I opened my eye slowly, seeing that I was in a prison-looking room. I stood up from the bed I was on and went to the only window I saw. Looking through the window, I saw building all around. I wondered where I was. The only thing I could remember was being in a war against the Caladians and being stabbed in the back. "Wait! Have I reincarnated! Yes!", I thought deeply. Right now, I am 14-year-old again, I am back to my prison school. I checked the time on my wristwatch. It was 3:00 am, it will soon be time for them to ring the bell. I walked towards my door and tripped on something, which made me fall. My blue eye met something, but I can't see it. I stood up and went to pick it up. It was my uniform, it was orange and scruffy looking but who cares, I wore it and looked into the mirror to check for any changes in my body. I still had curly red hair and was as usual still handsome. Later I went to my bed to reflect on what had happened.

"Hey, you!"

"Who said that?" I asked.

"It's me, you red hair idiot."

"Where are you?" I asked again looking around, but no one was there.

"Roger, it's me! I am your inner voice, your ability."

"I am confused please explain everything, because how can my inner voice be my ability."

"Well, you just reincarnated, but during that process, your ability switched. Right now, everyone thinks you were born without an ability when you have a secret ability which his me and my name is rage."

"That doesn't answer my question. How are you my ability?"

"Oh yeah! imagine that you are in a fight with someone with an ability, which will mean zero percent probability of winning, but when I am activated by you, you will get stronger, faster, angry, and bad." Hearing this Shiro was disappointed after hearing "Bad".

"So how can I activate you."

"Just think of anger or I can be activated any time you are angry."

"Ok thanks but on the bright side I can't be lonely all the time now." Happily, said Roger.

The bell rang and every student's door opened, they all left for the cafeteria. After Roger had taken his food and was heading to his seat, he was stopped by Ryu, Kakashi, and Naruto (The triplets). These bullies only bullied the weak ones and since they think Roger had no ability, he was their regular customer.

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