketched a smile. "Sounds perfect to me, I just hope the plans keep going the same way," danzo mentioned, the smile that had previously appeared on his face had changed to an expression of more seriousness and one that promised a severe consequence if the plan fails for any reason.

"So it shall be lord danzo," the anbu stated calmly, even though he was nervous about the warning clear in danzo's gaze, he did not let his nerves show at any point.

At danzo's confidence danzo could only nod. "now i just need you to communicate with orochimaru, tell him about the plans, also tell him to get ready, because in two days time we will put the plan into action and use one of his hidden bases as a distraction."

"understood lord danzo," the anbu nodded at danzo's orders.

And with a wave of his hand danzo dismissed the anbus. "that's all, you may now retire."

Without another word, the anbu stood up and withdrew from the office, leaving the old hawk alone again, who could only feel anxious about the future effectiveness of his plans, and as he held his left hand to the bandaged side of his face, specifically where his right eye should be. "already your end is coming old friend, your time as hokage is coming to an end, and when the position is finally mine, I will once again put konoha as the strongest village of the five great elemental nations."

Streets of konoha:

Through the streets of konoha, a man was walking, who was dressed in the typical anbus garments, a silver spiky hair that defied gravity, the lower part of his face was covered, he had placed the konoha diadem on half side , covering his left eye, leaving only the right eye visible.

While the anbu was walking through the streets, he was also reading a book with an orange cover, with great mastery he was moving apparently without taking his eyes off his reading, until at one point he stopped when he heard that someone had shouted his name.

"hey kakashi, wait a moment."

Turning around kakashi visualized a man walking towards him. That man was dressed in a green expander, he also had a chunin vest, but the most striking feature of that person, was his black bowl-shaped hair and the thick eyebrows that gave him a distinctive look.

Raising his hand lazily kakashi greeted the guy. "What's up guy, how's it going?".

"Good, I just came from a mission," Guy answered with an almost exaggerated smile.

Kakashi just nodded at Guy's words. "I'm glad you're back in one piece and safe," he mentioned with a hint of joy reflected in his only visible eye.

Raising his hand with a thumbs up, in a sign of approval guy sketched a big smile, which made his teeth shine with an almost mowing light, making Kakashi only impassive at his friend's peculiarity.

"hey kakashi," guy mentioned catching the attention of his friend and eternal rival, or so he thought according to his own words. "I thought you would be on the mission the hokage had given you?" he asked curiously.

"I'm still on that mission, but until recently I delivered the report to the hokage on how it's going, so the hokage gave me the rest of the day off", Kakashi mentioned not wanting to give too much information about the mission to take care of Naruto.

"Perfect," guy mentioned happily.

But Kakashi interrupted him. "sorry guy, I'm too tired today for any challenge", kakashi mentioned quickly, knowing that surely guy would challenge him to some challenge, but even though that was guy's greatest way to show his friendship, today he didn't have the will or the energy to accept his friend's challenges.

Guy's face fell dejected at Kakashi's words, but he almost immediately pulled himself together. "too bad, but that's not what I meant."

Confusion was present on Kakashi's face, "then what do you mean?" he asked confused, practically challenging him was something he did all the time.

Guy seeing the confusion of his eternal rival made a face of feigned disappointment, "you forgot it right", guy asked, more as a courtesy, because he had already seen that if he had forgotten it.

"I'm sorry guy, with so many things I forgot", kakashi managed to mention with an apology reflected in his eye.

Giving a sigh of resignation Guy understood the excuse, "I understand," he mentioned returning to his cheerful mood. "I remind you that we had agreed that you would accept a dinner with the group."

"right," Kakashi nodded remembering his promise. "So where are we going to meet?", he asked Guy.

Guy stood thinking for a few moments, analyzing which of the food stalls they could go to meet and have a nice time. "how about the akimichi's grill restaurant", guy asked, seeing if kakashi thought the idea was a good one.

"sounds like a good idea to me," Kakashi mentioned approvingly.

"well, then I'll see you at the akimichi's restaurant at seven o'clock tonight", he mentioned with cool cheerfulness. "Then I'm off to let the others know," guy finished speaking as he said goodbye to his eternal rival and ran off to fulfill his plans.

"And there goes my quiet night of reading," Kakashi mentioned as he watched guy walk away.

Forest of death:

Already the sun was setting, giving the end of the afternoon and giving way for the arrival of the night. In the middle of the forest was Naruto lying on the ground, the blond looked totally tired, his clothes were dirty and full of mud. Next to him, a few steps away lay an unconscious brown furred boar.

