
Chapter Thirteen - Made To Serve

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Thanks Maxime_Anne_Louise and Majest for being my pa.treons.

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bonus chapter if I can gain more!!!

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Chapter Thirteen

/De Martel's Castle/ late summer/1002/

#Henrik POV#

A month has passed since we learnt how to make other Vampires. It appears our blood needs to be ingested by the person we want to turn before killing them and with our blood in them, they will revive becoming a vampire. But they do not feel like puppets rather they have a will of their own because I can see that Lucien still holds grudges with Klaus who sired him and he isn't afraid to let Klaus know.

So Klaus and Lucien has been going out for hunt and from the look of things, kol has been busy also. I just hope that they are discreet enough in their hunt. We still have another hunting us.

Outside of my frivolous acts with the maids, I have been teaching Finn about rune magic and from the look of it, it seems he is good at it. He is able to enchant leather scrolls as that is what I gave him to learn with. We have become closer over the past few days, it appeared this act of mine had made him open up to me.

He no longer feels envious of me, rather he feels grateful and happy towards me.

"You know, you are my brother and I can do anything for you as long as it is within my power. You should stop thanking me Finn"

"Buy how could I? You do not know how much this has given me hope. This magical runes has given me the motivation to pursue magical knowledge again. Although it would just be rune magic this time but still it is something. And if what you told me about runes is true, it means I can still study rituals and spells and just find a way to modify the casting process with runes as the medium"

Impressive, although I have not yet told him runes can be used like that, just some basic knowledge for a start, but the fact he was able to think that far. I think I'm looking at a future runic warlock without him being a witch at all. I wish him good luck.

So we continued our daily sessions and I had given him journals I had written by myself about everything I know about rune creation, ancient languages except for the more foreign ones, I still needed to have hidden tricks for myself. With that, he could study by himself and learn by however way he can, becoming stronger would only depend on him.


/De Martel's Castle/late winter/1003/

Life has gone back to the regular as much as I believe it has. Until I found out that Aurora knows what and who we are. Now this would be awkward, because I saw that she had been giving me looks of guilt and....shame? Well that's her concern.

Whatever she thought she had with me was just mutual. No strings attached, I wouldn't see myself depressed like someone I know because I was dumped for another. Klaus loves her and cherish her and I think she loves him to. Maybe she just feels pity for me. If only she knew, many had taken her place. And this brings me to realize that after becoming Vampires not only our senses heightened, even our emotions, and desires also got the boon. Which as I have come to understand, can be dangerous if ever we get lost in it.

Take for instance, I have been indulging myself in sex for a while now, especially since I added my feeding to the activity. It's like an aphrodisiac during sex and myself while drinking and the lady who gets drained becomes so ecstatic that the feeling doubles. I cannot loose myself to such carnality. Amongst everything to preserve and enjoy on my being, I enjoy preserving my clear state of mind. What I hate most is losing my ability to think clearly and make standard decisions with my mind. And this ecstasy I get from the combining sex and feeding needs to end.

And end it must....

....And I have been trying to. But failure is inevitable, especially when I see those beautiful maidens who are willing to lay down and expose their throbbing veins and honeypots to me, I will not be gentlemanly if I refuse such meal. No, it is unbecoming of me. I won't allow it.

/Few days later/

But I did allow it.

I can't seem to get hold of this heighten lust. It's scary I have been using my night to warm the beds of these maidens ever since I stopped having Finn come to my room for lessons.

As I was contemplating on how I would fight this lust, cause I saw this as a heavy battle, I saw at the corner of my eyes moving towards me as I was on my way to Rebekah who was in the garden.

"Henrik!!...Henrik!!...hold on a few moments!!"

I Know that voice, it was Aurora. Even if she has found out my identity, as long as I still act as a servant in this place I cannot act out of role, guards and servants where every where and it will be awkward seeing the daughter of a count running towards a servant and begging said servant for a conversation. It would raise too much suspicions and I'm not ready to have any eyes on me. Not with what I do at night.

"Milady, it's good to see you today. May I know the reason you seek my service?" I teased her a little and I noticed her eyes twitched hearing the word 'service'. Hmm, even a few of the maiden's cleaning the statues and floors around stiffened a little, including one of the handmaids who stood behind her, I remember her. One of my favorite bedmates.

The thing is, I have been using the word 'service' or 'servicing' anytime I explained that I wanted to have sex with them, it became like a code between myself and them. It seems it will become an open secret now. Realizing the heat of said outcome, a smirk appeared of my face, however little it may have appeared.


"Erm.. nothing as such mas...eh...Henrik. I just wanted to ask you a few things while I go meet your sister"

"Oh, coincidentally, I was heading towards her as she needed my service urgently" I smirked seeing she flinched again hearing me say that, even the handmaid did also. But it seems they reacted for different reasons. Who cares.

"Eh...ok, that's...that's excellent. Why don't you take me to meet her then, while we discuss. Amanda, Steffany, you are relieved of your duties, I will call you when I need you" she turned to her handmaids after speaking to me and I noticed sweet Steffany was reluctant to leave me alone with their mistress.

""Yes, milady"" they both take a bow and walk away.

After giving a reasonable distance away from the ears of everyone as we walked, she broke the silence

"H... Henrik, about..."

"If it's about how you treated me after a few nights together. Trust me, I saw it as nothing, it is normal for a noble to think that way. Besides I'm happy you're happy with my brother Klaus as long as you're both sincere. I'm good with it" I could hear her releasing a breathe she must have not realized that she held.

