
The New Vampire (book 1)

zamanyasmeen97 · Fantasía
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11 Chs

Chapter Six

Once Alex and Lily got into the den Lily went into her room that was staying in and Alex went to call a meeting on what to do and how they were going help Lily, so Alex called all the vampires in his coven to the hall so he could tell them what was happening.

" Why are we here Alex.?" A fellow vampire asked him.

" I have gathered you all to decide what we are going to do to help Lily with controlling her abilities.

" We could just leave her outside and not help, let her fend for herself." Another vampire told Alex but Alex wasn't going to have that.

" No we are not going to let her fend for herself, we are going to help her, so come up ideas that will help her." Alex told all the vampires while raising his voice a little.

" What if I train her to fight that why she can protect herself if she is by herself." Josh, Alex's best friend who was the trainer, asked him.

" That is a good idea josh, yes you can train her." Alex answered josh with a grin on his face.

Meanwhile in Lily's room she was sat on her bed thinking about Luke and how he was no longer alive but she ended up thinking too much and started to have a panic attack while crying so she couldn't breath properly and since no one was there in her room to help her she passed out. After the meeting finished Alex decided to walk to Lily's room to tell her that she would now be doing training sessions with josh but when Alex walked into her room he was shocked at what he was just seeing Lily on her bed passed out.

" Lily, wake up, come on wake up!" Alex shouted to her but she wasn't waking up.

" Wake up, wake up!" Alex continued to shout whilst shaking her trying to wake her up.

After about five minutes Alex knew that she wasn't going to wake up if he was just shaking her so he decided that he was going to take her to his sister Alice who was a nurse vampire, so he raced down the hall to his sister's room with Lily in his arms, and knocked repeatedly until she answered. Once she answered the door Alex begged her to help him so she let him in and told him to put Lily on her bed so Alex did. Once Lily was on the bed Alice took her blood pressure and checked her pulse which were both fine and told Alex to relax because Lily was going to be okay and that she has just passed out that's all. Alex was so relieved that Lily would be okay so he sat in a chair in the corner in the room and began to calm down and waited for Lily to wake up. After waiting about half an hour for Lily to wake up Alex was about to leave the room to get water but as soon as he went to the door Lily woke up.

" What happened why am I not in my room?" Lily asked Alex whilst rubbing the back of her neck.

" You passed out and I panicked so I brought you to my sister who is a nurse." Alex explained to Lily with pain in his voice.

" Why did you panic Alex?" Lily questioned him.

" I thought you were dead to be honest." Alex said with embarrassment to Lily.

" You really thought that I was dead Alex?" Lily asked him while trying not to laugh.

" Yes." Alex replied with his face flushing with embarrassment.

After Lily woke up Alex explained to her that she would now be getting trained by Josh everyday whilst they were walking to Lily's room. Once they got there Alex asked Lily if she wanted to go for a walk in the park since it was night and no one was there and Lily said yes so they both went to leave the den and went through the park and just talked and laughed with each other. Whilst they were walking through the park Alex got a call so he stepped to the side while Lily stood next to a tree waiting for him to finish his phone call but as Lily was waiting for him she felt a hand on her mouth, she tried to scream for Alex but he couldn't hear her and the person who took her carried her to a van and threw her in and drove up. Alex had finished his phone call and turned around to where Lily was but when he turned around Lily wasn't there so he started panicking and looked around the whole park for her thinking she just went to somewhere else in the park but had no luck so he raced back to the den as quick as he could to ask if any of the other vampires had seen her.

" I have called this meeting because Lily has disappeared." Alex told the fellow vampires.

" How do you know that she disappeared." A fellow vampire asked.

" Because she was with me one minute then when I turn around she is gone someone must have taken her and we need to find who took her and save her." Alex explained to the coven with pain in his voice.

After speaking to the whole coven Alex told everyone what they had to do, his job was to go out on the streets to look for her so he went looking through every street. Back with Lily after she got thrown into the van they put a mask over her face so that she couldn't see where she was being taken but three question were whizzing through Lily's mind at this moment in time. Who were these people? What did they want with her? How did they find her? After being in the van for about 20 mins Lily got lifted up and taken out of the van and was brought into a building's basement but of course Lily didn't know where she was being taken as she still had the mask on her face. She was placed into a chair and tied up to it and then the face mask was taken off of her but when the mask was removed from her face the person she seen was a shock to her as this person was supposed to be dead...