"You did good brat," kurama said to Naruto. "Good for just a small sized boar," the mocking tone was more than evident.

"shut up stupid", naruto said frowning at kurama's taunts, but despite the taunts, he could also feel proud at being able to defeat that boar without kurama's help.

Getting up from the ground now a little more recovered from that intensive training, Naruto was still tired but satisfied with the progress he had made. Beginning to shake off all his clothes, Naruto couldn't help but smile as he felt that he was getting closer and closer to achieving his goals and gaining enough strength to not let himself be bent by anyone. With determination in his eyes Naruto set out to walk towards the exit of the forest and get home to rest, so that tomorrow he could continue with the training.

The next day:

Hokage's office:

It was already early, about six o'clock in the morning, the old hokage hiruzen sarutobi hiruzen had arrived early at his office to finish his pending paperwork from the night before. "what a nuisance with these papers from hell. "Cause burn them all," thought the third hokage, and the more he saw the mountains of papers, the more he was becoming convinced to do that wonderful idea.

But despite the temptation to end that torture called paperwork, he restrained himself to then take a seat behind his desk and with a great sigh of resignation began to do the endless work of every day.

"May I come in," asked a female voice knocking on the door of the hokage's office.

"Come in," was Hiruzen's reply.

Upon entering the purple haired anbu made her presence known, and as she stood in front of the hokage she knelt down. "Good morning hokage sama," spoke the anbu as she bowed her head in respect.

With a hand signal Hiruzen indicated to the anbu to stand up. "Good morning yugao, what brings you to my office so early?" he asked quizzically.

"I wanted to give you my report as quickly as possible, as I observed something amazing yesterday." Yugao replied in a bubbly tone.

Hiruzen's curiosity was piqued at the words. He knew judging by yugao's tone that nothing bad could have happened to Naruto. "Tell me, what was it that amazed you?".

"Yesterday while watching Naruto, who was culminating his daily training, he clashed with a large boar, defeating it in the process," Yugao mentioned what he had observed when he was watching Naruto.

To say that Hiruzen wasn't amazed was lying. the old hokage had known for a long time that the creatures that inhabited that training ground were anything but normal, and to be told that naruto defeated one of them at his young age was more than just amazing, it also spoke well of how hard he had worked to become strong.

"yeah, you're right, it's impressive how strong he's getting," Hiruzen mentioned to Yugao, "I just hope his motivations aren't out of spite or revenge," the concern was clear on the hokage's face.

"I don't think Naruto is motivated by some of those reasons," Yugao mentioned trying to appease the third hokage's doubts.

After all she had seen the little blond's training sessions, she knew the joy that came out of naruto when he managed to complete the exercises self-imposed by himself, and the more she watched him she couldn't help but see that he almost looked like a hard working madman, like a peculiar acquaintance with bushy eyebrows, but leaving that aside, yugao couldn't help but see reflected in that child the great ninja that were his parents.

The third hokage stood pondering his anbu's words for a few seconds, until his doubts were dispelled. "You are right yugao," Hiruzen said with a smile. "Rather we should guide him so that when he becomes strong he won't lose the path of good," were the thoughts that were in the old hokage's mind.

Naruto's apartment:

Naruto was sitting on his bed eating a bowl of instant ramen, around him were some books, among these were some on physical exercises, chakra control and others on sealing.

"kurama, now what am I going to do with all these books and scrolls", Naruto asked his partner.

"you are going to start reading them", kurama mentioned as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Naruto made a shocked face at what kurama was asking him. "you're crazy, I'm going to take a lifetime," the frown was more than evident on the blond's face, not to mention that until a few months ago he had only learned to read, and had never been interested in reading more than a few pages of any book.

"Then don't waste your time," exasperated by the blond's complaints kurama had replied. "Besides that will help you learn some jutsus in the future."

Almost immediately Naruto changed his mood upon hearing that by reading some of those boring books he could learn how to do jutsu." Does that mean you're finally going to teach me some amazing jutsus?", Naruto asked kurama with a joy that would almost make him start hopping on one foot.

"I never said I would teach you any jutsu," kurama mentioned to calm Naruto down. "besides I don't know anything about jutsu".

"What!?", Naruto was taken aback by Kurama's answer. "I thought you would know some powerful jutsu", the confusion was clear on the blond's face, and despite being a kid, he knew that for Kurama to be locked up he would have to have some very dangerous jutsu.

"Never need to do any jutsu, that's for you weak humans," Kurama replied, pride clear in his tone.

"Then what am I going to learn chakra control for?" the blond asked more doubtfully, if Kurama wasn't going to teach him jutsu, then he didn't see the point.

