
The Omega Me

Love is nothing but a victory march that does not end with death but with words. but my love ended with bloodshed and backstabbers, it was something I couldn't prevent from happening. But in the end I found happiness

mintaehyungzona16 · Otras
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10 Chs

Traitor Revealed

Lizzie's POV:

(Wha-what happened to me am-am I dead,...It can't be, I'm still conscious but why does my body hurt so much?... okay, the last thing I remember is watching my sister die to save me then *right my sister died protecting me* I was chased and fell unconscious. okay, anima' right that isn't my name anymore- *truth is I'm a crazy anime fan, hot sexy guys, and a big die heart fan of any Bl (boy's love) manga on my way to work I stepped in dog shit, then got fired from work after that I chocked on one grain of rice and died when I came too I was 2 years old. when I got older I asked people to call me anima or Liz as my nickname but, no one know that I was reincarnated pretty pathetic if you ask me, wait who am I even talking to? well, at least I have my memories*. you can do this! just move one thing at a time...okay good I managed to move my arms at least the hard part was opening my eyes.

I moved my hands around trying to see what I could feel. \clang/ "are these chains. I slid my hand onto the chains even though I couldn't walk or see, something told me the chains were attached to the wall I then slid my hands in the opposite direction and felt the chains connected to my neck. "this can't be. I slowly began to open my eyes.

'why am I in the dungeon of my pact house? is probably what you're thinking right "Anima? I shifted my head over to see Lincoln the guy who turned everyone against my parents "what are you doing let me go... I demanded

"Huh, but we can't let out a wild Half breed like you who killed her dear sister our leader in a mistress, and forced her parents out the pack now can we, it amazes me how to Beta's could produce a daughter who is a half alpha and half omega you're really something. "What, you're crazy you're the one who killed my sister you're the one who forced my parents to leave I-I can prove it was you, she was shot with an arrow and stabbed with a sword- 'which have your fingerprints all over them am I correct?

wha-what no, I didn't even touch the sword!!! YOU BASTARD YOU'RE TRYING TO FRAME ME YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS...ask Olivia she can prove you did this.

Speaking about Olivia do you mean her? 'Hi anima or should I call you Lizzie at this moment, it's been a while since you woke up four days to be exact. "good Olivia I need you to tell everyone that he is trying to fabricate the whole thing and set me up. 'I'm afraid you have gone mad Anima, she said in a husky voice, I'm sure you were the one that did all those things. tears began to spring from her eyes and onto the floor "what...come...on Olivia you can't be serious right?... I know he's threatening you, isn't he? I got up and walked as far as I could to the bars luckily I was able to reach it. Olivia you...you bitch (I know it's not right but you still betrayed me) "how about this Anima if you gram the end of this sword I'll let you live. reluctantly I did, I grabbed the sword handle, he then pulled the sword away from me.

'Olivia would you do me a favor and turn around for me. "yes sir. she turned around, he arose his sword and cut off her head, 'AHHHAHHHHHHHHhhhhhhh! why did...you do that, why did you Kill her/ \sob sob sob sob sob sob/

"huh, Anima how could you blame me for killing your friend, lets see how this goes oh I got it. your friend came down here to see you but you turned her away then she told you to fess up but you didn't like how she was telling you, to tell the truth? she started crying I was trying to cheer up and while I wasn't looking you grabbed my sword trying to kill me but ended up killing your best friend, if you don't believe me I have your fingerprints on the sword handle...Pfft hahaha hahaha even if I d make it up your fellow pact members would never even care about it anyway, all we know is that you're a murder and we can't let a murder go now can we?

"you bastard how could you...why would you go so far as to frame me when you can just kill me now. 'Hmm I never thought about it, my only interest was to keep you as the pack's dog well slave oh I got it god-slave?... slave dog? you're the prettiest omega here and alpha whatever you're still a murder

GUARDS! 'SIR' take off the handcuffs on her and put a leash on her make sure it's nice and tight but not too tight, also strip her I've never heard of pets wearing clothes. we're going to take our little dog slave out for a walk. they started walking towards with dirty grins on their face.

Don't- Don't, DONT TOUCH ME YOU FILTHY BASTARDS I'LL KILL YOU, I'LL KILL YOU ALL! "shut it bitch \slap/....