

"Alright, let's go over everything." Within my room, I sat on my bed, while a hologram appeared before me. A hologram of Odin.

"Why did the 4 families join hands to build Apple? is it a move to try and overwhelm the market? making the United States that much bigger? if so, why are they doing this in secret?" I asked,

"You hit the mark sir. They put other people in the front seat to do so, their goal in doing so is as you guessed. The United States missed the chance to take over the world, instead it along with the many powers worldwide is trying to do so. not too long ago, China had the upper hand in trying to take over the world..." Odin went on to show me a few holograms which showed me public information around the world,

From China buying American land, to things that happened that went public, my eyes couldn't help but narrow. I even looked into Samsung and how it pretty much overtook South Korea, and the list went on.

"My uncle has already reported me to the mages right?" I ask calmly, to which Odin nodded lightly. 

"He does not hide anything from them. Your creations are already being studied by a few mages, I highly doubt they mean any harm." Odin said while showing me a video of my Uncle's mansion.

"This recording was gotten from the voice recorder you had left there. I put together the images, together, i'm not sure if they look this way. As for the actions, they are my guess of what could have been happening." Odin said while the image began to play, and in the center of my uncle's room, a flash appeared as 3 unknown people appeared.

My uncle was on one knee, while he held a few of the stuff I had created. the leader of the group took the Mcbook and went on to closely study it.

"Are you sure this boy has never come into contact with magic?" the leader of the group asked before Odin paused.

"Due to how quickly he scanned this laptop, I believe that he had used a spell to scan the laptop," Odin said to which I nodded in agreement. the holograms went on to start playing once more, 

"No, his parents never even let him see a TV, much less him coming across magic. he stayed in a basement for most of his life, it was only on his 18th birthday he stepped out. I was going to use him as a pawn to increase my chances of becoming the next family head, so I made a move to save him and have him marry into a rich family. it seems like he began to get into technology. in 5 years, this is what was created." Adam said calmly, 

"5 years? I get this feeling he is holding back and isn't showing you his full capability. Start pushing the boy, if he is so talented... well, I already have interest in taking him as a student. in the following 3 months, I will study his work before meeting him personally." the leader of the group said while giving Adam the laptop, and with that he disappeared.

"This was from 2 weeks ago right?" I asked with a frown, to which Odin nodded lightly. I had created these small recorders which took in sound and sent them to a small folder. but I never got the time to go through the recordings.

"If the sound quality was better. then from the vibration from their steps, voices, and changes in the air, I could have made an image that was at least 99% accurate." Odin said to which I rolled my eyes.

"Then start working on something that takes sound in, and increases it many times over without destroying its quality," I said while sitting back, wondering what I should do.

2 weeks ago, my uncle started pushing me to start giving him blueprints on all types of stuff. At first, I thought he wanted to quickly use me before having the mages take me away, but now I knew the truth.

As for my uncle using me to increase his status to be family head? I already guessed that. I understood this when I heard of my side of the family suffering after the family found out the truth about how my parents raised me

"There is a high likelihood they can scan me if they ever meet me, so the next thing I give my uncle has to be big, but not too big. it also has to be able to give me feedback on the spell used to scan it, without alerting the mage." I said softly while holograms appeared before me, taking the form of a recorder. But it was a recorder like none other, as it acted like a human ear that is well trained.

Pretty much, this recorder can give Odin the power to hear the changes in the air to get a clear image of everything around this recorder. I went on to add an anti-magic spell sense on it, before adding even a self-destruction button on this recorder just in case it was ever found. but I made it to be a small fly,

This small fly would find a spot to hide itself, and secretly listen to everything around it. But I also created a second fly, this one being one with countless eyes like that of a fly, a total of 6,000 small cameras all with extreme sharpness.

But I had to fuse the two flies without making them too big as it would make it harder to hide. It took me some time to do, but after some time the super spy fly was created. I even added a new sense to the fly, which was smell. With it being able to see, smell, and hear everything around it, Odin would be happy.

"what is Hephaestus doing?" I asked calmly, 

"He is currently building copies of himself. He has finished creating the nanonite. he is just waiting for you to come over tomorrow and take it." Odin said to which I told him to have Hephaestus start working on this SSF. SSF stands for Super Spy Fly.

"He says it should be done by morning," Odin said to which I nodded slightly while getting ready to see just what piece of tech I should give my Uncle tomorrow morning. I went on to have a hologram of a car appear before me.

"Well, let's make an Apple car," I said softly,

"Are you not going to add windows?" Odin asked jokingly, to which I looked at him in confusion before annoyance swallowed me. My A.I. was learning how to joke faster than me.

I had Odin explain the joke, and after hearing it, I went on to start making a car without a window. In the place of the windows would be super high-quality cameras, which would allow one to see the outside world while remaining unseen to the outside world. the camera would also be protected, so not just anyone could touch them.

the car would be covered from head to toe in sensors, so when anything or someone gets close to the car, the camera would turn on. there would also be a camera which would be on at all times, although they can be turned off to save battery.

of course, the car would be electric, it also has to be fast, and for this, I looked at a Tesla to avoid making the car too good. As for the A.I. in the car? that would be for my Uncle to deal with, as well as the many tests.

