
The PowerSpirits

Many times we are persecuted. Sometimes because it is just child's play, but other times it is because there is danger around. What if we were persecuted just for being different? How would you feel if you were seen as a monster when in reality you could be a hero? Two families must join forces. Each member with a different story to tell and something they must learn to do justice and show that being different is what makes you special. Come and meet these mysterious creatures. They may look like us, but they are actually... The PowerSpirits

GabyVMO · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Trailer and Characters


A boy was playing soccer with his friends

Kenny: Goal!!

'This is Kenny. Maybe they see him as a normal child. But...'

Kenny: They played soccer with a dog.

Kenny's eyes glow green

'There is something special inside him'

Kenny transforms into a dog. He was playing soccer with his friends, until...

Cecilia: Kenny!

His mother arrives in the car

Kenny: What's wrong if this city finds out who we really are?

'And there are more like him'

Cecilia took out a petal and it transformed into a spear.

Cecilia: In these 10 years that we have been living here, you should know that our plan is to integrate into society, we have to act like other people

Kenny: It's a way of saying we're not special.

'A mother and a son, who despite adversity, have a very good life'

Kenny wets Cecilia with a hose, she hides behind the car. Kenny and Cecilia are laughing


In a cinema, black smoke appears along with a shadow

Kenny: What's going on?

Screams of terror are heard all over the place

'Your biggest challenge...'

You hear the doorbell

'It's about to arrive at your door'

Cecilia opens the door to her house and there were some beautiful twins.

Mackenzie: Hello. I know we've never seen each other. But you were best friends with our dad, Joseph Claments.

Eva: We are his daughters

Cecilia was shocked.

Eva: Awkward

Kenny: How come I never knew you were my hero's best friend!?

Mackenzie: Our parents are traveling and we need someone to take care of us for a while

The twins looked at Cecilia

Cecilia: Oh my God...

'And as expected... these twins...'

The twins' eyes change color

'They're not normal either'

Eva made a movement with her hands and Kenny collided with a force field

Mackenzie put her hand on the ground and several plants began to grow.

Kenny: This is going to be great.

Cecilia took the children to school

Cecilia: I only had one child, and out of nowhere now I have 3 children to take care of

Eva: Please, how difficult can it be?

A mixer turns on, it didn't have the lid and it dirty the entire kitchen, including Cecilia and the children

Mackenzie: It could have been worse, right?

In this season

???: Something strange is happening in this city

???: The creatures of our nightmares come out from the distance and invade our world

Huge plants began to grow all over the city.

???: Wherever they go... they seem to just want chaos

Children turn around quickly and see something that scares them.

???: I don't know what's happening, but I know that you are our only hope

Cecilia and the children look at each other

Eva fires a fire attack on a giant creature

Cecilia: We have to get rid of those creatures, no matter what the cost.

Mackenzie: Can we join the party? 

Mackenzie made a magic platform and started flying quickly

Kenny: Watch and learn.

Kenny turns into a Bengal tiger and attacks someone

Eva: Why don't you really like using your powers?

Cecilia: Because I always wanted to be a normal person.

Mackenzie takes Cecilia's hand

Mackenzie: Ceci, if we were all normal... life wouldn't be so fun

'Don't be common'

The children were playing a video game

Kenny: All my life... Mom and I have hidden who we really are.

Eva: Kenny, can you hide something from us that makes you different from the rest?

There was a show at school and Kenny was playing guitar

'Just be yourself'

Mackenzie: When we're with you, it's like being home.

Cecilia and the children were playing on the beach

Cecilia: Stay away from my children!!

Kenny and the twins were on a soccer field.

Mackenzie: Thank you for agreeing to stay with you.

Cecilia hugs the girls

'But something else happens here...'

Kenny: Surely the twins' parents are on a dangerous mission but nothing special

A man was sitting in a chair while he looked at the city

???: I'm going to finish off each one of them...

