

The Four Nations were in a were against The Forbidden, they were a race of beast,with the appearance of a werewolf but these wolves had only one agenda to kill more and to eat more. As if that was not enough they vomited more and more eggs ,which turned into different beast of different shapes and sizes which further terrorised the humans. In the midst of four Nations of ability, there was a boy with the name Xander Woods, who didn't have an ability book and therefore was bullied by the others. One day he left to his regular ability book store to get another ability book, but a middle aged woman gave him two books, and after getting bullied again something happens that changed his life forever [Congratulations you have successfully The Phoenix System]

PrinceDaniel10 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
40 Chs


Xander was out in the open and it didn't take very long for him to find a medium tier beast thanks to his inspect skil, because he was excited to go beast hunting with his new body. [Medium tier horned rhino]


[Strength: 27/27]





[The beasts special skills are]

[Horn bullets: the beast has the ability to shoot it's horn like a bullet every one minute]

[Armour:the beast has a strong armour like body]Xander smiled as he looked at the beast because he had quickly found a new beast that could be on par with him or at least a little lower, but either way this beast was stronger than the last beast he fought with. He activated his steel claws and his stats looked as if it was boosted as well.

[Stats has been boosted due to beast weapon]

[Strength +3]



[Strength: 35/35](3)

[Agility: 35/35]




Xander was disappointed due to fact that his weapon didn't have an active skill, but then again maybe the forget who made his weapon wasn't skilled enough.

Xander charged forward with his weapon and the beast turned it's head around he saw Xander coming towards it.

It shot out its horn but Xander was able to dodge it quite easily,a puff of air flew out if the beasts nose as it was angry at this.

Xander threw out a slash with one if his steel claws aiming for the beasts head, while his other hand was aiming for the beasts eyes.

The beast was able to stop the blow coming for its head but Xander was only able to graze it's cheeks slightly. Shocked he looked at his steel claws but he soon found himself flying in the air.

He crash landed on a tree and found himself feeling a little dizzy.


Although Xander was beaten to a pulp,HD was still happy that it took longer for his HP to diminish, so HD could take a few more hits than before where just that one move would leave him with about 6 HP.

Xander ran forward and threw out a strike but again the beast was able to block it. As xander hot even more worked up he decided to give the beast a taste of its own medicine, soXander created a horn about ninty centimeters long and placed it was on his right hand were his knikles were suppose to be, although he would have loved to create another he could only make one as the system said that he was only a level one.

The black misty horn wasboyh scary and beautiful, scary in the fact that it seemed as it was crafted by a demon.

It looked as if it was made with some kind of liquid metal combined with black mist. The horn had spikes running all over its body which made its appearance even more frightening.

Xander attacked the beast with his left arm skillfulle swinging his steel claw at the beast, he swung if towards the beasts horn attempting to destroy the horn but he couldn't as another bullet from he horn was heading his way.

But he had already learnt his lesson and did not even allow the bullet to touch him before he destroyed it, and a little explosion was let of.

The beast soon attempted to attack Xander with its horn as that was its own natural sword.

Xander deflected the attack from the sword and soon the smoke horn and hit the beast head, making it to cry out loudly in pain.

But just the beast was about to close its mouth Xander put the smoke horn in its mouth and expanded it, causing black blood to slowly leak out of its mouth.

While the beast was struggling to get free Xander placed his hand on the beasts head and started the process for the Chi draining skill.

Xander held onto the beasts head until his Chi storage bar had been filled to the brim, it was then that he noticed he the beast was behaving a bit more sluggish than usual.

[Chi storage draining process is a success]

[The beast that you drained has been significantly weakened]

Xander looked at the beast and took out his smoke horn that was covered with black blood,although it was a bit hard to see if since the horn itself was black.

Xander bent down and slowly started cutting the mouth if the beast, he started by leaving small cuts on the inner checks of the beast and the on the tounge and gums of the beast.

If howled and growled but it was all to no avail for it was just too weak, Xander did something that would make anybody who thought about it shiver at least a little.

Xander inserted the tip of one of the blades of the steel claws and inserted it into the gums of the beast and it let out a scream that made him squeeze his face a bit.

After inserting the blade on the gums he cut it of in small pieces in a three hundred and sixty degree angle and violently pulled out the beasts tooth.

He repeated this until he had pulled out all of the beats teeth, he the took out one of the beats molars and put it in the spot where it's incisors were suppose to be.

And as you gussdd it didn't fit in so he punched it until it got in and black blood soon started to spill from the spot, he continued by putting the beasts tooth in incorrect places making if shout but if was a weak one.

If continued for a good thirty-five minutes until he finally stopped,Xander had this crazed yet satisfied loom in his eyes while the beast only needed a little push for it to die.

Xander put in his steel claws back in his Medium tier crystal while he brought out his bow staff.

And he pointed the blade part of the bowstaff and inserted it into the beast's mouth.

He paused it in until it came out from the beasts behind, he continued this motion pushing it from its mouth to its behind.

He got of the floor and inserted it into the beasts behind in the spot were it was wounded, and it looked as if Xander or to be excat Xander's beast weapon was forcefully having having intercourse with the beast.

And yet somehow the beat was not dead so Xander switched to his katana and wrote the words 'I am dead meat', on the front of the beast while he wrote 'I will die like a worthless dog',on the back of the beast.

And he put his hand in the beasts mouth and began searching and searching until he finally pulled out a beast crystal.

And not after slicing the beasts head in half did it did, and as expected his system was closed with notifications but there was one that stood out more than the rest.

[Someone is being transferred to the system]



Thanks guys for waiting and for the power stones, and I hope you'll do more.