
the OTAKU chef reincarnation in SHOKUGEKI NO SOUMA

The otaku chef died on his way to the supermarket died by and chosen victim of Truck-Kun. now he reincarnated in shokugeki no soma with 5 wish and.. with his Cat!!!!? Its finally here!!!^^

KyuKuro · Cómic
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4 Chs

Let you go...

a boy no older than 16 and attend his first year at XXX university. the boy had black hair and black eyes. his height is average and his physical activities has made his body lean with muscle."Aruto! good morning!". the boy turned around and smiled waiting for her. "Good morning, Su!" they girl quickly caught up with the boy and the walk together in the school. the girl name is Akira Suzuki and it's his childhood friend. "Ah! kenji, good morning." "Hello! cutie you look cute as always." and Suzuki hugged him and nuzzle in his embrace. Aruto had a sad expression but didn't let it show. "oh, you big teddy bear I hoped I could be beautiful than cute..." and pouted with her mouth.

"I-I-Aruto help...?" looked desperately at me and get help. "you are alone on this one, sorry mate." and walked my way to class.


Aruto could be found in the kitchen trying new ingredient as also study language and different ways to cook the same dishes with different method. "Creme brulee... taste so good. western food are so different from our eastern food." *Meow*Meow*

"Ah! Mio you hungry? Dont worry after this dish I will get you some cat food and you can pick which one, okay?" *meow!*

Aruto found cooking to comfort himself. born and raised with a abusive mother and Imaginary brother who is perfect at everything he do constantly compared with his mother imaginary son, his father would always be found drinking and come home late and beat him up for no reason and he would hide his cut and bruises away the next day. he was always alone and hiding his true self even from his childhood friend, the one who gave him hope and help him when he was having hard time, even tough she doesn't know the reason. he got deeper in the abyss when he found out she was dating his best friend who was the second person he opened up for. He finally moved out and bought a cheap apartment where he would try to cook delicious food to become his hobby which soon turned to be something he would want to have a job. He brought in Mio his cat when she was just a infant, He found her accidentally in a dark alleyway when he returned from his part-time job and picked her up a cold and dark day.

"okay we have mastered Baking, Frying, Roasting, Grilling, Steaming, Poaching, Simmering,Broiling, Blanching and Stewing method the now last chapter of this book is the method of braising." I looked trough the book and read what it stood. "where the food is sauted or seared, and then simmered in liquid for a long period of time until it get tender. Pot roasts, stews and casseroles can be cooked in this way if they contain larger food items such as poultry legs." *Meow!*Meow!" I looked down and found Mio clawing her way on my leg and picked her up.

"well, I leave it at that since, Mio is getting rather impatient. isn't that right Mio." *meow!*


"Mio don't leave my sight, okay." and Mio replied with her purr of approval. when I look to take a look where some scout girls selling cookies, I wondered if I should buy some. and when I looked where Mio is she couldn't be found when I looked around Mio where at the roadway and I could see a truck moving at a high speed. something inside sparked and I ran to get to Mio.

Mio was there in my darkest time and lived only 8 month which equals her age of total of 15. and now she will have to leave this world right infront of my eyes. I won't stay and watch her get taken away from me not now, not ever. I where seconds away from her and she looked surprise why I ran towards her, when the truck nearly got to us I managed to reach Mio in time just barely and then the Impact happened and that how I died, or at least how I thought I died.

"you didn't managed to protect your cat in time and both of you died, but the Nekomata God is satisfied how you would risk your life for her and will grant you 5 wishes as the world of your next life is filled with your desire to live in. Tell me young one, what is your wish?"

I didn't catch what she said my head hurt, but I asked where Mio is. "Tell me where Mio is..." "the voice said nothing for a short moment before speaking up. "she is talking with the Nekomata God and are given option as like yourself."

"I see..." I answered not wrapping up with this whole dead thing. "my desired world is Shokugeki no souma, a anime of making food and competing against other."

"then what is your first wish?" the voice telling me. #what is my wish? I don't know... how about..#

"my first wish is the god copy. allows me to get's the gift from the gifted person by getting skinship with the other person."

the voice didn't say anything so I continued.

"second is God hand helping me adjust my finger and hands to make the dish how I want and get familiar with techniques." the voice still haven't said anything.

"Third I want to be rich to the point where I don't need to be stressing about making money to buy a house, Ingredients and paying bills."

"Fourth I want my Mio to come with me." the voice finally spoke. "I'm afraid that is not my position let me ask Bakeneko, so what is your final wish."

"I want to keep it for later if that possible." the voice replied calmly. "That's fine, I wish you the best of luck and you will Reincarnate at a boat taking you to your destination, and for the money we will help you when you have made your Identity first. so goodbye and we see you again in the future."

and everything went black, for some minutes later I regained some conscious. I smelled the air of the sea, seagulls screaming to each other and the boat I supposed went side to side and making my body swing to left and right. I was to tired so I just closed my eyes again, just wished the seagulls were quiet when I sleep. and no it was not a wish for the voice that sent me here.

--Cruise ships--

"Captain! we saw a small boat in the water, and there was someone on board on it. shall we go and fetch him up? captain!" "of course you Idiot! what are you standing here for?! go, go go!"

after the men got told to take the passenger up from the water they were shocked that the passenger were a boy passed out, which made stir about how the boy were sailing here and who this boy is?


Next time:

"Joichi! it seems like the boy has woken up, what do you say will you cook for him? and let my granddaughter watch since you are her Idol."

A bulky man with arguably red or brown long hair which is swept back.

"sure, just let me look trought the kitchen and see what I can make and what is good for unconscius boy who-god-know-why-and-how-long he been sailing."

this isn't dead just saying!!!

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