
The Paradox Sin

A scientist discovers other realities and universes, he once had a team of researchers in which he lead but he soon realized he got outsmarted by an scientist and he entered this chamber then he soon woken up in a different universe. (This story is a Science Fiction about a Genius who decides to delve more into other realities and universes while ultimately causing everything!) [This Novel could get pretty Intense make sure you're prepared 17+ Age]

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45 Chs

Job Reseach!

Researcher 1: So.. i gotta apply for a JOB at vertex industries! *Reaches for his phone... hmmm, its not going to be easy applying for such a complex job which it involves tremendous amount of knowledge... there must be a short cut. Even if I'm a expert in all 5 fields it still wouldn't be ENOUGH! *Punches the wall! HOW WOULD I DAMN DO IT! ACCORDING TO MY CONCLUSIONS AND RESEACH ITS PRACTICALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO INITIATE SUCH ACTIONS TO A FACILITY WITH TOP SECURITY! DAMN IT! Huh...

Researcher 1: Think think think! If i was a super genius what would a super genius think of? *Brain storms... Bingo! A genius will think about all possible outcomes in a certain scenario which can lead to a persons defeat or victory but what what what!

*Marches back and forth! N-no i can't just breach in that place with guns ready to blow we will get shut down instantly! DAMN that's impossible to try and disguise as a security guard they have scanners for each corridor a person will enter through, even if i disguise myself as a security guard one wrong move will get me locked in a specific room if that happens I'm done.

These engineers are more brilliant then i thought! But are they smart enough to know my next plan? HAHAHA W-wow common sense ain't so common huh... *Looks towards the door he once exited... but if i do this, no if we succeed i will know the truth and once that happens *Malicious smile... i will be the Smartest man that has ever lived! Huh but in order for me to achieve such plan i fabricated three plans.

one I can sacrifice my entire research group and find out for myself two I can just apply to vertex industries three i can get my entire team through and we find out together! But the theory is... what is inside the facility? Hmmm once we infiltrate that place where can we find the portal or interdimensional portal or something *idea! Oh they must have a deep basement it shouldn't be to much security under there, rather how would we get there?

Taking my entire team in the facility is too risky... rather it would just slow me down! Looks like i can only take a finite amount of my crew or else "they" will catch on! These corrupt engineers must be hiding something although what is it! It seems according to my observation and analysis that they have the ability to fabricate our realities according to our perspectives which leads to contradictions in our understandings of each other.

If i miss up we're done for and there is no going back! i can get through these engineers ok ok think think its one of me verses a thousand or more engineers but there's a handful of high IQs minds working in our country. Some of them are horrifically extraordinarily smart if they some how build a time machine they can always undo our choices and execute us according to our deeds! DAMN IT DAMN IT DAMN IT! IT MAKES NO SENSE--

Researcher 5: * ~~attenuated sound... shut the hell up!

Researcher 1: What was that sound? Grrr oh well OK back to focusing and deconstructing my critical thinking if these guys created a time travel machine then my efforts will be futile. If they have a interdimensional portal that can lead to other realities in which will converge with ours then i'm not sure how i'm going to comprehend that... If they invented an machine that is capable of creating a black hole then WAIT A BLACK HOLE! Wait no no no they will have to sustain the black hole since it has matter density and volume but the thing is its man-made so it shouldn't tear our universe into shreds.

The thing is "if" they hypothetically created a black hole then there must be a white hole on the other side... *Face widened! OK so if they created a black hole then there must be a white hole on the other side but how did they manage to develop such device HAHAaaa! They used teleportation technology and created the white hole in a different world no universe no dimension GAH! what is it?

No that can't be true if they kept a man-made black hole it will a eventually run out of control due to its sheer matter and density while also having a gravitational force that exceeds the matter that is surrounding it. Ok! so the more Force it has which equals to the gravitational force it can apply to a mass object.

So through my conclusion *Smriks with malice... they cannot have a black hole nor a white hole heh i cracked the code. Through my observations and conclusions they've a interdimensional portal or i could be wrong but its best if i take a guess. *turns his head to the left and sees the door he exited... I think its time to tell the others... *Begins to open the door and closes it behind him.

Hey, I got a plan and I'm certain it will work fifty out of fifty percentage... are you guys willing to initiate my plan?

Everyone: * felt hesitation!

Researcher 1: Yep i said it are you guys ready or you're cowards... *Straight serious face...

Researcher 6: I'm out i'm tapping out, i'm new to this sooo...

Researcher 1: that's one who's next?

Researcher 4: ...

Researcher 3: ...

Researcher 2: ...

Researcher 5: *Odd face expression... I don't think we should actually do it...

Researcher 1: You all agreed to research and figure this phenomenon!

Researcher 4: YEAH! "Research!" Sorry but I'm not trying to risk my life and besides we aren't sure its the right facility anyway so how would YOU know if its the right one!

Researcher 1: *Sad expression well it looks like I'm going to infiltrate myself. Ahem ok that's fine if you don't want to go or any of you then FINE I WILL GO MYSELF Huh? *Looks at [REDACTED] papers, wait a second i-is this PORN!

Researcher 6: Damn it... i got exposed again...

Researcher 1: *Annoyed expression! You're a weirdo! Come on dude you're in college why would you look at naked women! Everyone LOOK! *Presents the paper to everyone.

Researcher 5: Damm bro she got a big butty for a women!

Researcher 2: dang unlike her my butty isn't that huge!

Researcher 1: Don't mind the "butty" *Tears the paper in half!

Researcher 6: NOOOOOO! n-not again dude come on you know porn is good and appealing oh WAIT that's why you're a dam virgin!

Researcher 1: AND even if I'm a virgin it doesn't matter Oh! Look at me i gotta look at porn in order to fulfill my sexual thoughts and desires! Oh look i can't get into a fully committed relationship because all i can think of is sex sex and sex! You know [REDACTED] only selfish and ignorant people would just have sex just for the pleasure because THATS What you fornicators DO!

Instead of valuing the relationship of the said person you instead validate each other to prove your "Love" to each other. Sorry the last time i checked that's not love its lust, so next time when you look at porn say to yourself "do i truly love women for there personality and looks or just for there looks?"

Researcher 6: B-But ugh nvm... *throws hands up. You're always right I'm always wrong, asshole...

Researcher 1: *Smirks vigorously hmph that's what i thought.

Always try to improve even if you don't see the results because one day... Someone will!

Keep grinding keep improving!

Side note: Writing this Ain't easy! But thank you for reading!

I hope your IQ gains a 100+ points!

MajesticArtistscreators' thoughts