
Bellow nobody (1/2)

Diedrick and Felix were abandoned at birth, in an orphanage in Munich when they were less than a year old, being abandoned was bad enough but fate didn't seem enough. Ubel the orphanage manager didn't care about the children he was supposed to take care of, the money he was supposed to use for food and other necessities was constantly embezzled, with Ubel buying the cheapest things he could and as if he couldn't settle With that amount, he also sent the orphans to ask for alms and then remove them. But to tell you the truth none of that matters to me, the only thing that mattered to me was Felix, as we are twins and we were abandoned we never knew which of us is the oldest, even so I always behaved like the older brother since although in We looked the same, he was always very shy and used to hide behind me *ahem*

Anyway, I'm turning aside, nothing that happened at the orphanage mattered to me until when I and my brother turned 8, and some people wanted to adopt us, that would have been fine if it weren't for two different couples, for the first time since we were born we were going to be separated,

first we asked couples to adopt us together, but neither could afford the extra expenses, then we tried to ask Ubel not to let us be separated, but he didn't care, for him we were just going to be two brats less than caring.

We finally made a drastic decision and decided to escape together, it was better to live on the street than far from our family...


*7 years later*


The first years were difficult, we practically live from garbage, we could have asked for alms, but since the day we escaped from the orphanage we had decided that we would never live under anyone, we would live and die free, doing what we wanted and living only for ourselves and no one else, even if that meant living in an alley, because despite all the difficulties we had each other.

Anyway I doubt that people would give us a penny, several months of living on the street and urging in the garbage did not give us a good image, but it is not as if we had ever had it, even in the orphanage we were always apart from the others, since due to how Ubel mistreated all the orphans they take it out on us for being the youngest of the place but none of that really matters anymore.

Finally when we were 15 we were presented with an opportunity, a guy named Reynard approached us with a business offer. The only thing we had to do was take "packages" from point "A" to "B", We never knew they had the packages, and we were not interested either, after all Reynard paid well and that was very good because Felix's health was not going well, although he always behaved normally, I heard him cough all night.


*3 years later*


Three years passed very quickly and things changed a lot, first of all the "business" expanded enormously and I became the right hand of Reynard and Felix became mine,

We have known for a long time what the "packages" contain, but it still doesn't matter to us, if someone uses that garbage it is their responsibility, we are only honest merchants~

At first Felix was scared and wanted to leave the business but I convinced him, After all, we can no longer have a normal job, because despite not being caught, the police were already looking at us,

but above all I think we deserve better, life never treat us well now is our moment, no matter what or who gets in our way we will succeed in life, we will not be below anyone. Either Ubel or Reynard always saw us as convenient tools to use and throw away when they no longer work, but now it's our turn.

As the business was expanding more and more people joined and Reynard could not watch everyone, in a short time I got a small but loyal group of followers and prepared to show Reynard that he is just a step in our way to the top.


*4 months later*


I am forced to act sooner than I had planned, Felix fell seriously ill and my suspicions were confirmed, his lungs are at the limit when we were young we always slept in the street even during the winter, I resisted him no, and now that is taking its toll on his health,

I need to get a good doctor and for that I need money, and the best way to get it is by taking care of the business.

*KABOOM* an office door opens violently with an explosion, splintering splinters in all directions and several armed men enter the room

bodyguard 1: What the he-*BANG*

bodyguard 2: Who are-*BANG*

before Reynard's men could react my subordinates killed them

Reynard: W-w-who are you-u!? wha-t-t do you-u want!? w-wait... Diedrick!? why are yo-ou doing this!?

While Reynard was babbling I entered the room and looked at him, this guy who is about to pee over because of fear, was once the biggest drug dealer in southern Germany, but also the biggest coward in southern Germany after all since the beginning used street children to make their deliveries and always remained hidden in a place like this surrounded by bodyguards, a pity that the only ones who are loyal to him were the two we killed before.

Diedrick: I do it because I'm never under anyone Reynard

Reynard: wait we can-*BANG*

This time it was I who shot, it is not the first time I kill and it will not be the last, anyone who gets in my way and my brother's will die...

yes, I know that it is very silly for a couple who does not have money to spare decide to adopt a child

Supreme_Evil_Lordcreators' thoughts
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