
Chapter 1: The Villainess Decided To Quit In Being A Bad Girl

Chapter 1: The Villainess Decided To Quit In Being A Bad Girl

"Do you have any last word before I cut your head off?"

He stared right at me with his cold deep blue eyes. The lights are already turned off in this room and the only thing that provide us light in the middle of the darkness is the light coming from the moon that passing through the glass window.

And with the help of the moonlight, I can see how good looking his face is, despite of the demonic aura he's been giving off. He seems to be a fine handsome guy at first if you are not looking on his clothes that was stained by the blood. In his right hand, he was holding a sword already covered with blood which is probably mine.

Last word? I don't have any. My head is empty right now. Maybe it's because of the deep wound in my stomach. I don't know. The only thing that I know is my body is in pain and I badly want to finish this as soon as possible.

This guy is not someone that I know. I don't have any idea about his identity but before he stabbed me directly to my stomach, he revealed himself as the guy who will gonna kill someone just for the sake of money so it means one of my enemies sent him off just to kill me. Things like this is not surprising to happen though since I knew all along that I was hated by too many people because of my evil deeds.

"Your silence means that you don't have any. You're really a cold one, aren't you? Well, you're going to die anyway so the words from your mouth doesn't matter as of this moment..."

Those are the words that I heard from him before he swing his sword to aim for my head. Suddenly, I felt like my vision and consciousness is slowly fading away.

Ah. I guess is this the end for me, huh? I've regretted every horrible things that I've done to my people. Too bad for me. I'm only realizing my mistakes when I'm in the middle of dying. Is this what a villain would feel when they're dying?

Well, I deserve this kind of ending anyway since I contributed nothing aside from misfortunes and evil acts in this country as well as for those people around me.

But in my heart, I was hoping for a forgiveness. I am really a shameless person. Why would I hope for their forgiveness if I treated them so bad and made them hurt? They probably doesn't want to open their hearts for someone who mistreated them.

So, I'm willing to take a severe punishment for what I've done. I won't runaway from my sins.

I won't...

If I have given a chance to be born again, I don't want to be evil anymore. I'm getting bored of being a bad girl. I want to hug my family and apologize to them, for being an irresponsible and villainous daughter. I want to apologize to everyone.

Ah. This is bad. I'm starting to feel sleepy right now. I need to go to bed and sleep or else my servant will be mad at me...

"...Lady Helena."

Huh? Someone is calling my name.

I slowly opened my eyes out of my  interest and right after opening the lids of my eyes, I was greeted by the familiar face of someone I know and it's Lea, my favorite servant.

Huh? I roamed my eyes all over the place. Why is my favorite servant is here? She's the only one here and there's no trace of tht assassin guy. Where is he?

Did I perhaps survive his attack? But there's no way that I can overcome that! It's impossible for me since I don't have any magic powers or anything!

"I'm glad that you're already awake, Lady Helena. I know that it's so lazy to get up but you need to do it so that you can prepare yourself for the opening ceremony."

....huh? Opening ceremony...? Eh?

What is she saying...? I died, right? Is this a dream..? Am I dreaming while dying...? And I just noticed that I am in my room!!

Oh, wait. I noticed that my body doesn't have any wounds nor a bandage to cover the wounds, and I don't feel the pain anymore but I felt like my hands and legs became smaller than the usual! What is this...?! Did I shrunk?

"What are you looking at, Young Lady? I'm afraid to tell you that you will be late if you don't start moving. I already prepared your bath." After scolding me, she opened the curtains in the window and tied it together.

My brain couldn't process what's going on and it's still confused about everything so I opened my mouth to ask her something.

"May I ask if I am dreaming or not? And what's with the opening ceremony?"

The attention of her eyes was on the curtains she's working on but  later, it were directed straight to me. "Have you forgotten already? Today is your first day of high school so there's gonna be an opening ceremony."

My first day of school? Wait a minute. By any chance...

"Lea, can you tell me the exact date today and my age?"

I asked her about it to confirm the assumption that's been running into my mind.

If my hunch is correct then could it be that...?

Despite of not comprehending what's happening, she still responded to my silly questions. "Eh? It's the 27th of July and you're already sweet sixteen. Don't tell me you forgotten it?!"

July 27th? The date when I meet the assassin and killed by him should be on August 1st! And yeah, I suddenly remembered now that the opening ceremony when I first attended my dream high school was on July 27th!

So it means did I just died but get ressurrected and travel back in time when I was 16 years old?!

"Is there something bothering you,

Lady Helena? You're acting weird ever since you wake up this morning."

My maid was looking at me like I was a newly found specimen. I can't blame her though for looking at me like that because I am also being creep out by this unexpected turns of event! It feels like I am inside a time travel novel!

"N-no. I'm fine. I just forgot it because I was so nervous. Haha." I laughed so awkwardly fo cover up my silliness.

I even force myself to smile at her to convince that I am doing fine. As a respond, she just nodded at me but her eyes were telling me that she's not convinced.

This is bad. She probably will ask me more questions. I don't want to be put in a hot seat!

I tried to think about something to change the topic and get my maid out of my room. "F-for now, prepare a breakfast for me. I-I'm going to take a bath." 

"Alright, Young Lady."

Then she closes the door of my room.

Phew. I managed to make her lost her attention from me. I don't want someone to find out that I traveled back in time or else they might find it creepy. But, will they believe me if I told them?

Now, what should I do? If God give me a second chance like this, then I won't waste this chance in doing evil deeds. I'm starting to get bored of being a villain so I've made up my mind.

I, Helena Answord, the daughter of the duke, swore that I wouldn't become that evil lady from the past! I will live a peaceful and happy life and study swordsmanship!

In order to obtain that goal, I must make friends with everyone and be strong! It's a good thing that I'm not plotting evil  when I was sixteen years old. My evil deeds will happens two years from now, so my reputation for now is still clean.

Yosh, I'm going to do my best starting from this day!


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