
The Operator

*First time writer, please give me any advice to better my work.* *Ill try to update at least once a month due to my tight schedule. I will try my hardest to make it to updates once a week.* A child, after getting offered power by a strange man called an Operator, in order to kill those who have threatened, those who have made fun of, and those who have betrayed him, gets transported to another world in order to come back stronger. He is born and has loving parents unlike in his past life. Join Henderson Black on his adventure to become The Operator.

Lost_Monarch · Fantasía
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2 Chs

How it began

I hate being threatened. I hate being made fun of. But most of all I hate betrayal." Operator Palace

Name: Henderson Black

Occupation: Jack of all trades

Titles: Exterminator, Slayer of all, World Ender, Prime being, The one death fears, Creator of a godly army

Skills: Skill creation, All knowing Magic, All knowing weapon skills, Recreation, Shapeshifting, Cursing.

Unique Skills: Immortality, Creation Of Calamities, Creation of armies

I don't know why. It's seemed like it's always been me. The one that never gets picked for a simple sport.

The child that is always told off if he wants to sit at the lunch table with one of his old friends.

At 5 years of age, I had to learn what it meant to be an adult. Caring for myself was easy, it was caring for those around me while getting my child heart repeated stomped on that made life so difficult to continue.

I remember when I turned 10, my father told me to leave the house because he didn't want a useless piece of shit to be around him. All because I couldn't learn magic, and I was useless with a sword.

School was the one place I knew I couldn't be touched, but even teachers never interfered to stop the punches and kicks.

The amount of times I wanted to commit suicide were around 10 times a day. But the one person that kept me motivated to keep going was my sister.

She was always there for me yet even she soon joined those bastards. She told me, just like they did, "You useless bitch, father doesn't want you, and mother isn't even mentioned. Just lay there and die". But if I had power I'd end their lives within seconds of getting a grasp on their hearts.

"You know, your life is horrible. Why do you struggle and still cling onto life?"

I'm so fucked up I'm even hallucinating people talking to me.

"This isn't a hallucination child. This world you live in treats those in power like gods. They tarnish what it means to be powerful.

How about this, I help you with your strength issue, and when you're strong enough, you end my life."

You offer me something like this and you want me to pay you back, by killing you? Why?

"I've lived far too long. Besides you will be paying me back more than enough by taking up my mantle."

Yes, I'll take you up on that offer. I want power to kill anyone that betrays me, anyone that threatens me, and anyone that makes fun of me.

"Child, this power that I give you now, can be unlocked in stages. But your current body is in a horrible condition, you'll have to be reborn in order to start learning my power.

Another world where it's about swords and magic. But you won't have to worry about not being able to learn magic or swordsmanship.

My powers easily allow you to learn. Will you choose to be reborn child?"


"Then get ready, for this new life you will have won't change much. Because while you are in this world growing your powers, those who you have vowed to kill by your hands will also grow in power on this world."

And with that I blacked out.

Something about a ten year old going back into the body of a baby is ridiculous. But I'm not complaining. It's a second chance at life. A second chance at making sure that I don't get stepped on. I vow to myself, that I won't be the same person as in my passed life, and I won't kill for fun. I'll kill for purpose.

I feel hot, but not too hot, cold but not too cold. Like if I'm on calm waters. I feel at peace.

"This is your soul world. A place of dark calm waters. A place that doesn't flourish because you haven't been able to let it do so.

There are different stages to people's souls. Red means they train fire and heat magic or anything fire related, green means they train earth and wind magic, blue means they train water and ice magic, finally there's white, which is holy or life magic.

But from the looks of it, even the strongest of holy magic won't be able to purge the darkness within you."

This means?

"You're immune to all magic and can use all magic. That's what this means. Well kid it's almost time for you to go to the new world and start to plot.

Better get strong quick because no world ever forgives the weak."

I see a bright light that's getting closer. It's time to start to plot once again and become strong this time.

I won't be stepped on again. I. Won't.