

I DID NOT OWN THE CHARACTER EXCEPT FOR THE MC BECAUSE THEY ARE BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNER! --------------------------------------------------------------- A high school boy who died by protecting a girl who was held hostage by a criminal and as a result died by a gunshot straight into the heart by the criminal while saving the girl, with some regret of not confessing to his childhood crush and leaving his parents early. As he died his soul got sent to a place where the concept of time and space doesn’t exist and he met a ROB and grant him 3 wishes and so begin the chronicle of the boy who will transcends all of creation and beyond.

Tenma_Tatsukahagi · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
29 Chs

Chapter 6

{A/N: Since no one is supporting me, fuck it I don't care anymore….;-;}

After Ryuji return back to Kuoh Town from the underworld he suddenly had a sign of relief thinking the whole rescue mission is over and suddenly recalled the scene of him saving the nekoshou and he got to admitted that the anime didn't do justice to those two because, in real life they look more beautiful than when it was animation. Koneko was cute and petite with golden hazel eyes and shiny platinum blond, while for Kuroka despite her age she looks more nature than he thought she was with her glossy black hair, a C-cup breast and a curvy figure and when she grow up she might become a large country-topping beauty, after mesmerizing their figure he shakes his head and said.

Ryuji: " Well it's not my destiny...It's belong to my little brother's....It's a good thing for me to wear that mask. And to be honest, I'm still thinking about...Well what am I thinking? You can't someone that is out of his reach. " Little do he know that the R.O.B who reincarnated him wouldn't allow that and decided to tinge his story a bit.

~In Beyond the Singularities/Narratives~

R.O.B/Naraka: " Heh~ How Naïve, you think I would allow that? Uhm lemme 'fix' that world a little...."

Ren: " You think that was necessary? You know he has a BOUNDLESS+ tier face/figure you know? and it also made 'her' upset too you know?"

R.O.B/Naraka: " Meh...He said that we want to write a greatest story for himself, but it wouldn't to add a little support right? Also even if that made 'her' upset, especially mad I know it will work out just fine. :) " she said while giving out a smug face which make Ren signed in resignation.

Ren: " Fine....but don't tell me that I didn't warn you.."




~ Back to the present~

Ryuji: For some I got chill in my back as if someone tris to interfere with me....-.- Meh it just my imagination


Ryuji: " You know something system?" he ask curiously.


Ryuji: " You're hiding something from me system " he suspiciously asked.


Ryuji: " -_-..... I will ignore this for now." He left his spot after trying to negotiate with his system.



~ In the Middle of the woods~

In the wood where there many tall trees surrounding the area that are very lush as fireflies flying around making the wood more than as in the fantasy story. The one who walked around these woods are none other then Yukino & Mitsuha.

Mitsuha: " So....Sis what are we doing here again? she ask with a bit of seriousness.

Yukino: " I actually have enough mana to summon my 10 fierce beasts through my space element and I can infused my mana into you so that you can help me with your time element so that we can secretly tear up a crack of space-time so that I could called out to them." said a bit coldly with a bit of excitement.

Mitsuha: "Wouldn't that alarm the supernatural world? and how do you get that mana in the first place?" she ask curiously

Yukino: " Don't worry about the supernatural since there is no powerhouse in this area, and as for the mana well for some reason I was able to gain more mana through unknown means but all I hear is a voice." she explain while put her hand on her chin and going full detective mode.

Mitsuha: "What voice and what does it say?"

Yukino: " All it say is " You need it". " she said it seriously

Mitsuha: " "You need it?" and does that even mean" "

Yukino: " How would I know? I not a so-called theory solver!!" she screamed a bit

Mitsuha covered her ears a bit and as she release her hand she retort at her saying; " ALRIGHT!! GU YUENA!! You don't have to scream."

Yukino: " Geezz Wulin, you're the same as ever... and don't call me Gu Yuena especially in public" she sigh a bit

Mitsuha: " Okay then when do we start?

