
The Omega Me

Love is nothing but a victory march that does not end with death but with words. but my love ended with bloodshed and backstabbers, it was something I couldn't prevent from happening. But in the end I found happiness

mintaehyungzona16 · Otras
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10 Chs

a little late

Woo-jin POV:

"subordinate means a person under the authority or control of another within a group or kingdom. she still looked lost shivering in fear that I might approach her. "just stay put for a second. I left my office and walked down the hall a few feet \bump/ my heart felt like it hit rock bottom when she was out of my sight I walked back into the room and my heart returned back to normal. "Anima? right? she glared at me after calling her name "I'm not sure if you'll like this, but I think you're my mate. she flinched and hid further into the corner of my office. "it's okay, I won't hurt you- \crash/ she flipped the office table and started to growl at me

"Anima calm down. \bang/ she flipped the lamp on the stand "do you not like me calling you by that name. she went quiet but still growled at me. It's okay I said as I walked slowly to her. "no one is going to hurt you now, no more doing things you don't want to. I tried grabbing her but she bit me causing me to bleed out \mph/ I let out a small whimper from the sudden attack I'm guessing she got even more scared to see her suddenly stop and start shivering as if I was going to hit her

I looked around to see the room in disarray. I picked her up despite her hitting and scratching me and put her in a more comfortable room. I left the room "Luke. 'yes master? 'don't let anyone in this room, make sure when food is brought you place it outside the room make sure to tell her it's outside without going in her room and shell wear some of my old clothes for now. 'Yes, master. he then vanished "I wonder, just what did that new king do to her for her to be like that? \mumble/

Lizzie POV:

"no one can be trusted men and women, they're all the same, they're...all...the...same. 'Knock knock' 'Ms. your food is here would you like me to bring it in?... if not I can leave it here for you to get? (no one's there, I'm not here, go away, go away) I looked around the room that made me uncomfortable everything was too spacious for a weird reason I missed the little shed I slaved away in I got off the bed and went into the closet that was much smaller. shutting the door no light got in and it was much more comfortable than the room I felt tired from everything that happened but my body wouldn't hinder what I wanted so I stayed awake trying to be aware of my surrounding in a small closet

'Knock Knock' I flinched at the sudden knock for some reason I felt a little untroubled by the unknown person at the door 'Knock knock' "it's me Woo-jin the guy who brought you here 'grrr' I growled lowly "I'm coming in to check on you. he came in "damn it! \flinch?!/ "Guards! 'Yes sir. "she ran away, find her quickly. 'yes sir! (wh- what do I do? I-I'm scared mother father Eli what should I do?) met with the darkness the spirits gathered in front of me *what should I do? I whispered *Every~ be alright~ don't worry. their voices were so vague but I was able to understand a little bit, but at the same time, I'm afraid of going out. \shiver/ I opened the closet barely able to walk from all the shivering I was doing I barely just barely looked up at Woo-jin before looking back down he looked relieved to see me for some reason

(should I say something? *yes, after all, he will play a big role in your life*) the unknown said to me "I-I'm- before I could try to finish I was met with a hug something I was so unuse to the warm embrace of someone I wanted to cry fuck it I did cry (no?!) I pushed him off and ran back to the closet (wh- what is this feeling of uneasiness?) I jumped out of the closet and jumped onto Woo-jin \BOOM/ I was hit in the head by a part of the castle that was falling down I slowly fell unconscious


Hi there, Author speaking, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter I know for my other book I write up to 1-2000 words or 2-4000 words, and for this book The Omega me I will probably get to 1-2000 words after I start building up the story more. Anyways I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, stay safe out there

signing off your author~mintaehyungzona16

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