
Chapter Twenty-Two

It looks like I’m going back to reality.

Morgan woke up at five in the morning when his alarm clock came to life, which was far too early for a Sunday. Clad in his green and white stripped pyjamas, he did something very uncharacteristic of him. Morgan dropped to his knees beside his bed and uttered a short prayer. He had not prayed in a long time so he decided to start small. Perhaps this was because he attended church with Maddison yesterday.

Morgan would be meeting his parents at the hotel they were staying at in approximately four hours time. The Drake family would thereafter head over to Morgan’s apartment and that was part of the reason for his early rising. It would be their first ever visit and so he had to make sure everything was perfect or as close to perfect as humanly possible. He was not a messy person by any means. His OCD, which Morgan felt he got from his mother, easily saw to that.