
The Prince And The Witch

Princess Alesa was born and abandoned by her mother whom was a runaway royal pureblooded witch princess from Jalin kingdom, whom had disguised herself as a maid to come work in the palace, only to end up stealing the heart of the king. As she grew, she was practically unaware of her magical abilities and while running away from an arranged marriage with her betroth whom was a wizard, she ended up enchanting another prince to sleep with her and take her away to his kingdom. Her betrothed found out and waged war against Prince Ali whom took her away, threatening to burn down the whole kingdom, if she wasn't returned back to him.. but Prince Ali refused as he had already fallen in love with her and gotten her pregnant. Enraged King Fedina cursed her that she wouldn't be able to give birth to the child, except she returns back to him as he needed her to fulfill their ancestral royal prophesy of birthing a demigod, one whom has all magical powers to control Air, fire, water and life. Read to find out.

GoodnessChiamaka · Historia
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38 Chs

Chapter 32

Reaching in front of the dinning area, he had almost forgotten he had a new wife has he never had thought about her and had told her not to near his chamber during their marriage rite, he shifted his gaze to look at his brother whom sat down closer to his younger sister Angela on the dinning table.

Ignoring everyone's presence he spoke to Angela first, "How was your night little sister?," he questioned her as he took a seat facing her while he sat three seat away from Felicia and his mother where they sat, as he was supposed to seat on the head seat, while Felicia at his right and his mother at his left side.

Queen Latifa frowned and gave him a dagger glare.

"Mother do you want to be charge for conspiracy against the King?," He questioned his mother, as he felt her murderous gaze on him.

"Enough son! Let's have our breakfast first, before getting to know each-other," She stressed the word so as to get his full attention and piss him off.

He kept quiet and told the maid standing next to them "Serve!."

They all ate their breakfast in silence as none spoke a word to the other, or disturb the other from concentrating on their meal.

Felicia was the first to finish her meal as she was a foodie, if she wasn't from the Noble royal home, King Fedina would have sent her out from the dinning room as she ate so quickly like a local village champion, unlike the aristocrat she is.

"Hmph" he sighed quietly while his mother and siblings stare at Felicia in shock, they were still picky picky and she had finished the fried rice and fruit salad placed in front of her not up to 5minutes.

Thinking Felicia will leave the dinning room and give him some breathing space, next he saw her wave to the maid and the maid came closer to the dinning table "What are you in need Your highness?," questioned the maid whom stood beside Felicia.

"Serve me more food," she said pointing to her plate and all four of them whom hadn't even eaten their food to half exclaimed "What!"

She turned her face from the maid to look at all of them as she was startled and embarrassed, "Sorry but am not filled up yet," She said, trying to explain that she loves food and was a foodie more reason why she's thick and chubby.

(Coughs gently) As it wasn't in their tradition to talk while eating and she had spoken many times now.

Felicia didn't bother looking back at them again as she didn't hear anyone reply against her being a foodie, she spoke to the maid whom immediately filled her plate back.

Queen Latifa wanted to speak against Felicia eating habits, even though it was against their tradition to speak while eating, she thought it best to keep mute and have her son speak if it irritated him, as she want King Fedina react to Felicia eating habits as she was his wife, but he didn't react, instead he kept silent and continue eating his food.

King Fedina forced himself to finish his food not wanting to say anything next as he didn't want to waste his time, as it was his first day being the King of Jalin, and he had a meeting with the elders in council, he decided to leave Felicia to finish the whole pot of food if she want too and discuss her foodie habit with her later, as that was the least of his problem.

After finishing his food, he wipe his lip with the serviette on the table and stood up, then the maid came to pick up his plate and clean his side of his table, he walk out of the dinning room, leaving his mother, brother, sister and wife behind as they were still eating.

He went down to the council room for the meeting they had, as it was an honourable day for the council men to introduce themselves to him and properly welcome him into their court of meeting as their new king.

Reaching in the Royal meeting chamber, he went to the head throne seat and sat, with his guards stationed and standing side by side beside him, the council men waited for him to seat first before they all took their respective seat. Some were jealous as he was young to rule the Jalin kingdom but the had no choice or option than to welcome him and do the needful.

His spokesperson stood up and hail, "Greeting to the Crown King of Jalin Royal Empire, May You live long your Majesty and rule for centuries to centuries to come!" hailed the spokesman Setus.

"You are Welcome, Your Majesty King Fedina of Jalin!," responded the council men in unison.

"You may all seat," replied King Fedina as he beckoned for all of them to seat. It wasn't his first time as he had been to the council meeting with his father Late King Maticus, when he was still alive and had seen how his father ruled and controlled the meeting.

The Secretary of the meeting stood up and gave the last record on the things they wanted to do and renovate for the people of Jalin.

"My Lord, the people whose house has been destroyed as a result of the Witches curse and the late king death are wailing for a new home," said Tunde the old secretary as he was the one keeping records of the old and new development and want of the people.

King Fedina stiffened as he wasn't waiting to hear such silly demands, seeing that the secretary hasn't spoken any other thing yet, he asked, "Is that all?."

"No my Lord, Pardon me your majesty, the other demands are of the market women as the had complain that the other neighboring kingdoms doesn't patronize them and doesn't allow for importation," said Tunde..

"Is that all?," questioned King Fedina.

"No my Lord," replied Tunde.

"Then go straight to read all their demands," stated King Fedina, and all the council men expressed shock.

"Pardon me your majesty, but it will be needed of you to give a reply as to each demand stated so that it can be recorded," stated one of the council men, whom stood up immediately to reply the young king.

"I see, if that's all for their them, then it settled, pass the demands to Setus and it will be meet, and fulfilled, for the market and exchange, it no news that our people ain't welcome in the neighboring kingdoms, so likely our goods and commodity, so we should try to produce more than going to our enemies to buy from them, we will have more company created to improve ourselves, so that settle that, anything else?," He questioned as his eyes moved around looking at the faces of the elderly men seated opposite him.

"None my Lord," replied the secretary.

"Good, the meeting is over," said King Fedina and he stood up first.

"But my Lord, of you have anything you will like to inform us, you can let us know about it here in the meeting," said another council man, whom was from the royal lineage, Chief Justine.

"I see, Well it too early to create new doctrine as am still learning about the old ones, so you may all leave," replied King Fedina, and none of them dare to question or stop him, they started leaving the meeting hall, one by one until only Setus and King Fedina and the two guards standing side by side beside the throne.

"Your Majesty!," called Setus.

"Anything you want?," questioned King Fedina as he was going thru the past records the secretary had submitted, to see if any was previously fulfilled.

"Nothing much your majesty, just that I will want to know how we will rebuild the destroyed homes," stated Setus.

"They isn't a problem, I will have a date fixed for that, anything else?," King Fedina demanded as he shifted his gaze back, reading the past records to stay updated.

"Nothing Your Majesty," replied Setus, and King Fedina nodded.