
The Outcast ( DxD Fanfic )

A Past shrouded in silence. A single, exquisite momento - a reminder etched in bone of the atrocities found in humans

Kinshu_War · Cómic
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29 Chs

Assassination fail

The sky was full of stars that gazed to the earth yet people couldn't see most of it in Kuoh as their luminosity had been obstructed by the bright yellow light in their houses or the streets. 

It was 9pm and a myriad of things were happening in the town. Most people had returned home . Some were currently watching TV , some were playing videogames , some were masturbating (U) , some were sleeping , some were sexing and some were spying on a teenager watch TV with intense eyes. 

The goat man was irritated and he showed it by snorting and fold his arms .

" Let us just kill the kid , he is watching TV for christ sakes . " The goat man said impatiently .

" Appearances can be deceiving , you of all people should know that Masamu . " The ant man said making the goat man click his tongue .

The snake lady watching Isamu saw him stand up and switch the TV off before heading to bed. 

" He is going to bed " She notified the rest. 

" Perfect , we should strike now " Masamu said with a sinister glint in his goat like eyes. 

" Wait until he is fully fallen asleep . Lizard can monitor the heart beat and heat body signature of his to determine if he is asleep " 

Lizard man looked slightly worried but he took a deep breath of air and his lizard like eyes narrowed. The view he saw the world normally changed to one of the greatest and most advanced sight that night vision goggles could never replicate .

He saw Isamu fall to his bed . A few minutes passed and his heartbeat decreased and metabolism slowed reducing the heat signature in his body.

" He is asleep " Lizard man said . His voice quaked at the last second. 

" Wonderful "

" We attack now " The ant man ordered.

" I still think we shouldn't try to kill him " Lizard man voiced his opinion but no one listened to him. They jumped from the rooftop they were own into Isamu's house. 

Lizard man hesitated , he felt something bad was going to happen but what if they won ? He was certain if the group killed Isamu without him they would not include him in their rewards and might even kill him . He chose to follow them. 

The four slowly opened the bedroom door and the snake girl swiftly slithered to the bed before raising a dagger and stabbing the sleeping Isamu .

A soft sound of someone hitting the mattress was made and the next moment the snake girl was flying to the side of the room but she regained her senses and repositioned herself midway. The blow wasn't as powerful as she thought . In fact she only felt a small stinging pain . 

She let out a small grin . This guy wasn't physically strong . This put some slight confidence in her . Masamu rushed in at an incredible speed and punched towards Isamu .

Isamu wasn't quick enough to dodge so he blocked . The blow made a small sonic boom that crushed his arms and sent him flying to the wall cracking it to pieces. He spit a huge chunk of blood upon impact and fell down to the floor.

' Damn , I have been fighting only small fries , or weakened supernaturals so I didn't know fully where I belonged . This is annoying but .... ' 

Masamu approached arrogantly to Isamu who seemed to be barely holding up .

" Hahaha . It is funny to think that lizard was actually scared of you " Masamu said as he raised his head through his hair. 

They soon met each others gaze . Isamu held a smile that sent shivers to Masamu . Something wasn't right. 

" Watch out " The ant man warned but it was too late. 

Masamu's body was hit by the holiest energy the strays had ever felt. His previously tough body became weak as Isamu's hand passed through his chest cavity like butter . He coughed a mouthful of blood before he fell to the floor. 

The snake lady let out a loud shriek as she rushed to Isamu . Her claw like hands slashed towards Isamu who easily dodged it and countered it by hitting her head living her mildly fazed . Isamu used this opportunity to pump a lot of holy energy to her head. 

Before she could even scream her head burst painting Isamu , the remaining two and the room with her brain matter. 

Lizard man got scared and just disappeared leaving ant man alone. He however had already predicted this so he wasn't scared. 

Ant man had already studied Isamu , he knew his weakness. Isamu wasn't strong or anything . The main reason why he killed the previous two was because of his absurdly great holy energy .

Holy energy never reacted well with devils and that is why when the word God is mentioned they get a small headache . What ant Man needed to do was avoid getting close to him.

He jumped back and raised his two front legs . Suddenly two black spears appeared . They got fired at such a force that it heat the air near the ant man . 

Isamu dodged the spears albeit narrowly . Before he could heave a sigh of relief other spears followed . He dodged some of them but it seemed his body slowly gave up as other spears started to hit him .

He needed to get closer to the ant man but before he could do so a spear impaled his abdomen . Blood trickled down his hole as he lost footing and fell. 

" And that is why logic beats brashness " Ant man murmured to himself as he looked at his dead comrades . He didn't have a hint of pity for them .

He saw it best to wait until Isamu bled to death before getting close to him. He watched as Isamu struggled to sit up straight to look at the stray. He had a small smile.

" This was a fun battle stray . Could you tell me your name ? " Isamu asked.

" It is of no importance to you after all you will die " The ant man said.

" True but I wish to know the person who pointed my flaw in this technique "

" The flaw of only close combat ?"

" Exactly . Engineering a new technique in 5 hours doesn't exactly make it great . "

" Technique ? You speak weirdly . "

" I'll explain it to you if you tell me your name "

" My name is Hito "

" A deal is a deal. Basically I am a half fallen angel which you know and we are able to use holy energy right ? I just found that holy energy and filtered it greatly to make it the purest it can be . Unfortunately it greatly differs with my way of fighting so I could only use it for basic things such as coating my punches. "

" You .... you are smart "

" Thank you for the compliment but I also learnt a new trick though it is quite costly to use it but my life or yours right ?" Isamu said lamely.

His tone greatly underplayed the gravity of his words but Hito understood . His eyes widened as his body muscles tensed . He did not know what kind of attack it was but he needed to be careful . 

Was it a projectile ? Something he could dodge ? 

He looked at Isamu's arms , they weren't raised most likely meaning it wasn't a projectile . He could take his chances , he needed to escape . Isamu was a dead man already .

" Jehovah "


It was like a nuclear explosion made of holy energy . A large light beam descended to the building destroying everything in it .

Grayfia who was witnessing this from a distance clutched her head tightly due to the pain. Fallen angels in Kuoh for that moment felt at home and the devils groaned in pain with the weaker ones falling unconscious.

The humans felt it too though only those spiritual enough could see it.

The light beam soon disappeared. and the pain of the devils disappeared soon after. 

Grayfia stopped clutching her head and went to check what had happened . 

There was no life in sight . Everything had been incinerated . No one could have survived this but something told her Isamu was alive . The question was where was he ?

Meanwhile the angels were on an uproar . Michael was quick enough to pinpoint the location of where such strong divine energy akin to their father had appeared. He desired to seek it out but the problem was that it was at the devil's territory and he didn't want to start needless war.