
A Lovely Morning

A girl waltzed around her room with an imaginary partner. She took large steps, small steps, and twirled every so often. Her skirt and her blonde, shoulder-length curls spun out with her. All the while, the girl hummed a boisterous tune. It was completely incongruous with the elegant dance she was attempting to imitate.


A knock at the door interrupted the girl's waltz. With a short, pouting sigh, she answered, "Yes?"

The family maid opened the door. With a slight bow, she said, "Lady Veronica, your father and mother are about to leave. If you wish to say goodbye, you best-."

Veronica flew past the maid and was out the door before the maid could finish her sentence. Her blonde hair trail behind her in her wake like golden tassels. She quickly navigated through her home down to the foyer. Her parents and brother were there.

"Papa!" Veronica shouted with a wide smile.

"My little girl!" Viscount Gilen barely reacted in time to catch Veronica as she rushed into his arms.

"You're late," Hyde stated. The ten-year-old boy tried to remain stoic but was clearly holding back tears. "Father and mother were just about to leave."

Viscount Gilen crouched to be level with Veronica. "Veronica," he lightly scolded, "What were you doing that was so important as to almost miss saying goodbye?"

Veronica giggled in response. "I was practicing my singing and dancing!"

"Your singing and dancing?" Viscount Gilen asked in wonder. "What for?"

"For the royal ball, silly! Next year, I'll be old enough to attend. I'll amaze all the guests with my singing and be the most elegant woman there!"

"Of course you will, my little nightingale." Viscount Gilen cooed. "Your voice was always beautiful."

"I'll even catch the eyes of one of the princes," she continued. "Then, we'll fall in love and I'll become a real princess."

A subtle smile crept onto her mother's lips while her father clutched his heart in mock anguish. "My daughter, only fourteen years of age, already thinking of leaving me!"

Veronica laughed. Even Hyde's tears receded as he cracked a smile.

"I'll never leave you, Papa!" Veronica reassured her father. "Even if I become the princess, I'll be sure to visit every week."

"That's my girl." Viscount Gilen patted his daughter on the head. He stood up and shared a knowing look with his wife. "We best be off now or we will be late."

"When will you be home?" Veronica inquired.

"We're just helping out the refugees at the mine." Viscount Gilen replied. "We should be back early in the afternoon."

Lady Gilen cleared her throat, "Darling, you also have that appointment with Viscount Somi."

"Oh yes! Thank you for reminding me. Then add a couple more hours. It will be late afternoon but definitely before nightfall."

Veronica nodded in understanding.

"You children behave," Lady Gilen lightly warned. "Don't give Allison too much trouble. Veronica, be sure to take care of your brother."

"Yes, mother," Veronica and Hyde replied in unison.

The Lady pulled her children into a quick embrace. They said their goodbyes one last time before closing the door behind them. The two siblings stood still for several seconds. The chilly winter air dissipated in the stagnant foyer. Their gazes rested upon the closed door. A twinge of loneliness ran through both their hearts. The moment was interrupted by Hyde's grumbling stomach.

"I'm hungry," Hyde announced matter-of-factly.

Veronica giggled, "Let's find Ms. Allison and beg for some snacks."

Their morning was spent snacking on small pieces of dried fish and studying their respective lessons. Hyde struggled through passages of the Church's Holy Scripture. Veronica was sympathetic but also relieved. She remembered when she struggled through the Scripture. But now, to be a proper Lady, she was working on needlework. Hyde, on the other hand, had mathematics and basic alchemy lessons. She could never wrap her head around all the numbers and alchemic equations.

Slumping heavily against his chair, Hyde swallowed his pride and asked, "Sister, can you help me read this passage?"

"Of course." Veronica put down her sewing project and walked over to help. She didn't read it for him. Instead, Veronica stayed next to Hyde and pointed mistakes as he read. She let him work through the passage by himself. Slowly, but surely, Hyde finished the chapter. He turned to Veronica with a smug smile on his face.

Veronica raised an eyebrow at his arrogance. "Now tell me what this chapter was about."

Hyde's smile immediately disappeared. "Umm... this chapter..." he hesitantly replied, "talked about... how witches are evil?"

She rolled her eyes. "What is the purpose of reading if you don't understand it?" Veronica reprimanded. "Read the first set of lines again and tell me what they mean."

Hyde obediently complied. "It describes... what witches are." He paused, turning to Veronica for confirmation. She gestured for him to continue. "They are girls who have made a pact with a demon. In exchange for their souls, they are given power and beauty to fulfill their desires."

He continued to the next set without further prompting. "But the human body isn't meant to contain demonic power. Because of it, it leaks out and hurts the people around them. It manifests as bad luck or poor health. For the same reason, witches suffer great pains once a year, on the day of their contract, as a result of their sin. This is God's divine punishment on witches for betraying humanity, called demonic torture. When they die, the demonic power will..."

Hyde continued in silence for a few sentences. Then he scrunched up his face. "Ewww. That's gross."

Veronica laughed. "See? If you were properly reading, you'd have said that the first time."

A knock at the door interrupted her teasing. "Children," called the maid, "it's time for lunch."

"Yes, Ms. Allison," they replied in unison.

Hyde stuck his tongue out at Veronica. Together they raced each other to the dining hall.

Hello readers! Thanks for reading! This is my first time writing a webnovel. I'm used to finishing a story completely and submitting it at once. I'll try to maintain a consistent 2 chapter per week, even after this contest is over. Apologies in advance if I can't keep it up.

Regarding the content, I'll try to keep it as close to canon as possible. But I'll definitely to adding my own spin on events that aren't specified in the original work.

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