"Thank you, for not being angry or venting it out on me or my family." I raised a brow towards her after she said that

"What does that mean? Do I look like a monster to you? I still look human you know, so definitely I still have an ounce of morality in me"

She felt a little scared as though she must have made a grave mistake and so quickly apologized

"I'm sorry, it's just that from what Rebekah had told me, she said you could be the strongest amongst them"

" And did she tell you that I'm the youngest amongst them?" That must have shocked her

"Anyways, you don't have to worry and we still have a role to play so please until we decide to leave..treat me the same way you did in the past ok? It would be awkward seeing the beautiful mistress calling a servant 'sir'" That made her laugh a little. Then we were silent as we continued. But I sensed she still wanted to say something so I helped her out

"Alright, Aurora, I won't bite you, just speak your mind with me always ok? So what do you want to say" I encouraged her

"Ok.....I wanted to ask though.. although I have asked Klaus...I was hoping if you would..."

"No!...I won't turn you. Not now, not later, so please don't ask me again." I interjected after understanding what she wanted to say. I mean, my blood isn't some ticket to immortality, it could kill I haven't found out yet. Klaus was able to turn Lucien into vampire because from what he and Elijah told us, mother had sealed his hybrid form and so he was practically just a vampire alone with the wolf sleeping. As for me, I am a full fledged Tribrid with one of my side still not completely known.

She felt bad but it had to be said and I do not owe her any explanation.

We finally arrived where Rebekah was, and had a little chat here and there, with me still acting as a servant.


/De Martel's Castle/ mid spring/1003/

It seems our life will always be filled with one issue or the other. Aurora, again, had been pestering Klaus enough to threaten with her life in order for her to get what she want. Apparently, Klaus refused, leaving her to slit her wrist and hoped to die but Rebekah, the good angel she was, gave her her blood to heal with, of which Aurora did. But after Rebekah had left her, AGAIN, she attempted suicide and this time she succeeded by jumping off from her window that was so far away from the ground and coming back brand new as a freshly grounded vampire. Seriously I wondered how nobody found her body or something.

But it didn't end there, few weeks after all that debacle, it felt like things will go back normal. But Finn came back with a very annoying news, something I wasn't surprised would happen, but annoying nonetheless.

News have been spreading around us about blood sucking monsters as a village was totally wiped out with their bloods drained from them. It was none other than Klaus, kol, Lucien and Aurora.

I was so pissed with them especially the new bloods but it appeared that since becoming Vampires like us, Lucien and Aurora felt big to ignore our orders. Lucien and Aurora decided to test waters with Finn and I , and myself who for the reason of being a phantom had become a little chaotic when it comes to fights, transformed into my phantom, with my skin completely burning off, leaving behind just my skeleton engulfed in blue flames and it seems the clothes I wore transformed with me too, a little tattered with few holes here and there.

This was the second time I had transformed like this and I have seen that I could get lost in my mind when I do this. And so I moved with the super speed of a vampire towards them after noticing they froze up in fear when they wanted to attack. I clawed their throats with my bony fingers raising them up as well as still burning them a little around the neck. I ignored their screams and my voice this time had become a little bit eerie

"There is a reason we are originals and you...are mere offsprings begotten from us. Understood?" With a voice more chaotic, metallic and eerie at the same time, it was hard for them not to understand. Finn ordered me to stop, which I did, transforming back and my clothes returned to how they were before the change. During my transformation, I felt that the energy within me was what helped in the transformation and the flames was actually just the energy engulfing around me and taking up the ability of fire.

After that, we settled down with Lucien and Aurora becoming a little more docile especially around me. But what had happened in the village could not be ignored, Finn and I concluded that father would catch the news and so staying here was no longer advisable. Hence, we planned to leave.

Aurora and Lucien wanted to come along with us, I didn't mind if they did. Elijah on the other hand did as well as the others. So Elijah had to explain this to them.

I do not know what had happened, but few days later, Elijah had turned Tristan into a vampire. I swear, it felt like it is becoming a routine amongst us, who next? Kol?.

Anyways, it appears that Elijah was able to talk things out with the other two and Tristan wanted to become like them so he decided to turn him as well. But all things being equal, I felt it was a lie. Elijah had a strict rule of never breaking rules and he just broke it....twice. The first I understood because we needed Lucien as a guide when he told us not spare him even though he told us to never leave any witnesses. Now this, apart from myself, he was more adamant about us not turning anyone as of yet, especially after Lucien and Aurora debacle. There is a reason for his action. But that will be for the future.

After packing our things, and thanks to our new spacial pouches, we were able to travel lighter, leaving one large bag each with us to avoid any suspicions. Oh, for me, before leaving, I visited the vault of the count, and by the gods, too many treasures to count, perks of being a lord that people pay taxes to as well as ass kiss regularly. I left him a little token that he could survive with for a period, while I took the gold coins, silver coins, jewelries and precious stones I found. See it as a pay for being a servant all this time. I stored them in my spacial ring, which I added extra boon to never come off my fingers unless it was my intention and I had increased the space in it to about seventy six cubic meters. Being a jade ring made it easier for me.

Ready to go, we gathered together, occupying a carriage and off we went, with me being the coach man. Had to keep up the act.

What? I was made to serve.

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Thanks Maxime_Anne_Louise and Majest for being my pa.treons.

thank you for your pa.treonage!!

bonus chapter if I can gain more!!!

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King_Ace_creators' thoughts
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