
The power of Harvey York rises

Entered as son-in-law, He began a miserable life. When he came to power, Mother-in-law and brother-in-law both knelt before him. Mother-in-law pleaded with him "Please don't leave my daughter." Her sister-in-law said Brother-in-law, I was wrong..."

york_enterprise · Ciudad
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23 Chs

Chapter 16

The entire Zimmer Villa fell silent at that moment. Almost everyone

turned to look at Harvey in disbelief.

The hitchhiking daughter-in-law said everything confidently. Could he really know who the new CEO invested in York Enterprise is?

Don didn't even believe him. He smirked and said, "Okay!

Tell us! Who is the new CEO of my company?"

Harvey reached out his hand and showed it to himself. He then said slowly, "The new CEO.... York Enterprise... is me."

Everyone was so shocked, they didn't say anything for a while.

But the next second…

"You?" Don was stunned at first. He then held his stomach and laughed heartily.

Finally, he stopped laughing with difficulty. He then looked at Grandpa Zimmer. "Grandpa Zimmer, I thought your son-in-law just likes to dramatize things. But I was surprised to see him acting like an idiot."

As he said that, Zack and the others also laughed. They looked at Harvey like a fool.

Zack said, "Harvey, you're just a hitchhiking son-in-law. Why do you claim to be CEO?"

Quinn mocked Harvey. "Harvey, is it fun for you to act like this? Don't talk nonsense and brag here."

Lilian became anxious as well. "Harvey, come back here right now! Don't make a fool of yourself!"

"Harvey, don't be angry and act rashly, you shouldn't be talking nonsense like this. If you act recklessly, you'll hurt yourself."

andy looked worried. He thought Harvey had taken a significant hit that night, so he started lying to himself, thinking that he was the new CEO of York Enterprise.

He took a few steps forward, intending to drag Harvey away." again. Let me take you to see a doctor."

"Mandy, I can attest that I am indeed the new CEO of York Enterprise. Trust me." Harvey pulled out his cell phone and showed them the name he had saved on his contact list.

"Don, you're a York Enterprise employee. I'm sure you know what this name means," said Harvey.

Don looked at him casually.

As soon as he saw the name-Yvonne Xavier, he couldn't hide his smile. He then said, "Harvey, you are unique. Do you think that could be proof that you have the name of our secretary you have the name of our secretary


keep on your contact list? So if I save the name of the secretary who works for the richest man in the world in my contact list, does that make me the richest person in the world? You're crazy."

The Don didn't believe him at all.

York Enterprise is quite famous. Almost everyone at Niumhi knew who the vice president and secretary were working there. They just don't know the identity of the mysterious new CEO.

It was normal for Harvey to know about it, but it would be quite an exaggeration to use it as evidence.

"Why don't you ask him yourself? Who's your new CEO?" said Harvey calmly. He then called the number and handed it to Don.

"Fine. I just wanted to see if you could call him."

Don felt that the contact number was unreachable. So he immediately put the phone on speaker mode, waiting for Harvey to embarrass himself.

After a while, they immediately heard a flat voice from the phone." The number you dialed is not in service. Please double check your number and try again in a few moments."

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