
The new god in the multiverse and this god I

The young guy died while walking to the village to his parents, he was killed by a strangely shaped lightning, after his "death" he fell into a dark space, and as according to the scenario he should be met by ROB, but is it really so? Note: English is not my native language so there may be mistakes, I will try to remove it, but I do not promise anything, if you don’t like it, just don’t read it, there is also no exact time for the chapter to be released, since I’m very lazy, don’t expect anything over and above because disappointed expectations are the most unpleasant

Endday · Cómic
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14 Chs

It's my choice to kill you.

A boy of about twelve years old, stood on the hokage mountain and watched from her, of course this boy was Kai, four years have passed, during this time he has grown both in height and strength, quite a lot has also happened, for example, he received several new skills, but more on this later, firstly, he almost finished creating his own fighting technique, it is not ideal, but still, there is also a great increase in physical strength and of course the chakra, his chakra is now comparable to a strong jounin, such a rapid growth is provoked by his passive influences pedigrees, he also learned a couple of elements of techniques.

In four years he did not really get close to the class, Kai did not communicate much with anyone, he was on his own, but today they are taking the genin test, Kai does not worry because he studied three academic techniques at a very good level.

Kai- Well, it's time to go to the academy, 5 minutes are left before the call.

Having said this about the hokage jumped off the mountain, one must understand that the height is great, when he was almost near the roof of the house, Kai grabbed the thunder pipe, spun and landed on the roof exactly and without damage, in four years he learned Konoha as his own five fingers, and in parkour on the rooftops, he became generally an ace, then rushed to the academy at full speed.

Jumping from roof to roof at high speed, Kai did not even sweat, and now bam and Kai jumped into the classroom through the window, he did it quietly and was not even noticed, a real ninja.

Kai-Hmm not bad for exactly 2 minutes, yesterday it was 2.10.

Kai spoke as he sat down at his desk, three minutes later the bell rang, at the last second a blond man managed to run in, he was constantly late, but today is apparently not the day. After that, Iruka took roll call, and finally spoke.

Iruka- Well, today who of you will become genin, good luck to all of you.

Some time later

The exam was not difficult, it showed three academic jutsu, accuracy and physical activity. Kai showed everything above average, he could pass everything to the highest score, but he did not want to attract attention to himself, and showing the minimum result is also stupid, I will think that Kai is somehow weak, so he chose the golden mean, he will attract a little attention but and the attitude towards him will be normal. The main thing is he got a bandage, it's already cool

Kai- Some still managed to fail the exam.

Among those who failed the exam was our beloved Naruto. Kai was not worried about him, the plot armor would help him. But suddenly his plans changed.

| Attention received side mission: [Help "Demon"] [Help Naruto Uzumaki not die from the liar Mizuki, because who knows Iruka may not appear]

Objective: To participate in this event and make sure that Naruto Uzumaki does not die.

Rewards: Skill: Chakra Manipulation will increase by one level, friendship with Naruto Uzumaki, 1000 wasps.

Punishment: Perhaps the death of Naruto Uzumaki, the destruction of the world is possible if Naruto Uzumaki dies, a fine of 5000 wasps. |

Kai- Well, the system apparently leaves me no choice, well, the main thing is not to screw it up, otherwise the consequences will be great.

After everyone passed the exam, we held the last lessons and were allowed to go home.

Kai quickly ran home and put on his special costume, which he bought for night walks in Konoha, this costume was all black, had a hood and was very comfortable, he also put on a mask that he bought during Halloween, it was a wolf mask, it was made of ceramic and very comfortably clung to the face. In general, when Kai was fully assembled, he began his operation to protect the "Demon", first of all he found his target, she was now sitting in Icheraku ramen and had dinner, when Naruto left Icheraku, apparently, he immediately went to the park, there he approached him Mizuki, Kai easily overheard their conversation, his secrecy was on a different level and Mizuki could not detect him, he was sure. Naruto, after talking with Mizuki, immediately went to steal the scroll, already in the forest he was sitting and reading the scroll.

Naruto- Oh, shadow clone technique, this is what I need.

In the meantime, Kai decided to do it in a cunning way, he activated the byakugan (without external signs), looked at the scroll and asked Oli to remember it. After all, Kai's memory can be said not very much, but the system could remember everything and then reproduce it.

At that moment, Iruka emerged from the forest, or as Kai noticed, Mizuki under the henge. Kai decided to fix the problem right away. Kai threw a kunai at Iruka (Mizuki under henge), he jumped aside and said.

Iruka (Mizuki to Henge) - Who dares?

