

''Why you gotta leave so soon?'' I said with a sad face looking at my bestfriend. "Cause my mom starts her job next week,'' he says before turning to me saying "No matter what I'm always gon be here for you.'' I look up at him and stick out my pinkie saying "Always..." he looks at me before smiling sticking out his pinkie "..And.." he says then we lock fingers our pinkies together saying "Forever."

After that we hug as I start crying on his shoulder,as we pull away his mom comes and says,"C'mon Michael we have to go," he nods at her and looks back at me. "I guess this is goodbye for now" all I could do was nod with a sad smile,he smiles back and turns around and starts walking with his mom.

Before he gets in the car I scream out ''DON'T FORGET ABOUT ME'' he screams back at me ''I PROMISE I WON'T'' and smiles getting back in the car. I wave out at the car as it drives off in the distance as a tear runs down my cheek,but that was 2 years old we were in 7th grade now I'm a freshman in high school and I haven't heard from since maybe he did forget about me.

"Hey bitch you ok?" my friend Ashley asks "yeah just thinking'' I say back "Well can you think in class cause we finna be late." I look at time before saying "OH SHIT'' and running to class little did I know that high school was finna be a roller coaster.

To be continued...

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