
Chapter 1 Reborn

In the city of Beijing, the capital of Hebei Province in the country of China, a young man around 24 or 25 years old with a handsome appearance suddenly woke up from a dream on bus route 2 on a scorching summer day. He looked around in a daze, seeming to have realized something that made his expression change drastically. Others thought he had missed his stop, but no one could understand the profound shock in his heart.

"This... this is Earth? How did I end up here? Shouldn't I be leading troops in the Heaven Ring star system, fighting the Suzaku people?" he thought in disbelief. "Could it be... I've come back?"

Zu Mo's eyes revealed an unbelievable expression. 

The Heaven Overlord Zu Mo has been reborn on Earth 200 years in the past! Was it caused by a wormhole from a planetary explosion, or did exceeding light speed create a space-time disturbance?

Although shocked, he remained calm and clear-minded. From his surroundings, he deduced this was Earth 200 years ago, as the obvious sign was the absence of foreign civilizations, leaving Earth in a peaceful state. From his physical condition, he determined this was when he was 24 years old.

He had truly returned, and all his supreme life force had reverted to that of an ordinary person, no longer the dominating galactic overlord capable of creating and destroying on a whim. Though slightly dejected at losing the immense power gained over hundreds of years of struggle, Zu Mo not only accepted it but even smiled.

"No matter, since I'm back, I'll start over, and one day I'll reach the pinnacle again!" he thought, his gaze firm and piercing, as if flames were dancing in his eyes. 

As Zu Mo was deep in thought, an argument broke out on the bus. A young woman was being harassed by two men who looked like thugs. After enduring it for a while, she finally fought back...

The two men were behaving extremely inappropriately. They boxed her in from both sides to block others' view, with one groping her leg and the other groping her chest, escalating from initial discrete actions to brazen indecency.

Unable to tolerate such humiliation, the woman protested, "You... you two, don't touch me!"

The thug with yellow hair asked provokingly, "Who touched you? Say it clearly!" 

The woman glared at him and the other thug covered in moles, "You... and you!"

The yellow-haired thug shamelessly replied, "Little lady, you can eat whatever you want, but you can't say whatever you want. Where did we touch you? Do you have proof? Is there anyone who can testify for you?"

The woman cried out, "I'm not made of wood, I can feel it!" Just the thought of strange men's hands on her legs and chest made her feel sick.

"We didn't touch you, where did we touch you? What did you feel? Say it!" The mole-covered thug grinned lecherously, with each mole seeming to glisten.

"If no one can prove what you said, then you're slandering us! You're damaging our reputation, and we absolutely won't let you get away with it!" The yellow-haired thug said self-righteously.

The woman was so upset she nearly cried. She never expected such shameless and despicable people existed, and that no one on the entire bus would speak up for her.

Two hooligans were obviously habitual offenders and members of the Dragon Tiger Society, which dominated the gray order of this area. They were bold, their methods were secretive, and basically no one saw their "roving hands". Even if a few people occasionally saw them, they dared not speak up.

They could be said to do whatever they wanted on the buses in this area, harassing many women.

"I can testify for that girl. You two did indeed intentionally touch and grope the intimate parts of a woman's body, which constitutes sexual harassment!" Zu Mo spoke up.

With his keen eyesight, even if the two hooligans deliberately concealed their actions, he could still see clearly what they were up to.

The two hooligans immediately glared at him fiercely and asked, "Who are you?"

Zu Mo had already stood up from his seat and walked over to the three of them. "I am not anyone special, just an ordinary citizen with a sense of justice."

"She's wearing such a short skirt, what's wrong with us touching her a little? Besides, touching her shows that we respect her. Why else would we touch her and not others?" The pockmarked hooligan threw out his thug logic.

Zu Mo took a look and indeed, the girl's skirt was a bit short. The light floral dress highlighted her proud curves, the hem not reaching her knees, revealing her round thighs and slender calves, with fair skin and exquisite lines, radiating youthful vitality.

Zu Mo said, "In hot weather, choosing to dress comfortably and coolly is a personal right. How can it be used as an excuse for a crime? Now you have two choices: either apologize to this girl until she forgives you, or go to the police station to confess."

The hooligan with yellow hair threatened, "I advise you to mind your own business, or else you won't be able to walk away!"

While the girl was grateful to Zu Mo, she also realized that his intervention might bring trouble to him at this moment, so she shook her head at him, indicating for him not to interfere.

Zu Mo just smiled faintly, as if he didn't care: "It seems you don't intend to apologize, huh? Well then, you still have two choices: either go to the police station to turn yourselves in, or I'll take you there myself."

"Damn brat, I think you're tired of living!" The two hooligans were furious and immediately started attacking him.

The girl screamed in fright, and many women on the bus also uttered cries of panic.

Zu Mo's gaze hardened. He had lived six hundred years of reincarnation, and although his life force had returned to the level of an ordinary person, his combat experience still remained at the level of roaming the stars and being undefeated in ten thousand battles. In his eyes, the punches of the two hooligans were like child's play.

Zu Mo reached out his hands and accurately grabbed the arms of the two hooligans. With a twist and a pull, there were crisp "crack" sounds, and their right arms hung unnaturally limp, seeming to have dislocated. The two grimaced in pain, their faces turning pale, beads of sweat rolling down their foreheads.

The hooligan with yellow hair, unwilling to accept defeat, quietly drew out a short knife he carried and lunged towards Zu Mo.

Seeing this, the girl's eyes widened, and she exclaimed, "Be careful!"

Zu Mo had already noticed and moved swiftly, grabbing the attacker's wrist.

The hooligan with yellow hair felt intense pain in his wrist, half of his body went numb, and he twisted like an eel, the knife dropping to the ground with a clang.

Zu Mo kicked him down to his knees and knocked out the pockmarked hooligan, who hadn't moved at all. Then he said to the driver, "Sir, please drive to the nearest police station."

When the bus arrived at the police station, many people were inspired by Zu Mo's sense of justice and came forward to testify. The two hooligans were accused of sexual harassment and assault with a weapon, and with clear evidence, the police took direct action.

However, even as the two hooligans were being taken away by the police, they remained arrogant and shouted at Zu Mo, "Kid, just wait, when we get out, we'll definitely kill your whole family!"

Zu Mo naturally paid no attention. As the former Overlord of the Galaxy, how could he bother with two small fry like them?

However, some people worried for him, thinking that getting involved with the Dragon Tiger Society might make his future difficult.

As Zu Mo left the police station, he suddenly heard someone calling his name behind him. Turning around, he saw the girl from the bus earlier.

The girl, in her early twenties, was youthful and beautiful, with a gentle and friendly demeanor.

She caught up to Zu Mo, panting, and said, "Thank you so much just now..."

Zu Mo replied, "You're welcome."

He vaguely remembered a similar experience in his past life, but back then, like most people, he chose to mind his own business. In this life, returning with memories of being a cosmic overlord, he intervened not only to help others but also to avoid regret.

The girl asked, "Can I have your contact information? I'd like to treat you to a meal sometime when you're free."

It's something many people would dream of—a beautiful woman asking for contact information. However, Zu Mo smiled and shook his head, "It's alright, it was just a small matter, you don't need to worry about it."

With that, he turned to leave.

The girl called after him from behind, "At least let me know your name?"

"Zu Mo," he replied as he walked away.

The girl stood there, murmuring Zu Mo's name to herself, seemingly a bit infatuated.

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