Kai said nothing and came out of the tree, he wanted to check what he had achieved during these four years of training. Mizuki, seeing him coming out of the tree, realized that this was a teenager, after all, his height was not high.

Iruka (to Mizuki on henge) - Little bastard get out of here!

He yelled suddenly Naruto said.

Naruto- You're not Iruka Sensei, he wouldn't do that.

Mizuki realized that he had been opened, he took off the henge and said.

Mizuki- You opened me a damn Demon, give the scroll and I won't do anything to you.

Kai was about to attack as a kunai flew out of the trees and hit Mizuki in the hand, it was Iruka, he was a little late.

Iruka- Mizuki what are you doing? Have you betrayed Konoha?

Mizuki- Hahah betrayed? I betrayed or they betrayed me, why should I work as a teacher in the academy aa, these bastards, well, I'll steal the scroll and sell it well, and I'll live as I want.

Kai was already tired of this, he rushed to Mizuki with the intentions of fighting. Bam hit Mizuki right in the face, this blow was pretty strong because it sent Mizuki flying.

Mizuki- Oh, you little bastard, I'll kill you !!!

He shouted as he stood up.

Suddenly, Kai decided to say something.

Kai is Garbage and you are chuunin?

Saying this, he appeared in front of Mizuki and with one kick of his leg lifted him into the air.

Kai- And it is because of you the worlds could perish hah, advanced taekwando ascent of the heavenly dragon.

By hitting Mizuki once more with the taekwando technique, Kai broke a couple of Mizuki's bones.

Miraculously, Mizuki got up again.

Mizuki- You bastard think you can beat me? I didn't want to use it, but apparently there is no other way out.

Suddenly, his body began to change into the form of a beast, his clothes were torn and his skin changed color. In one jerk, he headed for Kai.

Mizuki- This is a gift from Orochimaru-dono and I want to show that I am worthy.

Mizuki's punches were quick, but Kai managed to dodge.

(This seal is really very good, so if there were no side effect it would be super)

Kai used his adaptation technique and began to read Mizuki's movements, after a minute Kai could already predict any movement of Mizuki. But apparently Mizuki is not a fool and realizing that he could not cope with me and I was just stalling for time switched to another goal.

Mizuki- Damn you, I'll deal with you later.

And he attacked Iruka, Irukatje tried to answer, but Mizuki in his new form of Iruka is no match for him, a couple of blows and Iruka lies there breathing, Kai wanted Naruto to show the cloning technique and then he would deal with Mizuki, because if he doesn't show it to Iruka will not pass the genin exam.

Iruka- Naruto run, run faster.

Mizuki- Do you think the demon will run away? Ahaha you killed so many that's why they treat you like that in the village, nobody needs you here.

Iruka- No, it's not true, you're a very good boy, it's not your fault that this demon is sealed in you.

Naruto as a child is very vulnerable to words, after all that he heard, tears flowed from his eyes, and through tears he asked Iruka.

Naruto- Do you really think so, Iruka Sensei?

Iruka- True Naruto, you changed my life

Iruka spoke with a smile.

Mizuki- Finished your veal tenderness?

Suddenly Naruto wiped away his tears and shouted at the top of his throat while folding the seals.

Naruto- Don't you dare touch my teacher aaaaa multiple shadow cloning technique.

After that, all the free space was filled with Naruto's clones. Mizuki realized that he could not cope and began to retreat.

Kai- Okay, take care of yourself and I have to go.

Iruka- Thanks for the help, but who are you?

Kai- Me? Hah call me One.

Having said this, Kai went to catch up with Mizuki, after 2 minutes he caught up with him.

Kai- Thought to run away? Dream, I won't play with you anymore.

Mizuki- Oh, you bastard, leave me alone.

And he accelerated, but Kai even bothered to catch up with him and thought.

(Today I'm ready to kill, it's time to grow up)

After catching up with Mizuki, Kai used the mountain fist technique and with his palm pierced Mizuki's chest as the ras where the heart is located, one second and the body falls to the ground.

Kai- May the earth rest in peace to you murlo heh

Kai almost vomited when he looked at Mizuki's body, but he quickly recovered and immediately disappeared from this place.

Haha, how do you like it? Write your opinion in the comments, I don't know tomorrow there will be a chapter or not, if I will write and post the mood, I tried to make his choice to kill Mizuki more understandable, he did it not from a mission or because Mizuki is dangerous no Kai did it because he wanted This, he understood that someday he would have to do it gray, I can say right away in the next chapters you will see the consequences of his choice, but he will come through this period and everything will be fine, okay, everyone, until we meet again, do not be bored.