"chakra control is not only for doing jutsu, it also serves for other things, such as strengthening your body and sharpening your senses", thus kurama spent several minutes explaining to naruto the variety of uses that chakra has, also leaning on the chakra control book, which he made naruto start reading.

"woo, I didn't know it had so many uses other than ninjutsu," naruto mentioned as he saw the explanations the book gave along with the facts Kurama told him at times.

"See what I mean?", kurama asked relieved that Naruto could understand the basics about chakra control. "Besides I would also like you to learn the jutsus that your parents mastered," kurama mentioned knowing the fact that Naruto didn't know who his parents were.

Naruto had been dumbfounded to hear that kurama had mentioned his parents. "Did you know my parents," Naruto asked, almost on the verge of tears. He had his whole life wondering who his parents were, if they were important people or if they really loved him, all those questions were always going around in his head, but no matter how much he had tried to convince the third hokage this one always answered, that knowing who they were wouldn't bring them back.

They were cruel words to him, as he felt that for some reason his parents never loved him, but he always imagined that his parents had been the best in the world, knowing that it might not be so, but Naruto liked to think that his parents loved him more than anything.

"I did meet your parents, most of all your mother," kurama mentioned drawing Naruto's attention completely.

Naruto still couldn't believe what kurama was telling him, every second the feelings he had kept on the subject of his parents began to overflow, but swallowing those feelings, he set out to ask about them, "what were they like?", the anxiety was already noticeable in naruto's tone, "who were they. did they love me?", were the questions that the little blond was eager to know, after all, he was a child who had known nothing about those people who loved him and would love him until the end of time.

Kurama had been touched by the reaction Naruto had had, "first you have to calm down brat," kurama mentioned reassuring Naruto, he knew how important the information was to Naruto, so he decided to give him answers to some of his questions.

After a few seconds of waiting for naruto to calm down, kurama started to give them the answers that the blond wanted so much, "your parents were some of the most stubborn and skilled humans I have been able to meet in my many years of existence," kurama mentioned, giving him a bit of a vague description of his parents, "that's all I can tell you about them, not that I know much about them either. But I can see that you inherited some things from them".

Naruto felt joy and pride for the descriptions that kurama had given him about his parents, but in spite of that naruto still had the doubt that every orphan boy who has not known his parents would ask himself, "did they love me?" he asked fearful for the answer he would receive.

"yes, they loved you, especially your mother, she kept teasing me by telling me how much she loved you and what a great person she was sure you would become", kurama mentioned with a tone of joy imperceptible to Naruto.

Tears of joy began to fall down naruto's face, the feeling that he was loved by his parents began to fill that void he had felt all his short life, "yes they loved me," naruto mentioned more as an affirmation to the belief he had always had.

"That's all I can tell you," kurama mentioned stopping the barrage of questions he was sure naruto would ask. "if you want to know more, go ask the old man they call the hokage. And if after that you want to listen to me, I'll be willing to tell you everything I know about your parents," kurama knew that the blond needed to know both sides of the story, but beyond that, he wanted to test if naruto would be able to see more than just the basic facts of that night, he also wanted to be sure that the little blond would be able to earn his full support and friendship, just like his mother had done.

Naruto frowned at kurama's refusal to tell him more about his parents, but almost immediately calmed down, "and how am I going to convince the old man to tell me what he knows?", naruto asked changing the subject, since he trusted kurama and if he didn't want to tell more, it would be for a reason.

"Just tell him that you already know that you're a jinchuriki".

"What is a jinchuriki?" asked naruto out of confusion at the use of that word.

"That will be explained to you by the old hokage." Mentioned kurama trying not to let the conversation go any longer. "For the moment you need to go to that old man so he can tell you everything and give you the scrolls of your parents".

Wasting no time, Naruto stood up from his bed, he started to get dressed to go to the third hokage's office, his longing to know more about his parents was more fervent than ever before. "It's time for me to finally know who my parents were," Naruto said to himself as he left the room after having spent several minutes changing. But as he opened the door to leave and set out on his way to the hokage's office, Naruto ran into the one he was going to look for.

"Hello, naruto," greeted the hokage when he saw that naruto opened the door just as he was about to knock on it.

"hello old man," naruto reciprocated the greeting amazed to see the hokage at his door, it looked like he had summoned him, or knew that naruto would come out to look for him.

"why didn't you tell me that Hiruzen ojisan was about to arrive?", naruto mentally asked Kurama.

"i didn't tell you because i felt he was already too close, besides i wanted to keep sleeping", kurama mentioned after giving a yawn audible to naruto.

