
Generational meeting

Authors note:

The elves will always speak in the ancient tongue unless I specify otherwise.

Eldar's POV:

Egan's roar made my body vibrate and I felt his pain through our bond. He began to swoop down hard and I barely had seconds to find a solution and stop Egan from crashing to the ground at full speed. So I didn't really have time to think and I acted with the first idea that crossed my mind. I forced Egan's wings to extend again and then summoned a wind beating against his wings to slow our fall by sending us hovering.

The tension of the wind that swelled Egan's wings made him roar in pain. I didn't have time to apologize. We crashe into the trees, breaking branches that greatly slowed the speed of our fall but caused further injury to Egan.

The landing was rough and both my legs broke being stuck in the stirrup and preventing them from getting out.


Egan was mad with rage but he was too injured to fight, I had to protect his body until he recovered and could fly again. A dome that is 3 times the size of Egan emerged from the ground to cover us time to understand what is happening.

"Calm down Egan, you're in no condition to fight save your energy to heal your wounds." I'll buy the time it takes to let you recover so we can leave. »


"EGAN ENOUGH! We're both badly hurt and I've only recovered a fraction of my energy so put your ego away will you? Remember, to survive is to win and currently I would settle for this win so now calm down and focus on your recovery! »

A furious growl that shook the ground and my insides answered me but he lay around me and concentrated on his energy.

I cut the ties that held me to my saddle and sat down in my turn to unfold my mind. There are six spirits like mine within 50 yards of us. One of the six left and the others move so as to encircle the dome which shelters us.

I focus on their movements while saving my strength as much as possible to hold out for as long as it takes.

One of the spirits starts shouting something but I don't understand what he's saying so I ignore him and keep watching them.

An arrow then lodged in the dome, testing its resistance but failed to cross it. I hear those who sit on us talking and the next moment my earthen dome vibrates and begins to crack.

They can use magic! Are they elves? "I am also an elf, why did you attack us? »

The only response I received was that the dome vibrated even stronger and pieces of earth began to come off the top.

Unable to allow myself to become vulnerable to their projectile and at the risk of having to reinvoke the dome, I decide to attack. I have to consume as little energy as possible and I made pious come out of the ground where the 5 spirits are and made a dozen pious emerge in order to succeed in increasing my chances of hitting if they try to dodge.

Several cries are heard and the vibrations stop, a smile then forms on my lips. Bunches of idiots, they are not even attentive to the waves of magic. Egan who surrounds me growls with satisfaction 'Eldar avenge me of these imbeciles and above all make them suffer'

I've hit three of the five spirits and they need to back off to avoid another attack from me. I wanted to finish them because the distance they can back is far from enough, I could feel them for several hundred meters but just as I am about to relaunch my attack, I see their spirits moving quickly.

" How is it possible ? How could they heal so quickly? »

'Never mind, finish them off while they're in range!'

"No Egan, if I can't kill them all at once, they'll heal again and I'll just be more tired. Don't forget, I just have to hold on until you're fit to fly. »

'Don't be stupid, it will take at least the night or more, the one who fled will come back with reinforcements so kill those you can while it's still possible!'

"Even if I kill them, the reinforcements will come back. If they want to flee, that's fine with me, it gives me the opportunity to rest while it lasts. I'll hold Egan as long as it takes Egan, don't doubt it! »


Oromis's POV:

My queen's spirit knocks gently against my mental shields and wakes me from my slumber.

'My queen, what do I owe this cavalier behavior so urgent that deprives me of my sleep?'

'Oromis, a dragon rider has invaded our territory, a dragon rider riding a black dragon!'

'It is not possible ! Galbatorix could not have passed the defenses of the Du Weldenvarden ! Moreover Galbatorix is not stupid, he would not have come to our lands alone, even he could not survive alone here.'

'Enough, Oromis! This is not the time for discussion, I have checked the veracity of this information, we must kill him while we have the opportunity. I'm already on my way with the warriors of Elsmera , hurry to join us! '

A roar of fury echoed in our mental conversation 'We're already on our way!'

Riding Glaedr, we head towards Galbatorix and I can feel Glaedr shaking with fury, expelling flames with every breath.

' A little control Glaedr, we are about to face the most dangerous adversary, have the control befitting your rank. If you let your emotions take over, then we're already dead.'

'The egg breaker is in our forest, I wouldn't miss the chance to get revenge on the one who brought my race to the brink of extinction and who is holding back what's left of it. However, I understand your reasoning and please excuse my distraction, I will do my best not to make mistakes that could cost us our lives. '

We quickly caught up with the contingent of warriors accompanying the queen. Less than a kilometer from us, I can feel the spirit of a rider and his dragon but it seems very strange to me, it doesn't look like the spirit of Galbatorix at all. What kind of dark magic could he still have summoned to change so much?

Glaedr poses in front of the queen and in front of her, six young elves say in ancient language that they have injured a black dragon. That he was flying over the forest and crashed with his dragon tree. He then created a dome to protect himself and then injured them. Seeing that they could no longer act without risking their lives, they watched the dome while waiting for reinforcements.

The queen like me frowns listening to the report. It seems impossible but they speak in ancient language and cannot lie.

A roar of war resounds again throughout the area and makes us jump.

'Glaedr what's wrong with you? You've lost control of your emotions twice, it's not like you.'

'Why are you still here? Our enemy is in our territory alone and wounded, will you give him a chance to escape?'

The Queen chafes at the dragon's tone and unusual lack of judgment

'Glaedr, with all due respect, stop being stupid, Galbatorix and Shruikan couldn't have been harmed by young elves, it must be a trap'

'They spoke in the anciant language and it seems you probed their minds to verify their information. Shruikan is unable to move. If we can't kill the traitor king then we must at least free my brother and give him the death he deserves.'

Oromis was surprised at his loss of composure, it seems he has forgotten the strength of his partner's hatred and the dragon fire that has been burning within him since spending so much time in peace in their forest.

'Glaedr, we are going to act, we just have to think about the best strategy to avoid falling into Galbatorix's trap.'

'Oromis, enough, we attack now! It's not negotiable we can in the worst case free Shruikan. My honor will not bear my abandoning him to his fate when I can free him from this life of slavery and dishonour.'

With a defeated sigh, I nodded and said to the queen, "Prepare to react to the circumstances. »


"You must not die Sage in mourning, you still have a duty to guide the next generation but if you have a chance to end this war then do not hesitate. »

Glaedr roars with happiness and excitement as he takes flight at the thought of finally seeing his vengeance fulfilled.

When we arrive in front of the dome, I feel the spirit of the dragon rider probing us, I frown at his recklessness, moreover the dome is far too small to contain Shruikan however I do not have time to share it with Glaedr that he launches a fiery breath which makes the dome collapse and reveals a black dragon rolled up in a ball protecting his dragoner and with broken and bloody wings.

'Glaedr stop, it's not Shruikan!' I don't have time to finish my sentence when Glaedr charges and bites the black dragon violently. I feel a barrier of wind protect the black dragon and even if it prevents Glaedr's jaw from closing completely, the tips of its fangs crosses the barrier and the fangs pierce the scales and sink into the flesh of the black dragon'

A roar of pain rings out and an inexplicable a chill of anxiety run through me. Through the splashes of blood I have time to see two vertical pupils shining with a hypnotic green. It's the last thing I see before I'm suddenly brutally thrown backwards.