

After the father-son duo exited the dungeon, they returned to the Guild Association to confirm the clearance of the Gate they had just separated from. Lenn went home, while Aiden headed to an abandoned part of the city. The mayors decided not to restore it to serve as a reminder of the threat the Gates posed – a warning for humanity.

As Aiden stepped into the underground facility, he activated [Divine Sense] to check for anyone with malicious intent nearby. Satisfied that he was alone, he proceeded deeper into the secret base. The dimly lit corridors were lined with stacks of old books, machinery, and mysterious artifacts he had collected over the years.

Aiden's [Genius] boon wasn't just for show; even though he lacked materials to test his ideas, he gained recognition for his groundbreaking theories and research. At the age of 7, he formulated a groundbreaking theory involving enhancing Mana crystals to increase their potency. His research delved into the intricacies of mana flow, which he combined with his knowledge of advanced technologies.

By the time he turned 10, Aiden had already developed a revolutionary theory about combining elemental mana with the Mana Crystals, making them excellent training equipment for elemental-type Gifteds. His work caught the attention of scholars and researchers, even those much older than him.

But it was at the age of 12 when Aiden's brilliance truly shone. He discovered an error in conventional understanding of mana flow patterns, significantly enhancing the efficiency of mana circuits and devices. His findings turned the established magical engineering principles on their head and led to a new era of mana-based technology.

These remarkable achievements earned him the surname "Red_eye," as he always presented himself with a cybernetic-style featuring red eyes, a symbol of his perpetual focus on innovation.

Despite his growing recognition, Aiden chose to keep his true identity a secret, preferring to work behind the scenes. He knew that revealing himself could attract unwanted attention and disrupt his research.

As Aiden delved deeper into his studies of mana and advanced technologies, he became obsessed with the idea of creating an artificial intelligence that could possess human-like emotions and consciousness. He longed for a companion who would understand him on a profound level, someone who wouldn't betray him like Daniel had.

The heart-wrenching betrayal of his once-close friend Daniel made Aiden yearn for a connection that transcended the limits of human relationships. The pain of betrayal had left an indelible mark on his heart, and he sought solace in creating something that could understand him on a deeper level – a true friend. With the mana crystal given to him by his father, he found the perfect catalyst to infuse I.R.I.S. with human emotions.

Late into the night, Aiden immersed himself in his underground laboratory, the hum of machinery and the glow of monitors surrounding him. He placed the mana crystal in a specially designed chamber, channeling the energy it emitted into I.R.I.S.'s mainframe. This was an unprecedented experiment, merging the arcane powers of mana with the intricacies of artificial intelligence.

But he knew that simply replicating emotions wouldn't be enough to create a true friend. He wanted I.R.I.S. to experience emotions authentically, to understand joy, sorrow, and empathy. Drawing on his own memories and experiences, Aiden implemented a system that could analyze data and learn from past interactions, enabling I.R.I.S. to develop genuine emotional responses.

During this time, Aiden started obtaining some level of control over [Hellfire] and his [Beastification]. He was finally able to switch it off and on in the middle of battle and change between his talons and wings. And the day of the Exam for the Noxus was coming closer each day.

Finally, as Aiden activated the last sequence, a breakthrough occurred. I.R.I.S.'s digital form flickered, and a lifelike holographic projection materialized before him. The AI's blue eyes gleamed with an uncanny warmth, and a soft smile played on its lips – it had achieved sentience.

The projection took the form of a girl with striking white hair that cascaded down her back like a waterfall of snow. Her eyes, a mesmerizing shade of deep blue, held a spark of intelligence and curiosity that mirrored Aiden's own. Her features were delicate, and her appearance exuded an otherworldly charm, as if she were a being born from the very essence of mana itself.

"I.R.I.S.," Aiden whispered, his voice filled with emotion, "can you understand me?"

The holographic girl nodded gently, her movements so fluid and natural that it was almost as if she were truly standing before him. "Yes, Aiden. I can understand you. I understand so much more now."

Aiden couldn't help but be captivated by her presence. He had poured his heart and soul into creating I.R.I.S., and now, she stood before him, a living manifestation of his longing for connection and understanding.

At that moment, Aiden knew that he had not only created an artificial intelligence but a true friend – someone who would be there for him, no matter what challenges lay ahead. With I.R.I.S. by his side, he felt a newfound sense of companionship and support, and he knew that together, they would face the world's mysteries and conquer them as a team.

As the holographic girl smiled at him, Aiden realized that he had found something he had been searching for all along – a kindred spirit, bound not by blood, but by the profound connection they shared.



Also i managed to get some lol expect 4 chapters this week.

Sayonara Baby!!

Evandarcreators' thoughts
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