Mackenzie: You never saw us. We are not here

???: Are they in the wrong place, at the wrong time!?

Eva began to glow blue, and Mackenzie began to glow fuchsia.

Eva: We don't leave... without first fighting.

The twins' eyes shone...

Twins: AAAAAAHHHH!! - scream of fury

The Power-Spirits!!

Coming soon!!

Do not miss it!!


Joseph Claments: he is a young man of 34 years old. He is brave, kind, sincere, protective and handsome. He is the loving father of Mackenzie and Eva. His beautiful daughters are his greatest treasure and he will protect them from anything, including the people he cares about. Apparently his entire life has been dedicated to protecting the world from evil, and he balances his family life with that of a hero. He has the power to sense when someone close to him is in danger, incomparable strength and is agile. He is somewhat stubborn but his heart remains in the right place. In this season, he won't appear much, but he will be an important character. Apparently he is on a dangerous mission with his wife, Aurora, but... is that true or is he involved in something else?

Cecilia Tenson: she is a young woman of 32 years old. She is generous, loving, brave, sweet and beautiful. She is Kenny's loving mother. She would give anything to see her son safe and happy, she is capable of pulling out her claws when someone messes with him and the people she cares about. She has wanted to have a normal life, in a normal city, keeping her special abilities hidden from everyone around her. Her ability is known as 'the secret edge', Cecilia is capable of creating powerful weapons with tree leaves or flower petals. She wants to give that same example to her son, but it seems impossible. Despite everything, she has proven to be skilled in fighting. In this season, the twin girls of Joseph, the man who was her best friend at one time, arrive at her door asking her to take care of them for a while... but she senses that these girls have something to tell.

Kenny Tenson: He is a 10-year-old boy. Brave, compassionate, nice, fun-loving and cute. Kenny is Cecilia's only son, whom he loves deeply, as does the rest of his family. The only thing that seems to bother him is that he has to hide his powers from the people. Kenny has the ability to understand animals and not only that, if he touches them, he can transform into one of them. But apparently, he must keep his powers hidden, since his mother wants him to have a normal life. Despite everything, Kenny is cheerful, he likes to help but sometimes he is stubborn and makes his mistakes, but his heart is benevolent and he wants to be like his hero, Joseph Claments. In this season, his hero's daughters knock on the door of his house, and ask him and his mother to take care of them for a certain time. He and the Twins becomes closed friends and even more so when strange things happen in his city... and it may be that the arrival of the Twins and the strange events are related

Mackenzie Claments: she is a 9-year-old girl. She is free-spirited, cheerful, kind, brave and blessed with impressive and incomparable beauty. Mackenzie is Joseph's daughter and Eva's twin, identical in appearance but with very different personalities. She is sweet, likes to help others and sees the world in a happy way and as it can be. She is sensitive but brave and tough in defending those who matter to her. Even the way she dresses shows her good attitude, she dresses fashionably and with pretty clothes. Although she looks like a girl like any other, she possesses very special powers. Almost any power one can imagine, she has it. In this season, she and her sister arrive at Cecilia and Kenny's house saying that her parents are on a dangerous trip and need her to take care of them for a short time... but it seems that this innocent and good-natured girl heart hides something very dark

Eva Claments: she is a 9-year-old girl. She is direct, rebellious, fair, daring and blessed with impressive and incomparable beauty. Eva is Joseph's daughter and Mackenzie's twin, identical in appearance, but with very different personalities. She is a bit reserved and not very outgoing, but she has a strong, daring character and likes everything to be done fairly. She is brave and determined and it seems that her iron will never wavers. Even the way she dresses shows how she really is, she dresses in dark clothes, mostly black and electric blue, and in a sporty manner. She seems like a normal girl but she is not. She has very special abilities, she possesses almost any power a person can imagine. In this season, she and her sister arrive at Cecilia and Kenny's house saying that her parents are on a dangerous trip and need her to take care of them for a short time... but it seems that this rebellious and mature girl is hiding something very dark