
The Omega Me

Love is nothing but a victory march that does not end with death but with words. but my love ended with bloodshed and backstabbers, it was something I couldn't prevent from happening. But in the end I found happiness

mintaehyungzona16 · Otras
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10 Chs

what's the real you?

before reading I recommend listening to manipulation by Zevia while reading this chapter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wSqDYjjbvQ&list=PLWxEKzzJ6N72EoLjR_T5IJca6HHN4UjRs&index=35

I slowly fell unconscious.

Woo-Jin POV:

I looked on shockingly at my mate who was bleeding from her head and unconscious. panic started to arise but first I had to get her out of here. I got up and ran with her on my shoulder out the door. "Jihun. 'yes my lord? "what's going on? 'we are currently under attack "under attack? we weren't suppose to do a kingdom raid this year with the Jix kingdom yet- 'it isn't the Jix Kingdom my lord its the Kingdom of the Blocksters.

What?! I put Anima in a room that was built with the strongest structure and had guards guard the door so no one could get in. I walked into my fathers office as he drank he coffee that grew cold as he looked out the window watching the kingdom of Blocksters soldiers die off one by one. "father why did they start attacking us? 'apparently they thought that if they got the money first after giving us the girl they could keep the money and come back to get the girl.

"why do they want her so much? 'Apparently she a Half breed. "Half breed? 'Yes, half omega and half Alpha, they want to keep her for themselves under the pretense that her Alpha side can awaken up at any moment and become destructive- "they can't take her, she's my mate. for some reason my blood started to boil I was in rage and pissed that the wanted to put their hands on my mate after treating her like that this whole time. \BOOOM/ \BOOM/ "what's that sound? I thought you said they were loosing?

"yeah But that's not coming from outside, that's coming from inside the castle. as soon as we bring that thing here everything went to shit. round the remaining guards to see what's going on. 'I got it father, Jihun? 'yes? "lets go. we headed towards the loud booming noise. when we got to the hall I realized that Anima was on this floor and that we were also heading in her direction. I started to jog and eventually ran until I was unable to see from the light, and dark aura coming from the room spreading out into the hallway 'Yo-your Highness don't come close this aura is so strong that it feels as if we can't breathe. I was unaffected by it but my men were,

"everyone stay back, get away from the aura if you can't handle it, I'm going in-'Your highness you can't go in, it's too dangerous. "that's an order. I walked in the room to see anime hovering in mid air while she was still asleep I looked around for the nurse but she was bleeding from her head crashed through the closet door. "Anima? she stopped hovering and looked as if she was frozen in mid air. "can you hear me? I need you to come down. she came down as she slowly put both of her feet on the ground. "good, Anima, do you know who I am? it went quiet \BOOM/ her hair floated above her head and instead of the Light and dark aura from earlier this aura grew a bright orange yellow and red, as if it was giving off flames.

*st...p it* she mumbled something but I couldn't quite hear her "Did you say something Anima? 'STOP CALLING ME ANIMA, WHO'S ANIMA TO YOU HUH? she started to float again. 'your highness are you alright? "stay back" KILLED MY FAMILY, RAPED ME, CURSED ME, TREATED ME LIKE I WASN'T HUMAN, PLAYED WITH ME LIKE A TOY, IM NOT FROM THIS WORLD, I WAS REINCARNATED HERE, BUT TO BE TREATED LIKE SHIT MORE HERE THEN I DID IN MY OLD LIFE. WHY CAN'T I LIVE HOW I WANT TO, WHY IS MY LIFE SO CORRUPTED, I HATE IT, I HATE IT, HATE, HATE HATE HATE. she started to cry I felt so complexed I wasn't even there to help her through all the pain and suffering she went through. she raised her hand pointing out her palm, \crash/ it pushed me back just a little bit but the lamp was behind me. her head started bleeding out more "anima, calm down 'ANIMA? ANIMA? THAT ISN'T MY NAME I HATE THAT NAME IT WAS A CURSE EVER SINCE MY FAMILY DIED.....Why is my life like this?, why? \sob sob/ she fell I rushed in to catch her she cried for a little bit but soon fell unconscious for using a lot of energy.

sigh~ who are you? what's your name? why do you drive me crazy? why?

Hi there, Author speaking, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I wrote this while having the song 'manipulation' by Zevia on repeat that's why I recommended it lol, welp I don't really have anything else to say except for happy early merry christmas (not sure if that sounded right?)......\awkwardness is rising/...... welp byeeee signing off your author ~mintaehyungzona

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