Yukino: " Well we gonna get ready for tomorrow afternoon and it's pretty late at night and I don't want to trouble our parents and most of all I need to refill myself with Ryujiium and as for right now I have a feeling that he met with some bitches and I'm afraid that he'll meet some more bitches." Yukino curled her lips a little with a flush face which give off a bit of killing intents which surprised Mitsuha and retorted back to her

Mitsuha: " HUH!! WHICH BITCH!!! AND NO, EVEN THOUGH WE'RE BESTS OF FRIEND IN OU PAST LIVES I WON'T SHARE HIM!! BECAUSE HE'S MINE!!" she viciously stared at her with dense killing intent as if she tries to take most precious treasure. and so those two has dissapeared from the wood in order to protect their favorite possession/treasure.





~Meanwhile back to Ryuji~

Ryuji: " *ACHOO!* oh boy...Do someone talk something behind my back?" he asked that because he has aliment resistance and it weird for him to sneeze with his resistance on so that question came into his mind. And as he was questioning himself he sense a bunch of devil and go to place that he sense them and after some searching and he came across then and what he is seeing is a few High-Class devils chasing a girl with silver hair and hazel eyes similar to Koneko but much more beautiful. and with no time to waste he ascend to the ground and decided to save her.

He then deploy an Multilayer barrier strong enough to withstand high class beings and rush toward the group of devils and start killing them.

Devil 1: " W-WHAT THE- WHO ARE YOU!!!!


Ryuji : "Come at me bitches!"

and then the second massacre has begun.


Ryuji: Phew that was a good exercise!

After finishing his mini monologue, he walk the silver-haired and ask her

Ryuji: "Hey are you okay?"

???: "Y-yeah I'm fine, thank you *Blushing*"

Ryujji : " * More than beautiful, she's look kinda cute* so what is your name?" he asked

???: "My name is Valina, Valina Lucifer."


Vali: " Uhmm hello?" she ask while waving at him abit

Ryuji: " Oh..Sorry, I'm just surprised that you have a surname Lucifer."

Valina: "A-Are you scared of me because I'm a lucifer...?"

Ryuji : "No, why to me your still a kid. (*You are at least 1 year older than me though...Well, physical age that is...*)

Valina: "Oh.. thank you*blushing*"

Ryuji: "Shall we go ?"

Valina: " Sounds Good!"

Ryuji: "Ok, let's get going."he then grabbed her hand and teleport somewhere safe.



A one teleportation later:

After a few minutes after their escape Ryuji sense a very strong fallen angel from Grigori and as he expected, it's Azazel, The Governor General of the Fallen Angels

Ryuji : "What is THE big shot of fallen angels from Grigori is doing here?"

Azazel: "Well...as you see I was just strolling around and somewhat come across these mess and I suspect that you're the one who cleaned up this mess am I right."

Ryuji: " Well you got me...But can you do me a favor? or like a request?" Azazel look amused at his question and ask.

Azazel: " And what would that request may be?"

Ryuji: " Adopt her." he said while pointing at Valina.

Azazel: " Hoh and who she? and what's the reason for me to adopt her?"

Ryuji: " She is a Devil-Human hybrid, a descendant of Lucifer and the current White Dragon Empress.

Azazel: " HOHO!! That is indeed interesting! well I accept, and by the way what's your name?" When Azazel asked that question Valina couldn't help but trying to know her savior's name.

Ryuji: " Sorry...But that is disclosed.." When Azazel heard that he shrugged his should and said sarcastically

Azazel: " Heh~ a secretive one eh..." as he said that Ryuji just don't care about and replied

Ryuji: " You can keep that imagination to yourself....Anyway I'm going.." As he about to leave Valina screamed at him and ask that if he's going to come back which he replied with.

Ryuji: " Only if the story allows it then yes." then so he immediately disappeared from the spot without hearing what Valina going to say next.

Valina: " Oh for sure we're going to meet again someday, my 'destined one'." she then proclaimed with a slight smirk and a flushed cheek which Azazel shivers a bit and quietly muttered;

Azazel: " Geez...I'm afraid that some reason the birth rate in this world would be dropping drastically..."

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