Naruto could only make a blank face at the vague answer kurama had given him. "Stupid slacker," he muttered to his insides, forgetting for a moment that he had the third hokage standing in his doorway.

"Going somewhere?" the old hokage mentioned catching Naruto's attention.

Hearing the hokage speak naruto cut the connection with kurama to pay attention and answer the question he had been asked, "yes, but I don't think I will anymore".

"and why is that?" asked hiruzen confused by the answer naruto had given him.

"Is that I was going to the hokage tower to talk to you, but since you're here, it wouldn't be necessary to go there". Naruto mentioned as he stepped aside for the hokage to pass.

Once Naruto and Hiruzen were inside the apartment, they sat across from each other, waiting for either of them to start the conversation they wanted to have.

"I heard you've been training," the hokage spoke starting the conversation and breaking the silence.

"yes, I've been training for a month now," Naruto replied affirming the hokage's words. "but I guess you already know that, due to the fact that they always keep an eye on me", he mentioned while pointing to the anbus that always watched the hokage.

Hiruzen's surprise had become clear on his face. "How did you know it was them?" asked Hiruzen wanting to know if somehow Naruto had developed the same sensing ability that his father had.

"as I told you before, I can sense something in people,", naruto mentioned telling a half truth, "but it's something I can't control, however I can identify the two of them".

Naruto could feel the chakra of the people near him, but it was something he couldn't control yet, and that was when kurama came in, that according to what he had told him, kurama had the same chakra detection ability but with much more advantage, and because of that he could tell him who were the ones that approached him, and if they had good or bad intentions.

"That thing you feel is called chakra," Hiruzen mentioned as he confirmed that indeed Naruto was a sensor just like his father. "That ability is developed by ninjas as they train in the ninja arts, but there are times when some people are born with a great affinity for detecting chakra, those people are called sensors," the hokage explained to naruto so that he would have an idea of the ability he had.

"that's great", Naruto had been amazed by what the hokage had told him, he knew because of kurama that this ability is known as chakra detection and that all ninja had it, but he had never imagined that he could be a sensor.

Allowing Naruto to calm down at the news that he had a special ability, Hiruzen continued with the conversation, as he wanted to quench the doubt that had been hanging over his head. "Naruto, why are you training?". 

"I want to become the strongest ninja ever," Naruto mentioned in a very cheerful and determined manner, "I want to become strong so that I will be recognized as the strongest of all and respected. I also don't want to make my loved ones, like teuchi ojisan, ayame neesan and you not to worry about my safety."

Hiruzen sarutobi was amazed by the determination he could see in naruto's blue eyes, it had become clear to him that despite the situations he had been in, the blond was not being driven by hatred, rather he liked the way he was using that as fuel for his goal.

"Sounds like a good goal to me," Hiruzen mentioned with a smile that was gracing his features. "if you want to keep getting stronger, I can enroll you in the academy, for sure there you can keep getting stronger and they will teach you many techniques".

The hokage again raised him the entrance to the academy naruto, hoping that this finally decided to go, since previously he had proposed it to him, but for some reason the blond had been refusing, and hiruzen related the refusal to the fear or perhaps hatred that naruto had obtained by what the citizens were doing to him.

Naruto stood analyzing the proposal for several seconds. "okay old man, I'll accept to go to the academy", Naruto mentioned encouraged to learn new techniques, but he was also a little insecure, because he was sure that many of the kids and ninjas that looked down on him would be there.

"Perfect," Hiruzen mentioned with a slight smile. "I'll do the paperwork so you can join, you'll be a little late, but I'm sure you'll adapt quickly", already with naruto's acceptance to his proposal hiruzen felt more relieved, because he needed the blond to become strong so he could with the burden of being a jinchuriki and the son of two powerful ninjas.

Naruto just nodded at the hokage's words, his mind was thinking of the best way to bring up the subject about his parents, and how to tell hiruzen, that he wants to know the truth about them and that he knows he is a jinchuriki, whatever that is.

"If you want help with anything else, just tell me, I'll do my best to do it," hiruzen mentioned knowing that maybe at the academy they would give the blond a lot of buts.

"the truth if I need help, but with another subject", Naruto mentioned, taking advantage of the moment to be able to ask the question he had wanted to ask from the beginning.

"Of course, how can I help you?".

"I want you to tell me the truth about my parents. And I want the truth, I already know that I'm a jinchuriki".

To say that hiruzen sarutobi had been shocked was an understatement, the hokage was almost that frozen at naruto's words, "how did he know, who would tell him," were the questions that were going around in the head of the third hokage of konoha.