
Start of School

It was 7 AM in the morning, pens clicking down as the chatter filled the classroom, I always sat close to the window so I could glance and space out subtly. I'm Kanemoto Izanagi, an eighteen-year-old freshman at Fukuoka Hokkaido University. I'm a pretty average guy. Nonetheless, that wouldn't stop me from fulfilling my dream.

A dream of finding someone that's perfect for me.

As I continue to linger with my thoughts by the window, a familiar feminine voice spoke behind me, causing me to turn my head to look at the source.

??? "Why don't you talk to me instead of glancing out the window, Izanagi?" The girl asked, her tone soft and her expression friendly. I was a tad surprised by her sudden appearance. But I noticed that it was just Asuka Ichikawa, recognizing her striking features and her warm disposition.

Izanagi "Ah, it's just you, Ichikawa."

Asuka "What do you mean, "just you"? We're childhood friends, y'know."

Izanagi "Yeah, and?"

I can see that those little words made her a wee bit upset from the way she tilted her head down to look at the floor rather than remain our eye contact, but she quickly recovers and glances up at me to speak once again.

Asuka "Alright, well, we need to talk."

[3:57 PM]

She sounded serious this time, but I can't help but ponder about what she needed from me to disrupt my daydreaming. Not that it matters, I mostly just think about my plans for the near future, though I need to hear her out since that's what friends do or we used to be.

Izanagi "Aren't we already?"

She clearly puffed her cheeks and was a bit annoyed with my response

Asuka "Don't be a smartass. I need to talk to you, in private."

I hesitated for a moment before checking my watch, now knowing how much time we have before the dreaded lectures start. Ichikawa looked pretty tense, she fiddled with her fingers far more often and I could see her bite her lip a lot of times from the corner of my eye. Then I sighed 

Izanagi "Fine, let's hurry though, we have 30 minutes before class. We'll talk on the roof."

Asuka "Okay, thank you."

I rise from my chair, shortly pushing it into the desk so I could leave the classroom with her following close behind. The halls were slowly emptying in due time, our footsteps echoed within the stairwell and we finally made it up on the rooftop.

She put her arms behind her as I leaned against the railing that overlooked the track field, my gaze going from the trees past the fences to her nervous shifting. It was starting to worry me quite a bit.

Izanagi "So, Ichikawa, what did you want?"

Asuka "Could you not refer to me by my last name? I thought we were friends."

Her brows furrowed from my blatant question, it might be petty but I don't think I could ever think of her as a friend after an incident that happened prior before.

Izanagi "Ichikawa are you going to tell me or not?"

She starts to build up her courage to tell me something, It must be that important for her to tell me about something.

Asuka "I want to explain myself about what happened 3 years ago"

I was visibly annoyed, she wants to explain her self after what she did, I trusted her, my childhood friend but she was just like the others.

Asuka "I didn't -"

Izanagi "What mean for it to happen and you're sorry"

As I exclaimed, She tilted her head down again but this time in regret, she knew from the start that it was wrong but she did it anyway.

Izanagi "I knew that coming here was a big mistake"

I turned my back on her and walked to the exit then suddenly she hold my arm then i looked back at her, I saw that she was shedding a bit of tears.

Asuka "Wait, Please"

Izanagi "Ichikawa, let go of me"

Asuka "No!, Unless you hear me out!"

I tried to get out of her grip but she doesn't want to let go of arm unless i let her explain but there nothing to explain, I heard everything there's nothing left to be said.

Izanagi "There is no changing the fact, Ichikawa. You clearly have priorities, Priorities that doesn't involve with me and I was a fool to think that you were my friend."

After that remark she was surprised and let my arm go, I left the rooftop to go back to class. As I go down the stairs, I hear her sobbing, I know what i said was wrong but she did this to herself. I got back to class and took a seat after several minutes the Teacher came, All of us stood up and Greeted him


??? "Hello Class my name is Kitagawa Mamoru, I will be your homeroom teacher for 4 Years. Now lets start with roll call"

The Teacher began calling out everyone's name in order checking if they are all present but someone was missing.

Mamoru (Teacher) "Miss Asuka Ichikawa, I guess she isn't here"

After what the teacher called out Asuka's name we heard the door open, we look to see who was at the door and we saw Asuka clear as day with tear stains and eyes a bit red because of crying.

Mamoru (Teacher) " Hello Miss, are you Asuka Ichikawa perhaps?"

Asuka "Yes sir, I am"

Mamoru (Teacher) "Take a seat, we are about to begin class"

She nodded in response and began to walk back to her seat slowly

Mamoru (Teacher) "Now that we all have been acquainted, How about we begin with our lesson "

The Teacher wrote down the lesson, I started to pay attention to the lesson but I feel like am being watched, I looked around and noticed Asuka was looking at me. She noticed me looking at her and she looked away.

Izanagi "That was Weird"

As I said Under my Breath, I looked back at the Whiteboard and continued taking notes. Asuka continued to look at me and not paying attention at the lesson and someone behind her notices and taps Asuka's Shoulder and she looks at her and saw her Best Friend.

Asuka "Oh, Hey Kiyomi, is there something i can help you with"

Yamasaki Kiyomi "Not really but you are looking at him a bit too much"

Asuka "Really? Maybe that's just your imagination"

Kiyomi "You must be joking asuka, for you to lie to me"

Asuka "Ok, I am"

Kiyomi "You have a Crush on him, don't you?"

Asuka Blushed at the question and it made Kiyomi have a big grin on her face

Kiyomi "I'll take that as a Yes"

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