'they can see that I holding back? If start showing I'm not holding back, then he might catch on that I'm watching. So, I will make this car to be like the Tesla, just a few steps better.' I thought while the car blueprints were finished, and storing them away.

'I need a printer...' I thought with a sigh, but I just shrugged while I went on to spend the rest of the night working on extra stuff...

That night passed, I didn't sleep at all that night, but I wasn't bothered at all. I could hear when Sarah got up to go get ready for the day, I just woke up to offer to take her out to college, before heading off to my secret underground hideout where I got to see the SSF, along with the Nanonite that were created.

The Nanonite was extremely small, I couldn't even see it even with my super sharp eyes. This nanonite was so small that even Hephaestus needed to improve himself to be able to create something this small. a DNA double helix is approximately 10 nanometers

1 micrometer = 1,000 nanometer

1 millimeter = 1,000 micrometer

1 centimeter = 10 millimeter 

1 meter = 100 millimeter 

in other words, 1 nanometer is 1 billion times smaller than a meter. but these Nannite that were created were of course so small, that they were even smaller. they are 0.000001 nanometers. In other words, over 10 million nanites can fit within a DNA double helix.

They were pretty much super-small cells. Cells can vary between 1 micrometer and hundreds of micrometers in diameter. In other words, this nanite is 10 trillion times smaller than a cell. So how could I see it?

I had to connect to the Nannites using my Cyber Mind, with this connection, I was able to control the Nanonites to float up, before entering my flesh between the small gaps in my skin. form there, the Nanonites began to start bonding with my body, which didn't take long.

After, the Nannite went on to absorb some of my body heat to allow it to start dividing like a cell. What couldn't be helped was that this small Nanonite needed the same amount of energy as a cell. this was huge, but luckily they can use the energy in the air as well.

Although the nanites were small, Mana was shockingly even smaller, but the Nanites just sucked them in, flying around while absorbing all of the Mana while dividing at a high speed. In seconds, I had hundreds of Nanites, before I had thousands, then billions, then trillions, before I had so many that they could all gather to nearly perfectly recreate something as large as a cell.

But the nanites didn't stop as they kept increasing, every second that passed, they doubled as they kept flying around, sucking on energy over and over. they adapted and evolved, so you would find it hard seeing them growing weaker or anything with the Nanites dividing like this, so long as they had enough energy, then they could grow and evolve to everything... given time as they could overloud. then again, the more time that passes, the more resistance they would be to overloading...

By the hour, I had so many nanites that I could reshape them to create things like Ironman armor. I had them stored within my body. from my bones to my cells, and hair. the nanites were covering my whole body, while at the same time scanning my body to ensure my body remained 100% healthy.

My damaged cells were even fixed, restoring them to their prime, which pretty much increased my lifespan. the possibilities for the nanites were endless, for example, my nanites were so small that even atoms were many times larger than them, so they could take hold of atoms and try and put them together. although this would take some time to get to try and learn to understand how to do it.

I stayed a bit longer in the hideout to create a flashlight... of course, it wasn't a simple flashlight as everything within an arm's reach of the light would be burned. taking the SSF, I left and went to my uncle's house, where I had the fly enter the house. it was of course smaller than most flies, so unless one was paying attention, they were as small as fruit flies, and they made no sounds.

the fly flew around, controlled by Odin, it passed every one with a 100% chance of not being discovered and went on to enter my uncle's office, where it went on to hide under my uncle's table.

"Can I use your printer?." I said while holding out my phone, my uncle's Butler went on to help me connect to the printer, where I went to print the blueprints before giving them to my uncle.

"A windowless car?" my Uncle asked to which I nodded lightly. My uncle went through the list of papers which explained step by step how to build the car as if it was a Lego piece that needed to be put together, before stopping on the last page which showed a list of what the car should be capable of doing, from its speed, to how big the battery would be.

He went on his computer and after tapping away for a few seconds, and looking at his computer, he nodded lightly before looking back towards me.

"This is impressive... 15 million... no, I will just give you 50 million. this is impressive " He said to which I just nodded as I didn't really care for the money anymore. with how things were going, I would be able to buy anything from the system,

"You're not going to test and see if it works?" I asked to which My uncle shook his head slightly.

"you're using the camera from that camera you built... well, pretty much everything you put into this car is improved upon smaller versions of the thing you have already created. they have worked, I believe this would work. I have that much trust in you." He said with a smile, 

"Well, this is another thing I have put together, I call it the building blocks to a lightsaber. I'm still learning to focus the heat and power on one spot, but I should get it down soon." I said while giving my uncle the oddly large ugly flashlight that was put together in someone's garage. my uncle was just about to turn it on, but I stopped him while warning him of the danger. 

Instead, I had him hold a paper arms reach away from the light, before pointing the light towards the paper. my uncle tried, and after a few seconds, the paper was on fire, and the room was hot.

"... 50 million. be able to create a lightsaber and a laser gun and I will make you a billionaire on the spot." My uncle said seriously realizing the usefulness of this weapon. I just nodded at my uncle while I went on to leave with the check of 100 million...

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